You know, I was going to post this tommorow, but screw it. I'll post it now! :D

Disclaimer - I own absolutly nothing I used. Now read on!


"He looks very depressed" the salesman said.

"Good." A voice said from behind him. The voice turned out to belong to Nightmare. "The more alone he feels in that world, the more darkness will take him over."

"Is there anything that can stop the transformation?" the salesman asked.

"It would take a sudden amount of extreme happiness to do that, and knowing Meta Knight, the odds of that are very low." Nightmare replied.

The salesman and Nightmare started to laugh, and the laughter got louder and louder.


That was when I woke up. My eyes were red, and my heart was beating faster then ever, as I slowly rose from my bed.

I sat in my room, staring out the window. My eyes were in green, as I was in deep thought. Horrible dreams and visions plagued me every time I closed my eyes and tried to rest. This resulted in many sleepless nights.

I felt so… alone. All I heard was that… laughter. It was Nightmare, I'm sure of it. I sighed.
Darkness was beginning to overcome me once again.

I had noticed that I had become much more depressed, and others saw this too. However, they did not realize how much of a monster I was. My craving for blood was becoming stronger every day. As a result, I had to separate myself from the villagers. I can never go watch Kirby fight Dedede's various demon beast, in fear that my thirst would overcome my will. I usually just stayed indoors and watched from afar, if I could. I wouldn't want anyone getting badly hurt because of me.

Especially her.

Before Kirby arrived, I had never really noticed Fumu. She was just the Cabinet Minister's daughter, who lived in the castle.
Then, Kirby arrived on Popstar.

She became Kirby's guardian, almost becoming his mother figure. She protected Kirby with her life. Because of this, I began talking to her often.

I soon found out that she was extremely smart little girl, whose intelligence surpassed her physical age immensely. She was, literally, the only one on this planet that I could hold a civilized conversation with.

As we progressed through Kirby's Star Warrior training, she often described me as cold hearted. At the same time, I was growing attached to her.
Sadly, if I got anywhere near her, I would probably develop a taste for her blood, and causing any physical or mental harm to her was the absolute last thing I wanted to do.

I decided to fly down to the beach. Maybe this would calm my nerves.
I transformed my cape into the pair of devil wings, and took off from the window still. I also cursed these wings. Sure, they were convenient, but they were just another sign that I was a demon beast.

I landed on the beach, and my wings reverted to their cape form. The sun was starting to set, and I looked onwards. The sky was painted with shades of red, orange, and pink. I sighed once again.

I felt the urge to take off my mask, so I did. I unhooked the strap, and let it drop to the sand. I felt the soft sea winds brushing against my face. It felt wonderful.

For the first time in quite a while, I smiled.

Then, I heard a small voice from behind me.

"Metanaito Kyou?" Fumu asked, walking towards me.
"Hello, Fumu" I said, trying to conceal my face as much as I could, even though she was standing behind me, and couldn't see it anyway.
"I couldn't find you at the castle, so I came looking for you" she said.
"And why were you looking for me?" I asked.

She walked closer, despite knowing that I had my mask off.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. You've seemed a bit… off, in the past week or so. Is everything alright?"
"No, not quite" I replied. She had no idea what was happening to me.
"You know you can tell me."

I thought for a moment. Did I trust Fumu enough to show my face before her? I decided that my verdict was "yes".
I turned around to look at her, face to face.

I expected to hear a giggle from her, but I heard nothing. She just stared at me.
"I suspected this" Fumu said, smiling lightly. "After all, you and Kirby have the same body shape, so I just logically thought you two were the same species. I was right"

I just looked down, in shame. The face that I had would cause ridicule to no end, if people found out. I suddenly felt Fumu's hand on my shoulder plate.

"You seriously don't think I'm going to tell people, do you? Meta Knight, I would never do that. You have been too good of a friend for me to betray you."
"Thank you Fumu. I appreciate your concern for me" I said, slightly feeling my face go red.

Fumu walked closer to me, her face very close to mine.

"Meta Knight, I trust you more than anyone in the world. You know that, right?"
"Now, I do." I replied.
"Good" she said.

Then, she leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. My face turned beet red and my eyes went wide. As she pulled away, Fumu giggled and smiled.

"Well, if you weren't feeling well, I hope that helped. I'll see you later." she said, winking at me, and running off of the beach.

I just stood there, my face still red, my gloved hand touching my cheek. I smiled again, my depression suddenly turning into happiness. I no longer felt alone.

In fact, I felt very loved.

 Muahahaha! My first shot at Meta Knight x Fumu, and I think it turned out pretty well! Now, I want your opinion. Please, take the time to review!

Until next time, dear readers!