Chapter One

Chapter One Normal Day

Alex Rider wanted nothing more then to be normal. But yet he knew that would never happen, he has seen too much. More then a 14-year-old boy to see. He sullenly sat in his ninth year math class, trying in vain to pay attention. But his mind kept going back to Ash, his godfather. It had been three weeks since his time with the ASIS, and a week since his coming back to school.

He remembered his first day back to school, with a grimace. It had been nearly three months since he was last there. He had been there since Scorpia shot him. He had walked into the school receiving weird looks from his classmates. And of course the gossip and the whispers about him. If only the knew. He thought sullenly. Tom had told him the rumors, some he being a druggy, that he was going in and out of jail or rehab, or he being in a gang. His 'sicknesses' had be come something of talk lately.

He slowly walked down the halls, stopping in front of his locker. "12-15-49" He whirled around.

"TOM!" He said happily, "12-15-49? Right?" He next said, and Tom eagerly nodded his head.

"Good to see you mate!"

"Tom! I say you yesterday! Or what? You have a bad memory? Well you're math grades show that!" He added and Tom gave him a playful shove.

"Yah! Like you are no better Al!" Alex raised his eyebrows, at his best mate. Tom grinned and so did Alex. Quickly opening his locker and pulling out his science note book. "Ready Al?"

"Lets go! For once I'm ready for Mrs. Walders pop quiz Mondays!" He added with a sly grin. Carefully walking through the hall, getting even more strange looks. "Take a picture, it last longer." He said to a group of girls in his year, who where whispering and pointing at him. They where slightly taken aback at his words.


"Welcome back, Mr. Rider." Mrs. Walders spoke as he entered the classroom; he detected a slight hint of venom in her voice. He nodded with a small smile, she then nodded, and he took his seat towards the back next to Tom.

"Already in trouble with the teachers Al? If so that's a new record even for me!"

"Shut it Tom! No one can beat you're record!"

"Okay class lets begin today with a pop quiz!" Groans filled the air.


Lunch began, with whispers, again. He sat down at an empty table, people looked at him funny. Tom sat down next to him. Earning a few stares, that said what the hell are you doing! He rolled his eyes at them.

Looking about it know, it was just a normal day.


The ring of the end bell made his head snap and scan the room for an attack. Nothing. God how much he hated Blunt! Now even the bell made him feel jumpy! He gave a sigh and grabbed his books, then slowly heading into the crowded hallway, wishing that Tom, his only friend, wasn't sick.

Glumly he walked down the hall stopping in his tracks when he heard a familiar voice coming behind him. "Yah Vermont was great! Some of the best snow boarding I did in a while! Though I still have a little jet lag!" It was Will Wilkford, the popular, and Alex's past tormentor. He tried to go un-noticed but a hand grabbed his shoulder and whirled him around. "Well well! If it isn't sickly Alex! What was it this time? To much pot?" He sneered in his face. Wilkford was a handsome boy, with brown hair and eyes with an athletic body. Though the poll that went through the girls, all said they thought Alex was hotter then Wilkford.

"Leave me a lone Wilkford." He mumbled, his eyes beginning to flash dangerously. By this a tight circle of curious students formed around them, hoping to catch the action.

"No I'm not Rider, or should I say Druggie? How about I re-arrange the pretty little face of you're?"

"You know that you wouldn't do that here." Alex said bluntly.

"Oh and why is that?"

" 'Cause is coming."

Sure enough the head master came around the corner. Seeing the group he walked over. "Break it up! Go home!" He snapped, and like ants everyone scurried away off to homeroom, the home. Wilkford shoved passed him, and Alex caught himself on the row of lockers. So maybe it wasn't an ordinary day.