A/N: I got this twisted Crossover idea a few days ago and told my idea to my room mate as we walked through the park at midnight on our way home after leasing our friend Tanin back to her door after the Anime-Night, she really loved the idea and so I decided to write it, pairings will be easy to notice if you ask me…

I. The invitation


It all started as a normal eventless day in the space-basis of the Justice League, everyone was doing they work to keep one eye on the blue planet they called they home even if there weren't any major problems in the last two months.

"Man, what happened to all the bad guys are they taking a vacation?" whined Wally West or better know by the world as Flash as he laid his head on the cafeteria table.

"Well it is true that we had it rather easy in the past two months, but you know that such times are always the silence before the storm, well according to Batman." answered the man sitting opposite to him, an arrow in his hand.

"Yes I know, but…" but Flash was interrupted as the speaker suddenly went on.

"Flash come immediately to the main conference room." come the monotonic voice of the Martian Manhunter J'onn.

"See what I…" but Flash was already away.

Meanwhile in the main conference room sat the seven founding members of the League namely; Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, J'onn, Superman, Wonder Woman they eyes looking at the big screen on which currently the president of the United States stood.

"I'm happy that you answered so quickly." the president said addressing the members.

"What can we do for you Mr. President?" Superman asked the man poliently.

"You know that since some years our country tries to make amends with Japan and settle all things that went wrong in the past and today I received a letter, more correctly an invitation to Ankoku Bujutsukai Tournament, I can't go sadly, but I would like to send a team there to fight, the team must be made out of five people."

"Wow a fight tournament sounds interesting." Flash exclaimed in excitement.

"Do you know any more specific details?" Batman asked in his usual tone.

"Not fully expect that they say that who ever wins the Tournament will not be know as the strongest, but also every team member can ask for one wish to be granted to them according to our informator it can be any wish even the raising of death people back to live as if they would have never passed away." this made the seven superheroes stare at the screen wide eyed.

"Are you serious?" Green Lantern asked while Wonder Woman threw a side glance at Batman who was still staring at the screen unmoving.

"Yes, the comity have that power to grant the winners they greatest desires. So how will you decide?"

"We accept." come the united reply.

"Weary well the Tournament will be held on Hanged Man Island the coordinates will arrived in a few minutes." The president said as the screen turned off.

"Well that name sounds nice." replied Hawkgirl, arms folded in front of her chest.

"We should decide who will go." Batman said.

"Well I will stay." J'onn replied he wasn't to fond of the idea to go on a tournament with to many humans, they helped on the earth everywhere, but in Japan they had strangely not many work or absolutely none.

"And I will also stay." Hawkgirl said.

"Well then it is decided." Superman said with a little smile on his lips.

"YES! Ankoku Bujutsukai here we come!" Flash cheered while Superman looked at the map, Batman on the other hand had other things on his mind, there was a way he could see his parents again or even change his past.


Meanwhile at the same time in a house in Japan…

A dark haired boy was sitting on the couch dark brown eyes looking at the redhead in the chair sitting opposite from him.

"I see, so we got invited to a new Tournament." The redhead said calmly.

"Yes, I have already talked with the others Kuwabara is in, Hiei also agreed with Mukuro being invited as a special guest." Yusuke said grinning.

"Yes I would have thought that he would not let her go without him." Kurama said smiling, the fire youkai come two months ago to them and told the group that he claimed the woman as his mate and that she was expecting. Yusuke and Kuwabara nearly choked on they sandwiches while he only nearly spit his tea out from surprise.

"Koenma will probably also come and as for the fifth person I wanted to ask you if…" Yusuke trailed of as Shiori entered the room with a plate of tea.

"I think he will be glad to join." she said with a kind smile.

Shiori Minamino/Hatanaka and her new family got confronted with the truth from Kurama about his past and his friends plus a certain person who was the main ground why he finally told them, after the incident with his little step-brother walking in on him while he laid on his desk with a certain blackhead on top of him both clad in only a few clothing types or what was left of those clothes that it. Surprisingly took Shiori it rather good as did the rest of the family and Shuichi decided to his brother's relief to not mention the accident.

"Great." Yusuke exclaimed grinning.

"Uhm…by the way Kaasan where is he?" Kurama asked as he took a sip from his tea.

"He is helping your brother with his chemistry experiment." she said smiling as Kurama spit his tea out and Yusuke started coughing.

"Would you please excuse me." Kurama said as he calmly stood up, but in the exact moment he turned around he started dashing like mad to the stairs. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CHEMICALS!" he yelled.

"The tea is wonderful Mrs. Minamino." Yusuke replied as they heard a door being broken down closely followed by a new scream from Kurama.


To be continued…