Hello all! If you are wondering where my other story went... well let's just say I lost interest. Anyways, I have this plot bunny that's been hopping around my head (and giving me a migrain) for a while now. So, this is Officially my first story that a am absolutely determined to finish. So ha!

Disclaimer: I do not make any claims on anything but the idea for this story... and a couple of my OC characters that will eventually be brought in to this story.

Warnings: There will be HPDM slash. As in BoyxBoy love. Don't like it, don't read it. Also, I will be adding a couple (one in the least) OC characters to this story, But rest assured, none will be Mary Sues or Gary Sues, okay? Oh, and some things in the later chapters could be taken as incest (Not between close relatives!!! Ewww! More like cousins). It's not really incest, but some people might take it as incest.

So that's all, please enjoy my first chapter!

Church bells...

They ring loud... Why? Where am I?

It's dark... Why is it so dark?

Oh... My eyes are closed.

Should I open them?

Someone's pulling me by the hand. Slow down! You're too fast; I'll fall.

Dark... I really should open my eyes.

Running, running, run, run, run. Faster. Quick! We have to get there!


Don't open your eyes! Whatever you do, don't open your eyes...

The hand... it's gone? Where did it go? Gone... Why? Don't leave me alone!

Keep your eyes closed... It will all be over soon.

Ignore the tears-the screams-. Oh Mordred, they're echoing off the walls.

Ding, dong, ding, dong, the church bells ring.

Open your eyes.


Draco woke with a start. His heart hammering furiously in his chest, sweat beads making their way down his temples, wide grey eyes flickering from right to left in fear, and his hands were clenched almost painfully onto his green bed sheets.

He brought a trembling, pale hand up to his mouth, and let out a low cry of despair. It was a horrible sound, and if anybody had heard it, they would have surely cringed in sympathy.

The pale blond clutched his head on either side of his face, and squeezed his eyes shut. He wished the stinging memory of the nightmare away.

A low whisper in the Slytherin's ear said, "Open your eyes..."

Or maybe it was just his imagination.


Severus Snape was hardly a nice man. Actually, that's and understatement.

He was a vile, loathsome man who took a sick a sick pleasure in the pain and suffering of the children of former rivals and childhood bullies. Especially ones with messy black hair, dark green eyes, and horrendous glasses. He loved to demoralize his students, he instigated House rivalries, was unfair, biased, frightened the younger students, Hufflepuffs, and Longbottom, and, on top of all that, gave heaping piles of homework.

He was a bitter, cranky, and downright unpleasant man. It was the basic truth. The students understood it, as did the staff, and even Snape himself was very aware of this reputation.

But all that did not mean he was without compassion. The things he loved in his, basically, miserable life, although there were few, he loved with all his being. He was loyal and ever diligent in his care for these few things. The unpleasant man could make a list of the few circumstances in which he ever showed true warm emotions. They were scarce.

1- Potions

2- Albus Dumbledoor

3- Lily Evans

4- His Godson: Draco Malfoy

This list, the reader will note, was not written in order of which he loved most to least. No, the reader must understand that the fourth was to be his downfall.

Severus had been named Draco's Godfather by both Lucius and Narcissa. He was respected by both. They had grown up together, and had been a close knit group, as are all Slytherins.

It had been the predictable choice at the time. Bellatrix had been sent to Azkaban, Regulus was dead, Andromeda was gone, and Sirius was a traitor. The Crabbes and Goyles were dimwits, the Zabini woman was an untrustworthy black widow, and the Parkinsons were out of the question entirely.

Severus was trusted; Severus was loyal: Severus would not break a vow.

He could never break the vow he made to take care of the boy.

He also could not help himself from becoming attached to the spoilt child, and he had always been good at observations. After weeks of diligent signs, he had come to a conclusion.

Draco's health was declining.

It was a slow process, really. It had started at the beginning of the summer vacation, and it had rapidly spiraled out of control, as these things usually do. The usually ferocious blond was become more and more subdued. His usually perfect composure was becoming less controlled; his hair was sometimes in a disarray, his buttons sometimes done wrong, dark circles were forming under heavy eyes, and the once slim boy was getting thinner and thinner.

Severus was losing patience. He needed to know what was wrong with his godson.

He was determined to find out.


Draco ran a silver handled brush through his pale blond tresses. He repeated the familiar process with the utmost care. When the boy was done, he put the brush down, and looked at his reflection.

He was thin, he realized with a start, too thin. His hair, once bright and alive, was becoming more and more dull. Dark bags had formed under his bloodshot eyes.

"Honey, you look like what the cat dragged back and forth through the bush, before dragging you in," said his bathroom mirror, before giggling at her own joke. Draco decided, at that moment, that he truly hated Wizarding mirrors. Maybe the muggles had something right for once... Who cares what a mirror had to say anyways?

Draco, now in a bad mood, slammed his bathroom door closed as he made his way to the Dining Room for breakfast.


Severus heard Draco's footsteps, as he made his way towards the dining room. The potion's master quickly made his way in that direction as well.

He walked in to the large room and sat himself at his usual seat, to the left of the head of the table.

Draco staggered in, his eyes flashing dangerously with barely concealed frustration. He stopped short when he realized his godfather was in the room, and quickly scrambled to regain some sense of composure.

He acknowledged the dark haired man as he seated himself at the right of the head of the table. That put him directly in front of his mentor.

"Severus, I didn't realize you were visiting today," said the dreadfully exhausted blond. Snape's face remained impassive.

"Draco, you look like shite," Severus dead panned. The blond bristled at the comment.

"That was uncalled for..." Draco said, his voice quivering with emotion. Severus' eyes softened fractionally.

"What is disturbing you to the point of disrupting your life?" asked the usually uncaring man. Draco shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Draco," warned the man, "answer me."

The blond shifted his focus to a large stain glass window. The light filtering through the painted glass, making colors dance on Draco's face.

"I haven't been able to sleep without being haunted by nightmares," answered the uncomfortable boy, "they just keep getting worse and worse."

Draco's eyes shrouded over a bit. Severus stood, and made his way to his godson, wrapping his arms around the boy in an unusual display of affection.

Draco made a choking noise, gasping for breath as he cried for the first time since he was six. He clutched desperately to his godfather, searching for the comfort he desperately needed.

"Please help me. I can't take it anymore... please," Draco pleaded pathetically.

"Of course," was the simple reply.

So, what did you think? Loved it? Hated it? Hated my spelling and grammar errors? TELL ME!!!!!

Love always,
