Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

--80 years ago--

The school day just ended, and I have tons of homework. The whole day was so boring; I almost fell asleep in my English class, but thank God I didn't, it would have been so embarrassing. I started walking towards my truck when I remembered that Edward wanted to tell me something. Edward had not driven me to school today; come to think of it, he hasn't driven me to school for over a month. Even Alice wasn't the same enthusiastic vampire that I know of. She wasn't the same Alice who would drag me to the mall or give me makeovers. The rest of the Cullens are the same; they had been so distant lately. In fact, I don't even remember the last time I was over at their 'mansion.' I started to walk towards Edward's car instead as I think of any reason as to why the Cullens are acting so weird.

I reached Edward's car, and there was something inside me that's telling me to just walk away. I saw Edward leaning against his car like Adonis, but something was different. He wasn't smiling like he usually does. He was just standing there with his arms crossed against his chest, and he was looking up in the sky. It wasn't like the other days where he would start walking towards me before I was even ten feet closer, but today, he was just standing there. I cleared my throat as I got beside him; it seemed like he didn't hear me or smell me coming at all because he just stood there. As soon as he heard me clear my throat, he jerked his head towards me.

"Hi." I said, and I came up to him to give him a hug, but he stopped me before I can even touch him.

"Bella, can we go to a place somewhere private? I'll have Alice drive your truck home." Edward said, but his face held no emotions. His topaz eyes just stared back at me, but with no passion.

"Sure." I said, and surprisingly, I got nervous. What is it that he wants to talk about, that it has to be somewhere private?

I got into Edward's car quietly. I didn't questioned him any further because I know that he wouldn't tell me until we get to the 'private' place that he was talking about. I just sat ther there quietly as he drove like a maniac towards my house.

"Edward, you could have just told me that we would be going at my house." I said, but he didn't respond. He got out of the car, but he didn't open my door for me this time, and he just started walking towards the woods.

"Okay, some gentleman you are." I muttered to myself, though I'm pretty sure he heard me loud and clear. I just followed him towards the trees, and we walked in silence. Since he wanted to talk to me in private, would this be the right time to tell him—that I'm—that we're having a baby? I was going to tell him last week, but he never comes over at night anymore. I only did 'it' with Edward, and since he was a vampire, we didn't bother using any protection. Vampires can't have babies after all, but I was wrong because I got pregnant.

Edward finally stopped walking so I stopped too. He stood there while he was looking at the green ground. He was starting to make me feel uncomfortable so I decided to start talking.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked without looking at him.

"We're leaving." He said, and I automatically got confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and the tears were starting to form in my eyes, and it felt like something was stuck up in my throat.

"I mean we're leaving Forks, you, and everything else." He said, and as soon as he said that, it was like I got punched in my stomach.

"No, you can't." I said, and the tears started to roll down.

"Bella, you can't imagine how much trouble I've—we've put you in. James is still out there, and he knows that whereever I am, you're there. If we leave, he'll think that you're with me, and leave you alone." He said.

"But you can't leave!" I shouted at him.

"Why Bella? Explain to me why? Bella, this is for your own safety! You know what? I'm gone." He said, and ran away.

"Because I'm three months pregnant." I said, but I knew that he was too far away to hear me now. I wanted to run after him, but knowing that he had his vampire speed, I didn't stand a chance.

I probably spent ten minutes crying on the ground. Just when I was about to stand up, I heard someone walk in front of me. I looked up and what I saw shocked me. It was James.

"Did Edward finally leave you?" James asked, and his voice sounded like he really was curious.

"Why do you care? Just kill me already if that's what you're here for. I mean, you have been chasing me around for a long time, and now you finally got the chance to do whatever you want to me." I said.

"Is that what you thought I wanted?" he asked as his crimson red eyes looked me up and down.

"Is it?" I asked, and looked down on the ground.

"Girl, I only chased you around because I wanted to talk to you, but your Edward kept on protecting you." He said, and that really shocked me. Edward could read minds, and yet he wasn't telling me the whole reason why James was chasing me. He was lying to me this whole time.

"Well, now we're alone. Talk." I commanded.

"Well, you see, when I saw you the night the Cullens were playing baseball, I was amazed at how they can stand your scent. It was very appealing, I mean I almost wanted to drink your blood there, but I wanted to change my life. I wanted to be just like the Cullens, and since they kept on running away from me, there's no one else to help me." James said, and it was very shocking. Why didn't he just tell the Cullens right in the field?

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked curiously.

"As you may have known, Victoria was my mate. I was never in love with her. I just go along with her so that I wouldn't have to travel around alone. She doesn't like the idea of being a vegetarian. I was actually happy that your boyfriend killed her. She was too bossy." James said as he chuckled to himself.

"And this concerns me how?" I asked.

"Well, I know that you've always wanted to be a vampire so I'm making you an offer. I'll change you then you could keep me company. Of course we would have to go somewhere where there isn't a lot of humans." James said. Should I take the offer? I know I've always wanted to be a vampire, but can I handle it?

"You do know that as soon as I make my decision, Alice will see it, right?" I said. Will they come back if Alice sees this vision? Oh what the heck, they've been on planning on leaving me for months, why should they care about my decision?

"Yeah." James said.

"Fine, I'll take your offer." I said.

"Fantastic, when do you want to do it?" James asked.

"Now." I said.

"Are you sure?" James asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." I said.

"Really sure?" he asked again.

"Oh, just bite me already!" I said, and he walked slowly towards me. He was showing off his white sharp teeth at me. For some reasons, I wasn't scared at all. I wasn't even scared of him killing me.

A minute had past, and I felt his sharp teeth penetrate my pale white neck. I could feel the blood flowing. For some bizzare reason, I felt pleasure instead of pain. James was biting my neck for what felt like hours. As soon as he stepped away from me, I heard him say something.

"You're blood is so tasty." James said, and I just smiled to myself.

Author's Note: I just want to try this out. If you guys want me to continue this story, just tell me. If not, then I won't.