Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts II or any of the character mentioned. They, and the universe of Twilight Town, are owned by Disney and Square Enix. This is purely fictional and not subject to real life.

A/N: This is my first story on this site, but I've been hanging out here and writing for years. I finally decided to create an account. I hope you all enjoy this.

Sorry... It's been a really long time since I've updated.... **bows** Gomen nasai. Well, this chapter is unbearably short... but it's the end. This ending is set up so that There is room for me to add another series to it if I so choose to [meaning if a plot bunny bites me and give me good inspiration].

I hope all those who read have enjoyed this story. Thanks for all the adds. A special thanks to the people who actually reviewed: Ninny-na, Broken Mushroom, FlyinGShadoW1314, BrandieAnime, and Sodapops. [I know a couple of you were looking for a hot smex scene... sorry, but maybe next time =3 Nya~] Thanks a lot for your support, guys.

Music: Nightwish - The Islander

Chapter 5: The End…Maybe

I don't want to move. I ache and feel good at the same time. And I'm really warm. Hey! Why is there an arm around my waist? Oh, yeah, I remember now: Seifer. It wasn't a dream after all. Yes!

But now it is the awkward morning-after.

I stare at the floor, enjoying Seifer's body curled around mine. I'm hugged possessively to his chest. He stirs, muscles tensing. He's waking up and realizing where he is. I hope this doesn't turn out badly. Might as well just get this over with.

"Seifer?" I whisper.

"Hayner," he replies.


He shrugs. "I can't figure you out, Hayner. You've hated me, fought me. Then, you kiss me and mess everything up. I couldn't get you out of my head."

Had I really affected him that much?

"Heh," I snort softly, "and here I was thinking that I couldn't get you out of my head. I blamed it on the sun frying my brain." I chuckle.

"What now?

I lean up and turn around to look him in the eyes. "That…" I lean close to his face, breathing against his lips, "is up to you."

He smirks and flips me onto my back, straddling my hips. "I think I like you under me." His lips find my own. Damn….

It's safe to say that we're in a relationship now, despite our own doubts and fears and differences. It's a start. Who knows, maybe we'll go a long way. Maybe we won't. All I really know is that it will be a bumpy road.

It's also safe to say that we didn't go to school today.

And I think Roxas knew this would happen because no one came to the Usual Spot today. Damn, he's one sneaky bastard. That's why he's my best-of-the-best (of-the-best-of-the-best) friend.

Thank whatever higher power that guides us for the summer heat. Catch ya later…. The end…. Maybe.