Behind Closed Doors

Author's Notes: This came to me after watching Anthony Head singing at the Rocky Horror Picture Show Anniversary. It's on YouTube if you guys want to check it out. So, this was born and because tomorrow's Halloween, it's a present for all you readers.

Plus, it's really funny. And I'm going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show tomorrow night!

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Behind Closed Doors

Xander reveled in the quiet of the Cleveland mansion. It was a week before Halloween and Buffy and Faith had taken the slayers-in-training to the graveyard for some last minute training session and a lecture on the evils of Halloween costumes. Xander enjoyed Halloween, it was a day-off and he desperately needed a day-off.

He wandered through the halls, moving towards the guest room where Giles was staying in. Willow wanted to do some last minute shopping and Xander offered to invite G-Man along for the ride. He really didn't want to be alone with Willow when she was in one of her ranting moods about commercialization of the holidays and the stereotype of witches.

"G-Man, we're going to the mall, wanna come?" Xander knocked on the door. He could hear a familiar tune through the wood and furrowed his eyebrows. He thought Giles was more of the blue-sy type of music fan. The one-eyed man pushed open the door, intending to find out what was going on.

What he saw disturbed him greatly.

Giles was dressed in short, high-heeled ankle boots, a leather jacket and a leather corset. There was a brush in his hand and he was applying eyeliner over his eyes as the stereo played "Sweet Transvestite" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He watched in growing horror as Giles sang-along, making provocative faces at his reflection in the mirror.

Giles paused in shock and horror, finally seeing the man in the doorway.

"Oh, Xander…uh, I-was…" He started. Xander just quietly closed the door. He resolved never to talk about this again, even if Giles looked really good in high heels. Some things were better left behind closed doors.

So, that's it. Happy Halloween everybody! Reviews are love.