I don't know why but the flock has seemed sort of distant the passed few days and has been having conversations behind my back. "Ok what's going on?"

Fang took in a breath "We want you to leave."

I was shocked. "Wh-Wh-What do you mean leave?" Nudge spoke up "you have to go now." Her eyes were glued to the floor so I couldn't see them. I asked "Why?!" Angel said sweetly "we know you've been tracking device used for school and we can't risk taking chance of going back."

"So leave or else" Fang said as they went into fighting mode. My hands curled into fists as I yelled "FINE LETS SEE HOW YOU DO ON YOUR OWN AND DON'T EXPECT ME TO COME SAVE YOUR SORRY BUTTS!"

I woke up startled with cold sweat running down my face. It had been two years since that day. Now im living in California with my new family. I go to the new school for mutants and have a great life. My house is on a hill and looks like one from a Japanese Catalogue. I live with Mantis (my baby), Monkey the prankster, Viper the crazy, Tigeress the tough, and the yin and yang twins.

Mantis is the youngest in our group he is turning 8 this year. He has dark hair and the most beautiful emerald eyes. He would never hurt anyone unless in defense or threatened or if he wants to. He makes a smile come to my face everyday and is just soooo cute!

Monkey is 10 and the one everyone keeps an eye on. He is like a little spy and puts pranks in the weirdest places. He can make a pencil explode right in your face and then a pie comes from out of the air! He is the happy go lucky one and keep you laughing forever. He has platinum blonde hair and has shifting blue and gray eyes.

Viper is 12 and is non-stop party. She aggravates me to the point where I will explode from the constant music playing in my ear. She tries everything and will act as though she has been given nothing but coffee her whole life. She has lilac (I don't even want to know how it got like that) hair to her waist and a pale complexion.

Tigeress is 16 and my right hand man err woman. She's tough but after a while opens up and is sweet. She won't stop till she is the best and pushes herself and me to reach for the impossible. She has short bright orange hair with black streaks in it. She has a visible build but not like Arnold Shwartzanegger (a/n idk if I spelt that right)

Last but not least the yin and yang twins. They are the only related people in our group and are 16 also. Yin is the wild one that is a total rebel and flirts with everyone that can were a skirt. He is one of the most popular and voted hottest guy of the year. Ug I sound like a prep (a/n no offense to any preppy people). His brother is the total opposite. Yang is the sweetest guy ever and you'd love him the second you'd meet him. He's shy and quiet and doesn't think of any girl as more than a friend as far as I am aware of. Both are funny and over protective plus nice. Yin has jet-black long hair tied in a ponytail and eyes as dark as night while Yang has short shaggy black hair with gold eyes.

"Hey Max time for school!" Yin shouted, "We're waiting" I roll my eyes and sigh. On our way to school we see a bunch of Flyboys attacking a few kids and they were losing badly. So being the generous person I am I go help and took out about fifty Flyboys when they all fly away. I grin and ask "who are you guys and how can you lose to a few Flyboys?"


My eyes widened. Fang looked up all dirty with scratches and was shocked. I realized that I just broke what I said I wouldn't do. I use a birdcall and my family got behind each one of the flock members and pushed a pressure point and each one of them blacked out. Yang asked "will you be alright?" I hid my face in my eyes and said "lets get to school"