She was perfect. Beautiful as a summer's day, pure and innocent as a child.

Surrounded by such corruption and evil her smile was like sunlight, her laughter like a breath of fresh air.

Beckett loved her.

But Beckett was a fool.

The world was rotten and nothing could stay undefiled for long.

It should have been so simple, a business transaction that was beneficial to both parties. No one should have got hurt. But when dealing with pirates who could tell?

Beckett had expected the pirate to go back on his word but this was something else.

He'd done the unthinkable.

"It was only a kiss, mate." The pirate had laughed, but it wasn't only a kiss. Nothing was only a kiss to Beckett.

She was defiled, spoilt, no longer pure, no longer perfect.

She'd just stood silently to one side her pale skin flushed, her smooth hair ruffled.

Beckett couldn't even look at her.

He certainly could no longer live with her.

That was why she'd had to die. It was for her own good. She no longer had to live in this world of corruption and hate and in death her pale skin seemed to glow; her perfect lips seemed unspoilt once more.

Beckett died too. But first he'd had to deal with the pirate, if he could ever catch him, and also he'd deal with the world.

He smiled about it, even now.

He had a purpose. He had an aim.

Maybe he was mad? Maybe not?

Maybe it would have been better if he were?
