Disclaimer: Only the Ring Finger Knows does not belong to me. It belongs to Kannagi Satoru and to all its proper copyrights.

Hi and hello to everyone! This story has been pounding in my head, practically screaming to get out. I couldn't resist it anymore so I decided to go ahead and write it.

Rings of Promise is going to be a collection of various, unrelated one-shots that are inspired by the OTRFK series. The stories could be before or in-between the novels. It could even be AU-ish in some ways. I already have three stories planned for this, but I intend to add more as I go along the way. The ratings may vary per chapter, so look out for the rating.

Anyway, here's the first story.

Chapter Summary: Yuichi has always been watching. Even if his feelings are one-sided, he'll continue to watch from afar. (Takes place before vol1)

Rating: General


First Story: Distant Gaze

Yuichi hid in the cool shadows of the stairwell, away from prying eyes and enthusiastic admirers. The summer season is fast approaching, that proven by the number of students opting to wear the summer uniform instead. Though there is still a cool breeze blowing once in a while, there are times that the heat of the sun became unbearable. That is why he chose to stay in the stairwell for a while to cool off, as well as to avoid any unwarranted attention.

He leaned against the wall, feeling the cold concrete against his flustered back. He immediately felt a sense of relief flush through his body, quenching whatever heat wave or stroke that had surged sheer moments ago. Once in a while, he'd hear the sounds of footsteps approaching along with the chatter of students making their way, but they would all too soon disappear and fade into the distance, returning him to the peace and quiet he had originally known. And whenever he was plunged into silence, his thoughts would begin to wander to the very same subject over and over again—something that has plagued him ever since that spring.

Fujii Wataru…

Ever since the day he had first caught a glimpse of that boy, he couldn't erase him from his mind. That picturesque scene of the boy's smiling face has been engraved—burned—forever in his eyes. The soft glow of the sun's rays accentuating each contour of his face with resplendence. His chocolate-brown hair glimmered under the light, and his deep black eyes sparkled brightly like stars in the midnight-sky. His cheeks tugged back as his rose-colored lips stretched into a radiant smile. His thin and slender fingers carefully held the silver ring that shone brightly as if it rejoiced being returned to its owner.

No matter at which angle Yuichi looked at it, he couldn't deny being captivated by the scene. He had never seen anything so beautiful before in his entire life. It was then, at that moment in time, that he fell inexplicably and helplessly in love. It wasn't something that he had planned on doing; it just happened. It was illogical. But he couldn't deny the intensity of the emotions he had.

He's in love with Fujii Wataru.

Yuichi chuckled and swept away the strands of honey-colored hair that had blocked his eyes. Falling hopelessly in love was very uncharacteristic of him. Surely, people would be astonished and probably laugh if ever they learn of his situation. A man deeply in love with another man… But it was the truth—the whole and absolute truth.

He closed his eyes for a second, carefully listening to the swaying of the leaves as a small gust of wind brushed by. If he listened a bit more, he could probably also hear the gushing of water from the courtyard's faucet, or maybe the sound of screeching chalk from the classroom further down the hall. But in his mind, all he could see was the face of the young boy that had seized his heart.

Yuichi wondered what it would be like if perhaps these one-sided feelings of his would be returned. What if, by strange and fortunate luck, he and Wataru would be able to meet and exchange vows of love? He shook his head. "You're dreaming awake," he said to himself. But nevertheless, he stretched out his right hand, making believe that he could touch that boy, and that their hands overlapped with one another. The bright, silver ring on his middle finger glowed like a luminescent candle in the dark.

"I have always been watching…" he spoke in a low whisper, only the air bearing witness to his words. From the time he had first laid eyes on Fujii Wataru, he had already been watching. He knows which classroom he's in, which seat is his; that he isn't member to any club, that he recently broke up with his girlfriend and that the ring he held so preciously close to him could be a symbol of that estranged love. Yuichi knew all those things, yet he hadn't even spoken to him personally.

But he is always watching… Always…

Coming in everyday of school; sneaking a peek at every corner; hoping to catch a glimpse of that dark-eyed boy once again. He had already lost count the number of times his eyes had searched for him, singling him out of the many students he'd see. He would always catch him with his friends; laughing, smiling, being merry. And in that instant, he would feel a torrent of envy and jealousy. Even as he walked down the corridors with his own friends, chatting about something, he would look from the corner of his eye at all the other eyes watching him and hope, pray, that one of those eyes belonged to his beloved Wataru. And he would always feel dejected whenever he saw the boy, but his gaze wasn't directed at him.

It tore his heart apart.

"Always…" he murmured as his eyes glimmered with sadness and loneliness. "I've always watched… You are… the only thing I ever see… My world, my light… The very ground I walk on…" In that small space of the stairwell, no one heard his melancholy save for the shadows that outlined his figure into a silhouette.

"This isn't fair!" a voice suddenly snapped, breaking his chain of thoughts. "Why does that Kazuki Yuichi get to have everything?!" The frustrated voice continued its ramblings while Yuichi sunk himself deeper into the shadows, hiding his presence. "Kazuki Yuichi thinks he's like a celebrity! Well, guess what? He's not! There's nothing great about him!"

Yuichi found it odd and surprisingly amusing. No doubt, the person was making complaints out of envy and not out of valid basis. But he assumed it was only natural. He has heard nothing but praises and noteworthy comments to his face. It's logical that people would gossip about him behind his back. But he really didn't care. He was never one to allow himself to be immersed with bad rumors and controversy.

"You're just upset that Tachibana likes him and not you," another voice spoke, most likely the companion of the other.

"You're damn right it's about Mai-chan! What's so good about Kazuki Yuichi, anyway? I don't see anything special. Do you, Wataru?"

Yuichi, who had been listening nonchalantly to the conversation, suddenly perked with great shock and amazement. Wataru… He couldn't be… Fujii Wataru, could he…? He peeked from his "hiding place" and caught sight of two underclassmen standing by the corner. The taller one was hunched against the wall, feeling gloomy about something (probably about this "Mai-chan"), and the other—the shorter one—was trying to calm him down the best he could.

Yuichi's eyes widened with astonishment. There was no mistaking it. It's Fujii Wataru! A wild, erratic heartbeat began to pound in his chest, painfully ripping his ribcage apart. He felt his entire body freeze, and his legs firmly root to the spot. Fujii Wataru was a few feet away from where he stood! Since when did he ever get this close to the boy? Always… it was always from afar… but this time, he had a clear view of the boy's handsome face. And there was no doubt about it. He felt it before and he was still feeling it now… the feeling of entering paradise merely by looking upon that radiant face.

"Kawamura…" Wataru spoke, patting his friend on the back. "You're just upset. It'll be all right."

"No, it won't!" the taller boy whined, shaking his head furiously. "Mai-chan is the girl of my dreams, and Kazuki Yuichi is taking her from me! I mean, what's so great about him?!"

"Well…" Wataru drawled. "He's smart, rich, handsome, the most popular guy in school…"

"Wataru… Are you against me…?"

"N-No…" he waved his hands in defense. "But it's really not Kazuki Yuichi's fault. I mean, the guy is really popular with the girls. It's natural that Tachibana would fall for him as well."

"…So you think he's great too, don't you?"

"…Well, I…"

Yuichi strained to listen. What did Wataru think of him? What did his existence mean to the boy? If anything, he felt his heart pound more violently that it did earlier. He didn't know if he could withstand this revelation, and yet he had to know. Every fiber in his body was aching to find out.

"I… I think he's a great guy," the dark-eyed boy finally spoke. "I mean, honestly, I think he's really cool. He's nice, and he's one of the most amazing people I've seen. I really… admire him."

"Wataru…" Kawamura bawled.

"Wherever I go, I always see Kazuki. From afar, I can't really tell what kind of guy he is, but he's always kind and caring. Although… sometimes… I can't help but feel he's a little lonely…"

"Lonely?" the taller boy echoed skeptically. "Kazuki Yuichi is lonely…? That guy has a fanclub! What makes you think he's lonely?"

"I don't know," Wataru scratched his head. "It's just… Whenever I see him, he always seems to be… 'not there'… like he wants to be some place else. Like he's searching for something…"


"I know it's a bit outrageous, but…" Wataru tilted his head a bit as if to ponder something. "Sometimes, I feel like his eyes are on me."

"……" Kawamura put his hand on his friend's forehead. "Are you okay? You don't have a fever, do you?"

"Wha—What are you talking about, Kawamura?" the he shrugged off his hand.

"Well, you're talking like a one of those Kazuki-fangirls. Have you fallen in love with him?"

"No!" Wataru retorted. "You say the strangest things. Jeez." He pried himself away from his friends grasp, and stomped off fuming and steam coming out from his ears. His face was also a considerable shade of red.

"Wataru, wait!" Kawamura called and ran after him. "You're supposed to comfort me and my broken heart! Let's buy some beer!!"

Little by little, the sounds of their voices and footsteps faded away, and Yuichi was graced with silence yet again. As the minutes passed by, he gradually began to feel himself breathe again, but the funny thing is he didn't even remember holding his breath. Although his body began to relax a bit, his muscles were still tensed from what he had heard.

"I can't help but feel he's a little lonely."

In all honesty, when he heard Wataru say this, his entire body had gone rigid with surprise. In his entire life, no one had ever said or even thought of him as "lonely", but he did feel that way. Amazing… a boy he didn't know until a few months ago, and didn't know him personally, had immediately deduced that he was feeling aloof.

But what really caught his attention was when the young boy said, "Sometimes, I feel like his eyes are on me." He had thought his existence was insignificant to the boy, and yet he was able to notice even something about him—something that no one, not even his family and friends, knew about. Yuichi subconsciously clutched his heart as he felt it form another aberrant rhythm.

"I really… admire him."

Perhaps, even for just a brief moment, he could pretend that the "admiration" is "love", and that the rings they wore on their fingers were promises—vows made to reach eternity together. Even if it's just a fantasy that would eventually be shattered, even for a little while, he'll pretend. That's because he's watching… he's always watching. Even if these feelings are one-sided, he'll continue to watch, to gaze at him from afar.

Only through this distant gaze can his feelings blossom into true and untainted love.



Tell me what you guys think. Review, please! n___n

Oh, and since I wrote this story, chances are, Untouched Ring will be updated next week. Sorry for the long wait... T.T