So my computer decided that today was 'National Annoy Me' day, and is being a huge pain. So before it gets any worse, I decided to post the last chapter of The Halloween Revenge.

Ok, so I'm pretty sure I left everyone thinking, 'WTF is wrong with ember? How could she erase Andy, Roxy, Mark, and Ryo's memories?!' So please, before you hire an internet hacker from the FBI, find my house, and come banging on my door with a pitchfork, just read the last chapter.

Chapter 10: I Gotta Feeling….

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

"Wow, can believe their new costumes?" The girl in the Cruella de Vil costume asked.

"I know," replied the boy dressed like a vampire, "Those first outfits were something, but these are even better!" Cruella nodded in agreement.

"And those boys…" added a brunette dreamily, twisting the veil of her gypsy costume around her finger.

At that moment, Helia walked past, two drinks in hand. He had overheard the conversation, and gave a dazzling smile to the gypsy girl. She gave him a flirtatious smile back and a little wave. Helia nodded at her before heading over to where everyone else was. He handed the spare drink to Flora. "Sounds like your Believix is a hit." He commented.

"Yeah," Nabu agreed, "Everyone loves it."

"Bloom!" a high voce cut in.

Bloom grinned at Nabu. "Almost everyone," she said, before turning to the voice's owner. Mitzi looked ready to kill her as she stalked towards her, followed by Elle and some other girl in a Goth costume; she had apparently taken Roxy's place for the night. When Mitzi reached Bloom, she put her hands on her hips and stared daggers at her. Tecna and some of the boys gagged on her perfume. Bloom smiled. "What's up, Mitzi?"

"What's up!" Mitzi snapped. "What do you think is up? It's enough to upstage me once at my own party, but twice is absolutely unacceptable!"

"And I checked the guest list, you RSVP'd for you plus five," Elle added, adjusting her red dress, "Last I checked, you have eleven friends. A bit more than five."

"Didn't they teach you how to count in reform school?" snickered the Goth.

"Didn't they teach you a fashion sense in prison?" Stella shot back.

"Well, you hated our other outfits," Layla smiled sweetly, "We'd thought you'd want us to change."

Mitzi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, into something bad!"

"Sorry to disappoint you," Flora shrugged, looking sincerely sorry, "But we left our other costumes back in the car. The party isn't for too much longer, so there's no reason to change again."

"Then just leave." Elle suggested.

"That is the best idea I've heard all night," Mitzi smiled.

Musa rolled her eyes as Brandon stepped forward. "Come on girls, can't we all just get along?"

Tonight's the night (night)
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let's get get off!

Mitzi only side-glanced Brandon, then after a moment turned her full attention on him. "And you are?"

"Oh," Bloom looked at her questioningly, "Um, Mitzi, this is my friend Brandon. Brandon…this is Mitzi."

Stella's eyes widened as Mitzi smiled flirtatiously at him, "Well, I guess your friend Brandon is right."

"Yeah, the party isn't too much longer," the Goth girl backed up Mitzi.

"And it's cool if we stay?" Sky asked.

"Oh totally," Mitzi waved him off, "Forget I mentioned it. Girls, go tell the head of security we had a false alarm." The two stared at her quizzically. "Go," Mitzi hissed. Suddenly nervous, they took off. She turned back and smiled. "Sorry about them. Anyway, I most likely won't see you after this, so I guess this is goodbye."

"Well…I guess so…" Tecna raised an eyebrow as Mitzi continued; "It was great seeing you. And great to meet you." She smiled at the boys, "Oh and Bloom, you do have my phone number, right?"

"Mmm-hmm," Bloom nodded.

"Great, give it to Brandon, will you?" Stella gasped as Mitzi winked at him and walked off.

"If you call her," Stella was on Brandon in a millisecond.

"Stella relax," Brandon said, looking a little nervous, "You're the only girl for me."

"If I were Brandon, I'd be running," Layla grinned.

I know that well have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all

I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Let's go way out spaced out
And loosing all control

"So is the spell working," Sky asked Bloom as they headed to the dance-floor, getting in one of the last songs of the night.

Bloom nodded. "Mitzi thinks the college kids bailed, and everything back to normal."

"You don't sound happy about that," Sky said, reaching for her hand so she'd stop.

Bloom smiled up at him, "It's just Roxy and the others…I feel so terrible for doing this to them…"

"Don't beat yourself up. You had to do it."

"I know, I know," Bloom grinned, "But I feel like they got the short end of the deal."

"They would have wanted you to do what's right," Sky absently reached out and adjusted her bangs, "Especially your friend Andy." Bloom's eyes widened. "You guys seemed like good friends."

Bloom shrugged. "I guess so. Andy was a really good friend when I was here." She then reached up and gave Sky a quick kiss. "But you're even better."

He rolled his eyes at her, but he was smiling, "Well, I am royalty," Bloom laughed as he held his hand out to her, "Would you like to dance, princess?"

Bloom gave a little bit of an informal curtsey. "I'd love to." The two laughed and headed off.

Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off

Let's paint the town
Well shut it down
Lets burn the roof
And then well do it again..

Lets Do it, Lets Do it
Lets Do it Lets Do it
And do it, and do it (lets live it up..)
And do it, and do it
And do it do it do it
Let's do it, lets do it
Let's do it

"Five bucks says Brandon's dead now," Riven smirked, looking through the crowd. The couples had split up, and Musa and Riven had watched with humor when Stella angrily stormed off, Brandon in tow.

"I'd agree to that," Musa smiled, "So after this is there any good music?"

Riven grabbed the device Timmy had hooked up to the stereo. It displayed the DJ's playlist. "Umm…3OH!3, DHT…more Lady Gaga…and then the last song is When I Grow Up."

"Hmm…not bad…"

"Hey!" cut in a girl in a Jedi costume. She gave her outfit a onceover, "The seven of you have amazing costumes."

Musa smiled. "Thanks, everyone keeps……hey, wait; did you say seven?"

The girl looked confused. "Yeah, you the redhead, the blonde, brunette, the two girls with pink hair, and the one with the dark skin."

Riven looked at her in shock, "Two girls?"

"Uh-huh. The one in purple, and the one in green. Anyway, just had to tell you that. Hope you're here next year!" With a wave she walked off.

Musa and Riven stared at each other. "You don't think…" Musa began.

"It's not possible…" Riven added. "Is it?"

"One way to find out. Let's go."

Fill up my cup (Drank!)
Mozolotov (Lahyme)
Look at her dancing (Move it! Move it!)
Just kick it up

Let's paint the town (Paint the Town!)
We'll shut it down (We'll shut it down..)
Let's burn the roof (WooOoo)
And then well do it again

Let's Do it, Lets Do it
Let's Do it Lets Do it
And do it, and do it (lets live it up..)
And do it, and do it
And do it do it do it
Let's do it, lets do it
Let's do it

Here we come, here we go
We gotta rock (rock rock rock rock)

Easy come, easy go
Now we on top (top top top top)

Feel the shot, body rock
Rock it dont stop (stop stop stop stop)

Round and round, up and down
Around the clock (clock clock clock clock)

"Everything looks ok up here," Nabu said, looking around the attic. He, Timmy, Tecna, and Layla were all checking the place out.

"Yes, but Ms. Faragonda wanted us to see if there were any spells left up here."

Layla walked over and examined the jagged window. "I don't think so, Tecna."

"Yeah, it's all gone," Timmy agreed as they heard the creak of the stairs. Someone was coming up to the attic.

"That you, Flora?" Layla called over her shoulder.

There was a giggle. "Nope. Not Flora."

Layla gasped at the voice and spun around along with the other three. The boy next to the figure smiled. "You guys need some help?"

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Friday, Saturday, Saturday and Sunday

G-G-G-G-get with us
You know what we say (say)
Party everyday, P-P-P-Party everyday

"Well, are we all ready to go?" Everyone nodded. They were gathered at the main foyer, waiting for the group in the attic.

"I wonder what's taking them." Helia asked.

"Musa and Riven, too." Sky added.

"It's not like Tecna to be late," Stella said absently, looking around.

"Um…Stella," Brandon started.

"Oh no you don't, I'm already mad at you."

"Stella," Flora said gently, "It wasn't Brandon's fault, sweetie."

"But he didn't stop her," Stella shot back.

"Stella…" Brandon started again.

"I don't think you should be completely blaming Brandon," Bloom said, shaking her head.

"It's Mitzi you should be mad at, if anyone, right?" Sky asked.

Stella thought for a moment. "Come on, it like…Bloom; if you saw Diaspro flirting with Sky again, would you just sit and do nothing?"

Bloom rolled her eyes. "Stell, that's-"

"Guys!" Brandon finally snapped. Everyone turned to him.

"What is it?" Helia asked.

Brandon slowly grinned, and pointed into the crowd. "I figured out what was taking them." Sure enough, Layla, Tecna, Timmy, and Nabu were walking towards them; Musa and Riven, too. But even then, there were a few more people.

got a feeling
that tonights gonna be a good night
that tonights gonna be a good night
that tonights gonna be a good good night

"Roxy?" It was the only word Flora seemed to be able to say as she, Andy, Mark, and Ryo walked toward them.

Roxy grinned. "Hey you guys. What'd I miss?"

"Wh-what happened?" Bloom was smiling. "You guys…remember?"

"That depends on what your talking about," Ryo smirked, "If your talking about the time you convinced Mark to dress up as Koala for Halloween, I was in Boston. However, if your talking about you guys being fairies and heroes from a different realm and you just saved all our butts in an ultimate battle against three insane witches…then yes, we remember." Bloom rolled her eyes before hugging her friend, quickly followed by Andy, Roxy, and Mark. When the broke the group hug, Stella cut in.

"How can you guys remember?"

"Well," Mark explained, "We saw the light from the magic, and Roxy was whispering about how she wished we could remember everything. And suddenly, the four of us were in a shield. Roxy put up a barrier so the magic wouldn't affect us."

"But that's," Bloom and the others finally took a look at Roxy. She wasn't wearing a cowgirl outfit anymore. Her green one-sleeved tank glimmered, with a sleeve from her elbow to her wrist on the arm without a sleeve. She had green shorts with a yellow belt, green boots, and wings. She looked like a Believix fairy.

Roxy shrugged. "I don't know how I did it…"

"But we remember," Andy shrugged, "So we don't really care. What do we need to do?"

"Ms. F is probably going to want to talk to you all…" Flora said slowly.

"Which means you're coming back to Magix with us…" Brandon added, shaking his head with a smile.

Stella, however, took the whole situation very differently. Grinning from ear to ear, she threw her arm around Roxy's shoulders. "Girl," she said, "I think you've got a future with us."

Roxy laughed. "Yeah….I guess I do…"


Well, that truly does it. I am doing that other story I mentioned a few chapters back, so if your still interested in my stuff, look for that. I hope everyone liked it. Thank to ALL reviewers, you guys rock! And speaking of reviews….last chance!

Song Credits

I Gotta Feeling, by The Black Eyed Peas