A drabble in the Angel universe. Takes place not long after Spike regains his body. Take the relationship how you wish.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own the Angel series. No profit is being made, just made for pure enjoyment.

A creak from the floorboards at the window roused Angel from his sleep. Awakening with a snort, the brown-eyed vampire immediately recognized the scent of the intruder.

"Spike, what the hell are you- I thought-why are you here," Angel shouted, unable to get his thoughts out as he jerked up in bed. Clutching the sheet to his chest he stared icily at the peroxide blonde standing at the window.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist peaches."

Angel glared as he muttered, "I thought these late night visits would stop when you had your own body again."

Spike heaved a sigh, finally turning round to face the elder vampire. Head bowed the blonde ran a hand through his hair. Angel watched in confusion finding it out of character that Spike had yet to start a conflict. Or even meet his eyes.

"If it's that big a deal then it won't happen again," Spike retorted, his voice lacking its usual taunt.

"What's going on Spike?"

"Nothing big boy," Spike replied with a coy grin. He ran his hand over the windowsill as he continued to avoid looking at the other vampire.

Angel's brow furrowed as he watched. Slowly he pulled himself from the bed, shoving off the sheets and moving toward the blonde.

"Spike," Angel whispered.

The blonde looked up with shock lining his eyes but then a second later his smug grin back on his mouth. He gave the brunette a once over with his eyes.

"So your knickers really are in a twist," he said with a grin toward the black, silky boxers hanging from Angel's hips.

Angel ignored it, staring at the blonde with a serious look in his eyes. He scanned the younger vampire's eyes.

"Will," he murmured.

"Life Angel," Spike said then gave a shrug. "Or rather the lack there of."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Closing his eyes he didn't notice the sympathy lighting up in Angel's eyes or the fact that the elder vampire was getting closer.

"I'm going to hug you," Angel said with a hard tone as he placed his hands on Spike's shoulders.

"Your going to do what?"

A second later Spike was en-wrapped within Angel's arms. Spike wriggled in the embrace until Angel looked down at him with a stern gaze, growling as he tightened his grip on the blonde. The blonde laid his head on Angel's shoulder and took a deep breath.

"You know, we should probably never talk about this," Spike said breaking the silence. "Eh, peaches?"

"Shut up Spike," Angel growled shoving the Childe from him. He stomped around to the other side of the bed, flopping back down angrily. He could hear Spike laughing as he followed Angel into the bed. There was a rustling of sheets as Spike crawled in, coat and all, as Angel cocooned his body in the covers – a vain shield.

"Thank you."