Note: Got a new computer so the updates will begin.

"We have to get through this." Raye said.

They had found a tunnel that would soon lead to a surface area. As they were trudging through the darkness they heard a growl from somewhere behind them.

"What was that?" Raye asked grabbing hold of Justin

"I'm not sure. Maybe we should get out of here quickly." He said bravely.

There was no way he was going to truly chicken out in front of her now. He hugged her tightly.

Before for the could continue, Justin yelled out in pain. Something was biting his ankle. Raye screamed as she saw a wolf biting her precious Justin. She searched frantically in the dark for something to beat the beast. She felt some thing metal and she picked it up and started to beat the animal.

When the animal let go and fell to the ground, Justin gathered all the strength he had and stood with Raye's help. The began to run or hobble the best that they could. As soon as they got closer to light they noticed some stairs. They quickly climbed them and from behind them they could hear the wolf howl.

"Almost there." She breathed

The closer they got they noticed two figures.

"Ahhhh! We're gonna die" Raye said collapsing to the ground, Justin right along with her.

"Justin? Raye?" Darien said flashing the flashlight on them

"Darien! Help us! We are so glad to see you guys. Justin is hurt. I was bitten by a wolf and it's still behind us." Darien quickly helped his best friend up and they all started back towards the others.

"You know I believe someone set this up." Darien said looking at everyone

"Probably so. But who? I mean this was too detailed to be a regular haunted trail. Plus why isn't anyone else here but us?" Ami asked logically.

They heard a girlish giggle and Mandy appeared.

"I did" She snarled.

"Why?" Darien asked coming up to her.

"You and that girl friend of yours made me too angry." She said looking at nails, "My uncle owns this land and he does this hill every year. Well when your girlfriend pissed me off she was going to be the only target tonight. BUT when you rejected me I thought why not make them all pay."

Lita was so angry, that she charged Mandy and punched her. Mandy fell to the ground knocked out.

"Excuse me, Sere can I have that whip please?" Lita asked sweetly.

"Uh, sure." She said handing it to Lita.

Lita grabbed the whip and Mandy's ankle.

"I'll be back."

Lita headed down and trail dragging Mandy after her. She quickly tied her to the tree and hurried back to her friends .

"That was great!" Nathan said laughing.

"Thanks!" She said proudly.

"Well I hate to ruin the moment…but my back is stinging and I need food!" Serena whined.

"Carry me" She held her arms out to Darien dramatically.

Darien sighed and walked over and picked her up.

"Are you satisfied or do you need a bottle?" Darien asked amused.

"I'm fine" She said sharply.

"Well some one need to call the police for the psycho people who set this crazy killing place." Ami said.

"Right. Andy call you're the police." Rita said hugging him.

Andrew quickly called and explained the situation.

Serena relaxed into the cool leather of Darien's car as they drove.

"OH NO!" She screeched.

"What is it?" he asked bringing the car to a screeching halt.

"Mina and Michael." was all she could say.

Darien quickly turned the car around an headed back to horror hill.

"Mimi, it'll be okay. Maybe the others aren't here." Michael said to Mina stroking her hair.

They felt like they'd been wandering through the forest forever. They thought they heard sirens earlier but they were so far away they couldn't tell.

"Hopefully they will hurry." She said weakly.

She had been bruised pretty bad and she was aching all over. At that time Serena and Darien were running in their direction hoping they were on the right track. It was so dark but all they could think about was their friends.

"You guys!" Darien called.

Michael sat up to the sound of his friend's voice.

"Over here!" He called back.

Michael looked back down in his arms at Mina and smoothed her hair.

"Finally. They are coming." He murmured to her.

Darien and Serena were trying to catch their breaths as they reached them.

"Where were you guys?" Mina asked weakly.

"We've been searching frantically" Serena lied partially.

"Oh…okay." Mina said close to a whisper.

"Let's go." Darien said helping Michael and Mina off the ground.

At Raye's House…

Everyone was enjoying the peace and quiet tending to their mates. Michael was taking Mina a sponge bath. Maybe being dragged by a psycho wasn't so bad if she got this kind of treatment. Michael was sweet but he never showed this kind of tenderness to her. She rarely saw this side of him.

"Thanks honey for doing this." She said quietly resting against the side of the tub.

"Anything for you. Do you want me to get something to eat?" He asked rinsing her off.

"No, I'm fine for now. Maybe some tea later?"

He smiled and kissed her forehead.

Amy was holding ice to Zack's head.

"That's so cold", Zach whined.

Amy laughed at him.

"Well, it is necessary. I will bandage it up in a moment." She informed in a professional voice which caused him to laugh more.

"Yes doctor." He joked.

Lita washed and bandaged Nathan's arm. He grumbled about being okay and she could stop fussing over him.

"Hey, Mister, no kisses unless you take this like a man." Lita scowled.

Nathan glumly agreed but smiled thinking of his kisses to come.

Raye tended to Justin's bite while scowling him.

"You should have known something creeping up on you. Don't let anything attack you again. I can't handle it if something happens to you." She fussed.

Justin smirked as he listened to her carry on.

"Hun, I'm alright." He reminded turning her face to him.

She was caught off guard as he captured her lips sweetly with his. After a few moments, she reluctantly pulled away from the kiss.

"Um, I forgot I left some brownies in the oven. I'll be right back."

Darien was finishing up massaging Serena with a sweet kiss on the back of her neck. They were in the living room by the fire place.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked sitting back.

Serena nodded happily and sat up stretching.

She held her towel around her tightly and relaxed back into his arms.

"Well if you're feeling better, why don't you go change?" He asked her huskily.

It wasn't safe for her to be all over him with barely nothing on and their friends only seconds away.

"Maybe in a few minutes." She said huskily turning around putting her arms around his neck.

Darien hungrily kissed her without a second thought. She maneuvered herself into straddling him without breaking the kiss. They were both fighting for dominance for minutes when Raye walked in and cleared her throat. She was headed to the brownies.

"Excuse me you two, but uh get a room. That's why there is more than enough space here." She said rolling her eyes.

Darien chuckled and sat back against the sofa. He reluctantly let his hand drop from her.

"Man Raye! It's always you who have to ruin things." Serena pouted.

Sighing, Raye rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

"What am I going to do with you?" She asked shaking her head.

"I don't know? Do I smell brownies?! I want one." Serena said sheepishly.

Serena jumped up and ran over to Raye.

"Go change first!" Raye frowned playfully before heading into the kitchen.

Darien sighed frustrated, it was moments like this that really got to him, but oh well.

By the time Serena came down stairs everyone was in pajamas and in the living room with plates of brownies and milk. She quickly returned to Darien's side and grabbed a brownie.

"You know, next year we should all stay at home." Lita said biting a brownie.

"I agree." Amy piped up.

Everyone agreed and began to talk about what happened to them that night…and that's how they all spent the rest of their Halloween Night- together. They wanted a fun treat but got a real trick.