Gaara x hinata x Sasuke

they went to the kasegazes office to meet up with gaara who was doing the usual.. paper work. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


Hinata was walking to the hokages office for a new mission, she walks in and sees sasuke, seing him there she could stop herself from blushing a bright shade of red.

Hinata: s-so w-what did y-you need m-me for miss H-hokage-sama

Tsunade: you are going on a mission with sasuke to suna to bring this scroll. it needs to be there as soon as possible.

Hinata: o-ok, Tsunade-sama

Hinata and Sasuke leave the office and they walked together out of the building

Sasuke: meet me at the gate at 9:00 tonight and don't be late

Hinata: o-ok, b-but shouldn't we l-leave in t-the morning??

Sasuke: no, we leave tonight, so be here on time.

and he leaves, leaving the girl confused, and hinata goes home and packs her bag and sasuke does the same thing and they meet at nine to begin their mission. They spent all ngiht and all day jumping from tree to tree and running to get to suna. on the nightfall of the second day Hinata was getting tired and wasn't paying attention and missed the branch and fell. just before she hit the ground Sasuke caught her and put her safely on the ground

Sasuke: watch where your going

hinata: s-sorry

Sasuke: hm

Sasuke gets up

sasuke: we should rest here for a while and continue in a few hours

Hinata: o-okay

Hinata opens her bag and takes out two rice balls. She looks around to see sasuke leaning on a tree

Hinata: Y…you want one?

Sasuke: hn?

She gets up and walks over to the uchiha

Hinata: D-do you w-ant o-one?

Sasuke looks up and takes one of the rice balls. They sat on the ground next to a tree and ate together. Hinata tried as hard as she could not to blush every time she looked at him

After their snack, hinata tried to take a little nap before they started moving again. Sasuke was looking at her sleeping form

The night was cold and Hinata couldn't stop herself from shivering. Eyes closed, she was trying to think about happy memories that could help her sleep. She was thinking about Naruto putting an arm around her to warm her, and at that same thought she felt an warm body press up against her back and an arm finding its way around her waist. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see who it was, and to her surprise it was Sasuke. She blushed a dark shade of red.

Hinata: S-sasuke-kunn w-what a-are y-you d-doing?

Sasuke: shhh, stop talking and sleep, we will be leaving early

Hinata: O-okay

She slowly turned herself around so that she was facing the Uchiha and she slowly snaked her arm around Sasuke, Sasuke lifted her chin and gave her a passionate kiss an her lips. Hinata gasped and Sasuke took that opportunity and slipped his tongue into her mouth, savoring her sweet taste, soon after they both fell asleep

The next morning they jumped from tree to tree to Sunagakure
