Hey, :) this is my attempt at a long story.. ahaha.. The pairing is unknown first.. but i think you know who it is.. lol..

Don'.Anything. Catch my drift?

Enjoy the story.. :)



January 31, Sunday

"Hey! Hey! Hey, people of the known planet called Earth! For all of you who do not know what is playing on your computer screens then let my best friend here enlighten you!" A brunette girl shouted.

"Well, my best friend, shouldn't we first introduce ourselves?" A blond girl inquired.

"Oh yeah! Of course, where were our manners! I'm Carly!"

"And I'm Sam!"

"And well, this is iCarly!" They both shouted in union.

"Today on iCarly, we would like to share with you our way of ending the month of January!"

"And how are we going to do that Carly?" Sam asked with much curiosity.

"CRAZY GOODBYE DANCE!!!!!" They screamed into the camera and as they finished Sam pressed a button on her remote and applause erupted and as the applause clamed Carly said.

"Now that we finished saying goodbye to the month of January, let's show a video of an old lady fighting a cat for her ham! Show the vid Freddie!"

"Showing the video!" Freddie then on clicked a few keys on his keyboard and the huge plasma screen dropped down and flashed the video.

After the video, "You gotta love the passion they put on for that ham! It goes to show you that ham is really worth fighting for! And what an awesome old lady! She just risked it all for that ham!" Sam again pressed the applause button.

"And what an honorable battle it was!" Carly agreed.

"Okay, for our next segment, will show you another Messing with Lewbert!" Sam said excitedly. "Dork, roll the video!"

"Must you insult me while we are filming?" Freddie's voice was overheard from behind the camera.

"Of course! If I won't then where will my fun and the audience's fun go?" Sam said as she put on a puppy look pout.

"Come on guys! We're kinda on a live webcast here! Do I need to spray you two again?" Carly threatened to get the infamous spray bottle.

"See dork, you're getting us threaten in front of our live people!" Sam said nonchalantly.

"You started it!" Freddie yelled.

"Oh that's it! I'm getting the bottle!" Carly started to head over to the drawer.

"Hey Carls! No need for that stupid bottle. I'll behave till the end of the show, promise!" Sam said trying to stop Carly from getting the bottle. 'Argh! I don't like that stupid, stupid bottle!' "Come on, Freddie, just roll the vid." Emphasized on his name.

"Yeah, Yeah, Whatever." Freddie rolled his eyes and said quietly as he clicked on a few keys and the video began to play.


"Sadly, that's all we have for iCarly." Carly started as she and Sam put on a little pout and Sam pressed the boo button on her magical remote.

"But we still have next week, right Sam?" Carly turned to Sam.

"Of course we have next week Carly!" Sam turned to Carly.

They approached the camera and screamed, "Stay tune for next week's iCarly! Bye!"

"And we're out." Freddie turned off the camera.

"Hey, Freddie, we'll go ahead down for fruit kabobs. Follow us when you're done here." Carly said as she and Sam went ahead to the elevator.

"Okay, Carly." He began to clear up his equipment and loaded it to the tech cart.


"Sam! You know that there's no "Insulting Freddie" when we go on iCarly!" Carly complained as she went into the kitchen to get the fruit kabobs.

"Aw, Carly! You're taking my fun out of everything." Sam whined.

"Stop whining Sam, and eat this fruit kabob." Carly handed her a fruit kabob.

Sam happily ate her fruit kabob as the elevator swung opened revealing Freddie and his tech cart. "Wey work!"

"Geez, Sam. Please don't talk when you're mouth is full." Setting the cart aside and headed to the counter to get the fruit kabob.

"So, February is just around the corner. I can't wait for Valentine's day!" Carly squealed.

"What's so good about Valentine's day anyway?" Sam said as she swallowed the last piece of fruit. "It's just a day full of love sick people who gives chocolates and flowers acting all lovey dovey. It makes me sick! I would rather have myself a happy S.A.D."

"Isn't that kind of redundant? Why would you put two opposite meaning words together?" Freddie asked out of confusion.

"Haven't you heard of an oxymoron before?" Sam challenged. "I mean for a dork, I thought you were smart. Isn't an oxymoron means contradiction in terms? You know like 'icy hot' or 'same difference' or, this would definitely describe you now, 'stupid genius'." She explained as a smirk grew on her face when she saw the look of utter surprise on Freddie's face.

"Freddie, I think Sam got you good!" Carly couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You didn't know I knew that now huh?" The smirk just stayed on her face.

"I… I knew that. I was just distracted and I'm not a stupid genius!" He tried to argue as he angrily ate his kabob.

"Leave Freddie alone, so what's a happy sad?"

"It's not really the word sad but an acronym, S stands for single, A stands for appreciation, and finally, D stands for day. It's Happy Single Appreciation Day." She explained as she took another fruit kabob.

"I never heard of that before." Carly laughed. "But be serious Sam, you may never know, someone may be planning to be your valentine this year." She nudged Sam's side.

"Psst! Come on, Carly join me back here in reality world, maybe for you that's possible. Not for me, it's S.A.D. for me this year!" She stuffed the kabob in her mouth.

"You will never know, Sam, you will never know. Right, Freddie?" She looked at Freddie, who was still in shock and quietly eating his kabob.

"My gosh Sam! You put Freddie in total shock mode!" Carly started shaking Freddie slowly but still he wasn't responding.

"Hey, that's what I'm here for." Sam just shrugged as she was getting her third kabob.


So, I have already written the next chapter, I'm just waiting to see the comments I get with this so I know if I would continue or not.. :)

Poop a review, okay? :)
