
His soft lips, mixed in with the sweet taste of a fresh Coca Cola, settled themselves onto her inviting lips. She smiled into the kiss, and allowed the warm sensation to engulf her body. He traced his tongue playfully on her lips, and she opened her mouth to allow him more open access.

"Will you guys get a room or something? I know you two have been together for six months, but I'm still not used to the whole Troyella love fest," Chad shuddered as he watched his two best friends go at each other. "You guys look at each other—and we can all see that you're undressing each other with your eyes."

Gabriella pulled away from Troy to glare at Chad. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Chad's right," Sharpay piped up as she filed one of her glossy pink fingernails. "You two suck each other's faces off all the time. At first I used to think it was kind of cute. You know me—always believing that your relationship was written in the stars. But now it's getting pretty—how do I say this nicely? Revolting?"

"How is that even said nicely Sharpay? And we do not suck off each other's faces," Troy defended. "I'd call it more of a getting to know each other better."

"You're not helping Troy," Gabriella said moodily and pushed Troy lightly on the shoulder.

"Sorry," he whispered and winked at Gabriella. Troy shifted in his seat and looked back at Chad. "I can't help the feelings I get with Gabs," Troy grinned. "And Danforth, I'm considerate of your feelings. If there were a room available, Gabs and I would definitely have gotten out of your hair by now."

There was another shove to Troy's shoulder as Gabriella gave Troy a dirty look. "Keep your voice down Troy," Gabriella hissed. "We are at school you know."

"Mmmhmm. Like being at school makes any difference. You two instantly say any kinky love statements that you can think of, and your public displays of affection certainly aren't the innocent G-rated Disney movie," Sharpay laughed.

Troy shrugged. "What can you expect? We're high school seniors in love," he said cheesily as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind Gabriella's ear.

Chad laughed loudly. "That sounded a lot like what a guy that was whipped by his girlfriend would say. Oh wait—" Chad snickered. "I can't even believe you've been with that bimbo for six months Gabs. Has it really been that long?"

"Of course. We've been together since—"

"March 17th."

"March 18th."

Taylor Mckessie raised her eyebrows as she looked at Gabriella and Troy.

"Gabriella—honey, you must be mistaken. We got together on the 18th."

"No Troy. We got together on the 17th. Don't you remember? You came over to my house late at night when it was pouring. I swear there was a thunderstorm there too. I could see the flashes of lightning."

"I got to your house early in the morning on the 18th Gabs, don't you remember? You were sleeping and I knocked over your second potted plant," Troy argued. "Babe, how could you forget that?"

Zeke and Chad looked at each other with amused looks on their faces.

"Gabs, I thought you told me that you and Troy got together mid-morning at that coffee shop that you liked," Taylor said.

"No-that was the second time that Troy and Gabriella got together. They're talking about the first time they got together. Which was on the 17th," Sharpay replied for Gabriella.

Gabriella beamed and looked at Troy. "See, I was right. We got together on the 17th. Not the 18th. "

"No way Gabs. Sharpay only said the 17th because you probably told her that. Clearly you have been lying and giving the wrong information to her. I think I would know the time I drove over to your house to say that I loved you," Troy stated firmly.

Kelsi let out a soft sigh as she looked at the bickering couple. "You guys are just too good to be true," she smiled.

"What day do you guys celebrate your anniversary if you both can't agree on the date you two got together?" Chad asked.

"Well," Troy laughed as he looked at Gabriella. "We sort of have a week long anniversary. We kind of like to celebrate the good times and not have them end for a while."

His tan arms wrapped around her bare waist as he pulled her closer to his body. He loved the feeling of his body against her own, and he watched as she sighed in contentment, pressing her mouth to his neck in a seductive manner.

"I love you," she whispered as she placed hot kisses on the expanse of his neck.

He groaned quietly and hugged her waist tighter. "I love you too…so much that I think we're going to be here for a while. Maybe the whole weekend? And the whole week if I'm lucky?

Her angelic laughter filled the room. "I'm up for it if you are wildcat."

"You mean to tell me that you two spend a whole week basking in the bliss of your relationship? Or more so—just admiring each other's bodies?" Sharpay asked in disbelief. "Wow, you two are more provocative than I thought you were."

Gabriella opened her mouth to retort, but decided against it, ignoring Sharpay. "We just like the idea of spending time with each other. I don't see anything wrong with that," she shrugged and took a sip of Troy's can of coke.

"That's mine," Troy asserted as he looked at Gabriella. "You're going to get the can all strawberry lip-glossed up."

"Oh please Bolton. Like you don't already have Gabriella's lip gloss all over you or your stuff," Chad laughed.

Troy scratched the back of his neck playfully and laughed. "I guess you're right man."

Gabriella giggled. "Funny Chad. But really," she commented as she looked up at Troy. "It's nice looking back at our relationship now that all these memories are coming back. We were really naïve and impulsive; don't you think?"

Troy laughed. "And what might you be referring to Ms. Montez? Me climbing your trees in the middle of a thunderstorm?"

"You did know that getting struck by lighting when climbing a tree is five times more dangerous than walking outside normally when there is lightning, right?" Gabriella questioned.

"I've heard you say that to me on more than one occasion. Even though I know that 60% of facts and statistics are made up on the spot," Troy said lightheartedly. "I suppose that was a little naïve of me, but what do you think about the time I had you backed up into the hood of my car?"

She stood frozen, her feet planted on the pavement, his warms lips pressed against her chattered ones. She trembled and shook debating whether or not to pull away from him or bring him closer. He moved his hands to cup both sides of her face and he pushed her back against the rear of his car.

His lips slammed against hers, and she gasped. He grabbed her hands and placed them down forcefully on the car. His own hands fell on top of hers, and he pinned her down on top of him.

He pushed his lips against hers, and she was shocked by the sensations tingling from her lips. She couldn't pull away from him now. She wouldn't be able too.

Gabriella blushed at Troy. "I'd say that was a little more on the impulsive side. But it was a good kind of impulsive I think."

"Dude, do I even want to know?" Chad asked as he made a sour face. "No, forget it. I don't want to know man."

"We mustn't forget the multiple uses of cusses and profanities at each other," Troy reminded Gabriella.

"You don't control me."

He grabbed onto her hand and squeezed onto it tightly. "Damn right I do," Troy said. "My hands were on the wheel of that damn car the first time you were driving it," he pointed.

"Leave me alone Troy!" she barked.

"I'm not going to fu*king leave you! I hang out with you; I befriend you! And when things get fu*ked up in my life, I am not going to ignore you!"

"You already hurt me Troy! You hurt me when you chose her!" Gabriella screamed tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I love you Troy! Why can't you see that?"

"Gabs, this isn't some fu*king movie! We don't get a happy ending!" Troy slammed his hand down onto his car.

"I knew it!" she groaned and jumped off of his car. "I just-I didn't want to get hurt. But when you pulled away from me the first time, I was already hurt. So-I was like-what the fu*k? Might as well admit to you everything. But now, it turns out that I'm not hurting anymore. I'm dying!" she screamed. "I can't even begin to explain how much this fu*king hurts and how much-"

Gabriella shook her head in disappointment. "That was both naïve and impulsive of us. It hasn't always been the best, but it worked out in the end. And I'm really glad about that," she said simply and leaned gently against Troy's shoulder.

He smiled as he began to draw circles on the base of her arm. "I'm really happy that we decided to give this a shot. Us being together and everything, I hoped that we would be able to do the best with what we had. Our friendship has gotten us so far, it's great that we decided it was time to take a new step," he squeezed her shoulder.

"It's also great that we decided that it wasn't because of our friendship that made us love each other. It was because we were comfortable with each other, never needing a friendship to fully base our relationship with each other," she murmured.

She leaned up and pressed her lips gently against his. "I guess we're not so much like brother and sister after all."

"It's like they're always in their own world," Taylor whispered quietly. "It's like they forget they're in a lunchroom surrounded with a thousand other students, and they only see each other."

"It's kind of admiring, don't you think though?" Kelsi replied. "That they're strong with each other and they don't care what anyone else thinks."

"I agree," Sharpay nodded as she watched as Troy and Gabriella locked lips more forcefully with each other. "Gabs was never the one to let anyone determine her strength. That goes the same for Troy. They're perfect for each other."

"East High's Golden Couple."
