"PLACES EVERYONE!" this is gonna be my first holiday fic so I hope it will be good. I got the idea suddenly and It wouldn't go away so I figure I might as well and it might be good no? Read and review!

Aaaahhh Halloween. The time where its ok to dress up and you can be whatever you feel like, the time when u get free candy and get to gorge yourself on it. For some, it is a time of superstition and perhaps even fear. For Bolt the Wolf, it is both.

Bolt was excited for Halloween. He was going to die his fur black and paint his armor to match. Maybe pull a few pranks and get some candy. "This concludes our monster movie-a-thon. All you kids watching out there have a safe and happy Halloween!" Bolt clicked off the TV. It was the day before Halloween and he had been watching the marathon of both old and new scary movies. Most weren't very scary to him but a few had some chills. " I especially liked the one about the werewolves." He said to his friends who had come over to watch as well, figuring that it would be scarier in dark woods than in a street lamp lit city.

"Don't worry, lycanthropy (werewolfness) doesn't run in my family's veins. Or so I think muhahahahahha!" Bolt said in a scary tone.

"Im pretty sure im not a vampire, but I've been wrong before!" Rouge said with a smile.

"All those story's about vampires and werewolves are just that, STORIES" Tails said.

"Leave it to a scientist to put down millions of years of superstition." Sonic said. "After all that time and all those stories someone had to have been on to something."

"I suppose, but it was probably just an overreaction to a wild dog or a bat." Tails told them.

"Who really cares?" Shadow, silent up until now, said.

"There might actually be those mean creatures out there?" Cream, who had been in another room watching less scary films with Blaze, said looking frightened.

"Oh there's no need to worry Cream, Even if there was I would protect you." Tails said. Then realizing what just came out he looked down and blushed. After talking a bit more everyone started to go home to get some rest for tomorrows trick-or-treating. After everyone departed Bolt and Ren looked at each other, then the mess and said in unison

"Ill do it tomorrow." They then headed off to there respective bedrooms. While Ren fell asleep almost instantly Bolt was having some insomnia. He walked to the kitchen groggily to get a glass of water. He wasn't watching where he was going and tripped on something. He hit the floor hard and started to fall asleep, watching the almost full moon through an open window.

OK so I know this chapter was really short but im saving more for the next one. Review please, it means a lot!