"KATLYN!" Jack's voice boomed the the tiny, 3 person home."KATLYN! WAKE UP!"

"Mphmpf?"Katie grumbled into her pillow."Mmmm. What time is it?"

"6:30. I've been yelling for half an hour."

"Well, you can go right ahead and shout for another 30 minutes, because I don't want to get up."

"You, up now!"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" She whined, rolling over to face her elder brother."If I wake up, I'll have to go to school!"

"So what? The cow Grampa left isn't going to wait all day to be milked! What if a fox is sneaking into your hen house? How would you like that? Now get up!" Katie moaned. Why where morning such nightmares? Nobody else in town had to wake up before 6 am. Why did she? It made no sense. Then again, most things over the past few days maade no sense. Like the fact that Jack had become the naggiest person on the planet! Had he always been this way? She may never know.


"Good for nothing Jack, thinks he's the boss just because he's older!" Katie grumbled, dragging herself towards the shipment bin.

"Be thankful he isn't my sister! Talk about naiive!" A young mans voice cheered. Katie whipped her head around so quickly, she lost complete vision for a good 10 seconds.

"Peter?? What are you doing here?"

"I'm sitting on my fence, watching the sunrise, until someone so rudely interupted with her complaints." Peter laughed after saying this, to lighten the mood.

"You do that everyday don't you?"She asked, dusting some dirt and bits of hay off her demin jumper.

"No, just started to recently." He smirked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Don't say that to anyone else, because it seems like you are coming out here at this hour just to see me!"

"Hey! I'm a farmer too ya know!"

"Still seems stalker-ish. Anyway, I need you to have a look at this picture, I found of Jack when he was little, before I was born. Look at the girl beside him!" She jumped on the fence beside him, and pulled an old picture from about 14 years ago from her front pocket. In the picture was a tiny dark haired boy, with a bright orange and blue baseball cap. Next to him was an even smalled girl, with big eyes the color of the water on Cubian beaches.

"THAT'S CLAIRE! I can't believe it! I'd reconize her anywhere! What is she doing in a picture with your brother?"

Katie stared at him for a brief moment. She then said, in a monotone voice "If I knew, would I have asked you?"

"I suppose not. Is there another reason you are showing me this? Or is it just to stall so you don't have to work?"

Katie gasped as if she'd be offended."I am not stalling! I'm trying to get your help. If Claire and Jack were friends as kids, she may bring his memory back, which, in turn, may bring mine back. If they start to like like each other, that means that theyll start dating, and forget to treat us like the little kids they treat us like!"

"That's brilliant for a girl with amnesia."

"It makes me forget, not dumb you moron!"


"Claire!"Jack cried to the girl in the field next door. She looked up and waved for him to join her.

"Getting used to the early morning yet?" She asked, smiling a happy, tired smile.

He rubbed his eyes and snickered."I am, but Katie's not. I swear, she'll be the death of me."

"She can't be that bad. She's only 15. Thats the age I was when my parents put me on the morning duty." Jack stared at her with a confused expression."Peter and I grew up on this farm. My parents owned it until they passed away. Your grandfather was going to help us keep it, but when I was 16, social services came and took us away. We still had rights to own this though, so the day I turned 18, Peter and I fled, got on a boat and came back."

"But Peter told Katie that you both took over an abondoned farm, and that you're parents died when you were young."

Claire shook her head."Now why on Earth did he spread such outlandish lies. My parents died when I was 15, and he was almost 12. I don't want to know why he lied, it's not like him. Now can you help me with this plow. Peter's gone to school and I can't set it up by myself.
