"Bloom?" Stella entered the room and sat on the edge of Bloom's bed. "Hey Sweetie, I want to help you." Bloom looked up at Stella. "You have to let me help." Stella continued, grasping Bloom's hand in hers. Bloom forced a smile and said, "I'm fine, Stella." Stella shook her head.

"Come on, you know you need to tell someone what happened!" Stella replied. Bloom shook her head. "I can't." Stella grasped her hand more firmly. "If he threatened you… you know we'll protect you. We're the Winx! Besides, there are still the specialists! Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Helia and even Riven!" Bloom looked up. "But… "She whispered. "NO BUTS!" Stella raised her voice.

"We're all really worried for you, especially Sky. He's done nothing but rack his brains thinking of how to help you, to comfort you!" Stella pressed on. "All right." Bloom conceded. "But only Sky, you and Brandon, all right?" Stella smiled softly and nodded. Bloom whispered, "When I went back to Gardenia…"

Bloom skipped into Gardenia, delighted to be home for summer break. Suddenly, she was attacked from behind. She had no time to react before she crumpled into a heap on the pavement.

When Bloom woke up, she was magically bound, rendering her transformation useless. She struggled but when she heard footsteps, she kept silent, straining her ears. The door clicked open and in stepped…Diaspro.

Bloom gasped. "Diaspro?" she spoke. "Princess Diaspro to you, commoner." Diaspro spoke in a scathing tone.

"What do you want?" Bloom asked, struggling. "Don't struggle. It is useless. I want to teach you a lesson. This is what happens to little commoner girls who try to steal my boyfriend! Sky will break up with you, after we're done here!"

Bloom was puzzled. "What?" she asked. But Diaspro didn't explain. Instead she let in a lean, skinny man who leered at her. Bloom's heart thudded faster in her chest. What were they up to? The man leaned forward and surveyed her before nodding to Diaspro.

Diaspro quietly shut the door behind her. Bloom whispered her voice shaky, "What do you want?" The man sneered. "Your magic doesn't work here, little fairy. Now…" The man pounced on Bloom, ignoring her cries. He peeled off her clothes as Bloom sobbed, unable to fight him off. The man grabbed her roughly and Bloom closed her eyes, tears leaking out of them, not wanting to see him have her way with her.

Finally, Bloom lay sobbing in a corner after he had had his fun. He smirked and then told her, "Girly, if you tell ANYONE at all who is behind this or how I look like, I will hunt you down and kill you, and all your other little fairy friends too!" He released the magical bind on her and threw her clothes at her.

Stella stared as Bloom finished telling her story, tears rolling down her cheeks. Stella pulled Bloom into a hug and said, "You know what you need? You need Sky to comfort you. Give me time to tell them and I will make sure he's there for you." Wiping a tear off her cheek, she smiled at her. "Thanks, Stella."

Stella left the room and frowned. Picking up her phone, she dialed Brandon's number. "Brandon, I need to speak to you AND Sky. Come pick me up, alright? Then we'll go get somewhere to eat or something?" Stella giggled and hung up.

Flora entered the room and fell on the sofa with a sigh. "Hey Stella, how's Bloom?" Stella shrugged. "She should be getting better. You were out with Helia, weren't you!" she turned to question Flora who blushed and hurried back into the room she shared with Bloom.

"So Sunshine was your plan successful?" Brandon playfully grabbed Stella around the waist as they made their way to the restaurant. Stella nodded before ushering them to the seats.

"What?" Sky and Brandon had exclaimed in unison after Stella had hurriedly told them the story. "This means you absolutely cannot tell anyone else!" Stella whispered. They nodded and Stella continued, "Sky, she needs you now, more than ever." Sky nodded and got up.

"Brandon, we'll go see her later alright?" Stella told him. Brandon nodded and Sky spoke, "I'll give you a call once we're okay." Sky strode out of the restaurant, got onto his Wind Rider and swept off towards Alfea.

"Hey, Sky." Flora called as she spotted Sky scaling their balcony. Sky nodded to Flora and made his way into Bloom's room. With a brief knock at her door, he entered. Bloom was sitting in her bed and her eyes widened as she saw Sky move into the room. She lowered her eyes and turned away.

"Hey…" Sky whispered, perching himself on the edge of her bed. He pulled her into a hug and held her tightly as Bloom sobbed against his chest. He rocked her softly, stroking her long orange hair. "No matter what, I'll be there. If he dares to come near you, I'll kill him." He whispered and Bloom nodded silently, glad she finally had someone to lean on.

Sky gently laid Bloom's head on her pillow. Sky believed this would be the first time in a long while that she would sleep soundly. Quietly shutting the door behind him, he whispered to Flora not to wake Bloom up and promptly called Brandon.

"She's asleep now. Come over, maybe you can peek in on her. Then we'll come back tomorrow or something." Sky lowered his voice as he spoke to Brandon. As he hung up, he gazed out to the setting sun and softly sighed. He hoped Bloom would regain herself soon. He was so worried.

Sorry for the long wait!

How do you find it?? R&R please!