A/N This is the Prologue to my NaNoWriMo fic. The title is as yet undetermined, and updates on this will be erratic, since I am mostly focused on getting the fifty thousand words down, not updating it here frequently. Feel free to PM me if you want to know more about NaNoWriMo.

Warning- Being NaNoWriMo, this writin may be incoherent or contain bad grammar. Thanks for reading.

Not Sure Yet

I sat on a rock on the edge of First Beach and looked out at the water with blurry vision.

What was wrong with me? My boyfriend had just dumped me, and I couldn't find the money to pay for college.

It was all just so wrong.

Ben had been the man of my dreams- what went wrong there? We had grown apart, I guess, even though we were going to the same university. I was involved with my studies in literature, and he, computer programming. And try as we might, we couldn't find a common interest.

I tried, believe me, I tried. But one romantic date wasn't enough to bridge the gap we had made between ourselves.

We had talked and laughed and kissed that night, but as we said goodbye, I could already feel the gap, the chasm between us opening again.

We looked at each other, and I knew Ben could feel it too. His eyebrows furrowed for a moment, and then he said…

"I think we should break up, Angela."

I agreed, and we parted.

It was a necessary break, but that didn't mean I liked it.

That was last night, and now, this gray morning, I was sitting on a rock at the edge of First Beach, staring at the dark gray waves and feeling sorry for myself.

What would I do without Ben? My best friend, my boyfriend, my almost-fiancé?

Yes, we had talked about marriage. A lot in the early days, when we were completely intoxicated with love. But as time passed, talks of matrimony came more and more rarely, until finally they stopped altogether.

The strange thing was, even though I knew it was coming, I was still surprised.