Author's note: Hey everyone! It's been... I think... 2 years (LOL) since I last wrote a story. Now I'm trying again after I found this awesome pairing (GaryxAsh/ShigeruxSatoshi)! I just loved the pairing so much I decided to write something. Sorry if I have any grammatical errors (English isn't my native language). If anyone is willing to be my beta (Uh- is that right? I've never had one before XD) or someone who reads the chapters before I post them then please just send me a message! Please read and review- no flames and constructive criticism is very welcome. Another thing- If I mention some Japanese stuff like food and traditions and am unable to explain them in this story, please just look them up at Wikipedia or Yahoo! Image search :P Enjoy XD

Chapter note: Ash's personality is a bit darker than I intended- but it'll improve in the later chapters.

Chapter One: Meet Ash

(Ash POV)

Hi. My name is Satoshi Ketchum. But you can call me Ash. I'm 16 years old and in high school. In class I'm known as the Nobody. There's nothing interesting about my life and I'm pretty sure nobody would miss me if I suddenly vanished. In my eyes I'm pretty normal- The boy who's got stable grades and a place to live in. But my otherwise normal life changed on a certain night I was walking home alone from a long day at school. I had no idea why that happened to my- maybe it was fate? Maybe the gods were playing a trick on me? But from that night on things were never the same...

--- --- ---

Beep beep beep...

I was seated under a giant sakura tree. Someone, probably as old as me, was standing before me. The full moon above us illuminated his pale skin, making it emit a seemingly ethereal glow. I tried to move but my limbs failed me. His white hair danced with the wind and I could see that he was wearing a gentle smile. But other than his smile and his hair, the rest of his features were blurred. I could also what he was wearing, which were old Japanese court robes that you'd commonly see a Shinto priest wear (Sokutai and Hakama). I tried to speak but again, I found that I couldn't. Who is this boy? Why is he here? I was shaken out of my thoughts he suddenly disappeared, along with the moon and the stars, leaving me alone in the darkness of the night. From nowhere, numerous frightening demons of all shapes and sizes appeared and stared at me hungrily, as though I was an overstuffed turkey that had the sign "EAT ME" attached to it. They slowly advanced towards me. I tried to move, I tried to scream, but once again I found that I couldn't do the otherwise simple acts. I certainly didn't want it to end this way, but what else could I do? I uttered a silent prayer, wishing that it would be quick and painless. But to my surprise, someone jumped between the demons and me, as if acting as a shield. And as soon as they came, the demons were gone. The mysterious figure, obviously not the white haired boy, looked over its shoulder and flashed me a smile. And I knew that everything was going to be alright...


--- --- ---

(Normal POV)


"Alright! I'm up!" said Ash as he got up. He slammed the stop button on his alarm clock and looked the flashing numbers on the screen. 5:00 A.M. His first class was at 8. Ash stood up and proceeded to the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth and took a bath. He got dressed and once again looked at the time. He still had two hours and thirty minutes. Ash always did intentionally wake up early. One reason was because it was his nature to go to school early. Another was because he had to cook his own lunch. Ash proceeded to cooking food then he stuffed it into his bento box (Japanese version of the lunch box). By the time he was done, he only had an hour left. He used up 15 minutes to clean up the apartment he lived in. 45 minutes left. Ash put his backpack on and took two red incense sticks from the drawers and lit them with the stove at the kitchen. He put set them on the bowl of sand in front of the Buddhist altar that was obviously used to hold such things. He looked at the name written on the tablet. It was his mother's name. His mother died when he was only 9 years old. Ash sighed. He really did miss his mother, but he had to live with her absence. He took some pocket money from the envelope that contained the money that his aunt who lived in America had sent him.

Ash walked his usual route to school. Soon he arrived at the grounds of Pallet High, where other teenagers like him went to study. Pallet High wasn't what Ash called a plain school, but it wasn't exactly flashy either. He entered the main doors, mentally preparing himself for another mundane day.

--- --- ---

Ash put some stuff in and took some stuff out of his locker. When he turned around he saw an all too familiar couple walking the corridors of Pallet High.

Misty and Brock.

They had been his best friends once. They were the first ones to befriend him when he arrived at Pallet High. They were the ones to keep him company whenever he was alone and he appreciated it a lot. But when the two started dating a year ago, he immediately felt left out and as if he didn't belong anymore. Ash really missed them, but if they were happier without him then he would be the first one to keep distance. That was Ash for you. Always putting his friends before himself.

Misty caught Ash staring at them. She waved a hand and so did Brock. Ash returned the favor by smiling brightly and waving in return. But soon, the two were back in their own world, a world that Ash had no place in. Ash turned back to his locker and got done with his business. He locked it and turned to go to his next class when-


Metal collided with Ash's face when his neighbor's locker suddenly opened and hit Ash's nose, which began bleeding. The other person closed their locker again to check on the damage they did by accident.

"Wooops- That was pretty clumsy of you, Ashy-boy." said the boy Ash knew all too well. Shigeru "Gary" Oak. One of Pallet High's most handsome and talented boys. Great dancer, Athletic, Nice body, Smart, Rich and has his head high up in the clouds. Ash's temper began to rise and before he knew it, he was blowing up at Gary.

"Now it's my fault?! In case you haven't noticed, I'm the one who's bleeding here!! And I'm not the one who opens lockers so violently when someone is standing beside them!" Ash's right hand was busy pinching his nose to keep the blood in and the other arm was flailing around to add drama to Ash's tantrum.

"Well, Ash. When a person is done their locker, they usually take a step backward, not sideward." said Gary as-a-matter-of-fact. The smug look on Gary's face annoyed Ash to the point that he wanted to strange the little creep. But before he could do anything else, he was thrown to the wall and pinned to it by a blonde girl. He didn't know the girl's name but he knew that he was one of "Gary's Angels." A 'perfect' guy like Gary was incomplete without a fan club. Ash called Gary's fan club "Gary's Ninjas" because they had the creepy ability to keep themselves hidden when stalking Gary. The top 3 overpowered girls of Gary's Ninjas were called Gary's Angels. They were like his bodyguards and followed him almost everywhere.

"Oh Gary! Did this nobody hurt you? Did he touch scratch your beautiful, beautiful face? You! How dare you dirty Gary's ears with your impure words?!" She ran over to Gary and wrapped her arms around his waist. The act revealed how thin Gary really was. Over-reacting was one thing. But Ash concluded that this girl was a certified DRAMA QUEEN.

"Are you blind, woman?! I'm the one bleeding here!" Ash began his tantrum again.

"And who cares, may I ask?" said the blond with much malice. Ash calmed down a bit.

'She's right. Nobody does...' Ash mentally spoke to himself. He looked at his surroundings and saw that everyone was staring at him. Majority of the girls had angry faces. Ash just looked at his own shoes and wiped his bloody nose with his handkerchief. He turned away, not even bothering to continue the conversation and forgetting the apology that he deserved from Gary.

--- --- ---

"Great." Ash mumbled to himself. He had just come from the clinic to get his nose cleaned. Fortunately, the nurse said that his nose wasn't broken. But he was still pretty down from the earlier events and was now late for class. He knocked gently on the door of his classroom to announce his presence and opened it. To his surprise, the teacher wasn't there yet. He saw Gary at the very front, but he didn't really want to look at the retard as of the moment. He sat down at his usual chair, which was at the very back of the room. As soon as he was seated, their teacher, Professor Oak, who was also Gary's grandfather, arrived.

"Good Morning, class. I apologize for being late. I had to run some papers for an incoming student. It seems that he's going to be in the same class as you." said Professor Oak, who now had everyone's attention. "He's a transfer student from Kyoto. He seems to be a nice boy. Oh, I almost forgot! Don't ask about his hair. It's natural. And now for today's lesson..."

--- --- ---

After his class with Professor Oak, the old man had asked him to see him after his last period in the afternoon. Ash walked through the almost empty corridors of the school, looking out the windows. The sunny weather of that morning had taken a turn for the worst and now the sky was dark and grey. It was raining too. Ash entered the old man's office and Professor Oak immediately asked him to sit down.

"So, Ash. How have you been?" the man asked with a gently smile. Professor Oak was one of the only people to truly care for him. Ever since his mother died, Professor Oak had taken the role of a parent to Ash. Professor Oak would sometimes ask him to visit him at his office or at their house (to Ash it was a mansion). Most of the time the professor was busy with work, so they rarely got to talk at his office and Ash didn't really want to step foot in the house where Shigeru Oak lived.

"I'm doing well, sir." Ash said with a smile. Professor Oak knew a lie when he saw one, but he decided not to make Ash uncomfortable by squeezing the truth out of him. After all, the boy needed all the understanding and comfort that he could get.

"Ash, what happened this morning reached my ears. I'm very sorry for what Gary did this morning. He's usually such a nice boy but the treatment you get from him is... kind of unique. I don't know why he acts like that towards you. You used to be very good friends!" said Professor Oak.

'Used to be...'

--- --- ---

"Mom, where are we going?" asked a 7-year-old Ash. His eyes widened at the sight of the great black gates that opened before him, which led to a castle that he saw in his story books.

"To mommy's new job, dear. Now remember what I told you. Stay put and don't break anything!" his mother said with a smile.

"Yes, mommy. Are there any kids I can play with?" asked Ash.

"Yes dear, and I'm sure you'll like them." said Ash's mother. They walked into a huge hall that Ash stared at with awe. His mother chuckled. Professor Oak walked out of nowhere and welcomed his new secretary. But Ash noticed something brown and spiky hiding behind the white coat that the older man was wearing. The thing poked its head out and they made eye contact for a few seconds. Ash became even more curious. He went around his mommy's new boss, but the other person always went the other way. After a while of going round and round, Professor Oak decided to intervene and stopped his grandson, Gary, from hiding from the other boy. Wide emerald green eyes stared into equally bright and wide brown eyes for a few seconds.

"Hi. My name is Ash. Friends?" said the brown eyed boy with a smile, while holding his hand out. The other boy turned beet red and hid behind his grandfather's lab coat. The old man chuckled and pushed his grandson towards the boy.

"Hello, Ash. His name is Gary and he I'm pretty sure he's very pleased to meet you." said the old man with a smile. "Isn't that right, Gary?" the emerald eyed boy, still blushing, nodded very furiously. "Well, let's leave the two alone, shall we?"

--- --- ---

"Ow! It hurts..." 8-year-old Ash whined as fresh tears ran down his cheeks.

"C'mon, Ash! Don't be such a crybaby! We have to get home before it rains!" said a dirtied Gary. He looked at Ash's ankle, which really didn't look pretty. He felt guilty for being to mean to the first friend he's ever had and his only best friend. But I would be much worse if Ash got wet. He'd get sick and Gary didn't want that.

"But I can't..." said Ash.

"Than wait here, I'll get help." said Gary, who was about to get ready to sprint.

"Gary... Don't leave me... I don't wanna be alone..." said Ash, even more tears rushing down his cheeks. Gary felt like crying too, but he didn't want to make Ash any more distressed.

"Alright, hop on my back."


"I said hop on my back and we'll find a place to stay til the rain passes."

"...Okay." Ash steadied himself and hopped onto Gary's back.

"You're really heavy Ash." whined Gary.


"Don't be." Gary said with a slight smirk as he began walking.



"Thank you."

"For what?" asked Gary.

"For being so nice to me."

"Don't be silly. I have to be nice. I'm your friend!"



"Will you always be my friend?" quipped Ash.

"Don't worry. I will." said Gary with a serene smile unseen by Ash.



The next day the police found two boys in a cave, cuddled against each other. For some strange reason they had their pinkies tied to each other, as if they had just made a promise.

--- --- ---


"Oh- yeah!" Ash was snapped out of his thoughts by the professor's voice.

"Again, I'm really sorry for what Gary did. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it." said the old man.

"Of course, sir. Uh- It's late sir... I'd better get going." Ash stared at the window outside. The rain wasn't stopping and it seemed as if it had no intention of doing so.

"Alright, Ash. But remember. If you ever need anything, be it money or advice, please don't hesitate to come to me. Alright?" said the old man in a serious manner.

"Alright, sir. I'll remember that." said Ash, before saying goodbye and going off. Professor Oak saw that it was still raining outside. He wanted to offer an umbrella but he was too late, Ash was gone. Sometimes it surprise him how well Ash could cope despite that everything that happened in his life.

--- --- ---

Ash walked the streets that led to his house. He didn't even bother on avoiding the rain. He'd get wet anyway. And he was too depressed to care about his health. Ash would have walked on an on, not caring if a vehicle suddenly passed in front of him or even hit him. But something white lying on the side of the road caught his eye. It was a dead animal. It was cat to be precise. But it was no ordinary cat. It was a cat Ash knew very well. Ever since Ash lost his mother and his friends, he had been going in and out of depression. For some reason, whenever he was sad or depressed, a fluffy white cat would come to him and smother him with its attention. Ash always appreciated the animal's concern and had come to love the creature.

Ash took the dead animal in his arms, not caring if anyone saw him and go "Eeeew". Ash cradled the creature in his arm and recalled the events that morning.

And who cares, may I ask?

'Nobody does...' said Ash to himself.

"Maybe..." Ash said to no one in particular. The whole area was empty and he probably was the only person there.

"Maybe... I'll die like this... Alone..." silently, Ash let the tears fall.


From a small distance, a tall brown haired figure frowned. Gary had been feeling guilty all day and decided that he really should apologize to Ash. Despite the distance, Gary heard what Ash said. And even if it was raining, Gary knew that tears were running down Ash's face. Gary knew that Ash wasn't really emotionally strong. He just didn't know that the boy was so... fragile. Suddenly Ash began walking towards the western part of town, where there was a forest. He was probably going to burry the animal.

--- --- ---

Ash arrived at the place where the ground wasn't covered with concrete and cement: The forest. Ash wasn't stupid. He knew he didn't bring a shovel with him. But he knew the gods gave him hands to work with. So he began digging the muddy soil with his hands. He cradled the deceased cat once more in his arms before putting it in its grave. Ash finished burying it and said a Buddhist prayer for the dead. He stood up and stared at the sky. The rain began to weaken.

"Alone..." Ash said bitterly. "Why can't you just get it over with and kill me right now?" he said as he glared at the skies. After he said that, he saw a green flash of lightning.

"Green?" he said, bewildered. Suddenly, a green ray of energy came from the sky and hit Ash squarely on the chest, leaving him unconscious.

-- --

Gary saw the whole even and rushed towards his friend, fearing that the boy was dead. He immediately checked for a pulse and found one. A weak one- but it was the pulse of a living person. He immediately threw Ash on his back as ran towards the hospital.

--- --- ---

After the two figures had gained distance, a boy suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing a red hakama and a white kimono top. Strong spiritual energy radiated from the area. He had felt it from far away. He looked at the spiritual signature that the foreign power had left. It was half a yin-yang symbol.