Endless Dream

By Pata Hikari

Chapter 16: Madder Red Town

Tense was not the word Shirou would use to describe lunch.


Frozen is a word he would use.

One one side of the table, Rider, Caster, and Illya sat. All three were glaring at Shinji with a level of hate so high that everyone could feel it.

On the other side, Shirou, Sakura and Shinji sat. Sakura hadn't said a word, Shinji was talking cheerfully, pointedly ignoring the three people trying to kill him with their stare. And Shirou just felt befuddled about the entire situation.

Saber sat at the head of the table, her face expressionless as she dug into the lunch.

The maids stood in the corner, their eyes focused on Illya.

In short, a stressful lunch for most involved, to put it mildly.

The minutes ticked by, Shinji casually eating his food.

Every few moments he would glance at Sakura.

Sakura would quickly turn away.

Finally, conversation happened, barely.

"Hey, Sakura. How have you been doing?" Shinji asked.

"..." Sakura was quiet.


"I'm fine, Nii-san." She said quietly.

"Really? This war hasn't been hard on you?"

"Oh, no." Sakura mumbled.

"Sakura's been doing great." Caster said, "Not only has she been unharmed, but her skill in magecraft has grown by leaps and bounds."

"...I see."

"Of course, you wouldn't know how that is, would you, Shinji?" Caster said in a cruel tone.

"Guh." Shinji glared at her.

"Caster, was that necessary?" Shirou sighed. "Honestly, Shinji's my friend and Sakura's brother, why do you have to act like this?"

"Humph. Don't worry about them, Emiya. The Servants can be as rude as they want. All they have to do is fight, no?"

"If that's what you say to yourself boy." Rider muttered, "Then feel free, whatever lets you sleep at night."

"Humph." Shinji went back to eating.


Lunch ended, and Saber announced that they would begin training anew.

"Training?" Shinji asked.

"Yeah, every day me and Sakura practice for fights with Saber and Rider. And at night we train our magic with Caster."

"Hmmm..." Shinji paused... "Can I watch?"

"Absolutely not." Rider said darkly, "It's annoying enough that you're here. With you around, Sakura will be distracted."

"...that is true, Shinji. Sakura does not act like she is now when you're not around." Saber added.

"..." Shinji shrugged, "Oh well. Can't be helped I guess." He gave Sakura a smile, "Don't worry Nee-chan. I understand you're nervous doing this important work. Guess you don't want me getting mixed in with it, huh?"

'Ye-yes. It's best if you stay at home where it's safe, Nii-san. We're almost done... just two Master's left."

"Oh?" Shinji paused, "Let's see... I'm guessing Tohsaka is one, who's the other?"

"..." Saber sighed, "We... do not know, exactly." She said finally, lying to Shinji,"Assassin's Master is in hiding, natrually. That's what one does with Assassin. Presumably we'll simply have to defeat Assassin when she strikes again."

"Heh. I see. Good luck with that." Shinji laughed.


"I want to play with Onii-chan!" Illya stomped her foot on the ground.

"Illya... I have to go... We already went out today, remember?" Shirou said.

"But... but..."


"...huh?" Illy turned to Caster, "...what is it?"

"...well..." Caster frowned. "Would you mind coming out with me?"

"..." Illya stared at Caster.

"Well, I was just thinking. You... you never went out and had fun before, right? You always lived in a Magi family. Never living for yourself." Caster kneeled down and looked Illya in the eyes, "Well? How about me and you go out, I'll play with you."


"Rescuing you was Caster's idea."

"Ok." Illya bowed, "I'll play with you a little, Caster."

"Thank you, Illyasviel." Caster gave Illya a large smile.


Emiya Shirou's house was not the house of a magus.

This was a truth that Matou Shinji realized.

There were no secrets, no stores of magic, no books, no knowledge tucked away in corners. It was a normal house. Clean, a home people lived in. The only trace of magic was the boundary field that surrounded the house.

It wasn't right.

It couldn't be right.

He was a Master. So there had to be hidden magic within this building.

"Do you sense anything?" Shinji whispered.

"No. It is odd... if this is a Magus household, I expected to find the signs."

Shinji folded his arms. "Humph. We need to keep looking. I need to find some trace of what Emiya can do."


"So, where do you want to go?" Caster asked her. It was a simple question.

"Hmm..." Illya closed her eyes in thought, "I don't really know much about the actual town, do you know of any places that could be fun?"

"Fun..." Caster paused, "I do... but they... well, they cost money. And as a Servant, we aren't exactly given a expense account."

"...I see." Illya snapped her fingers, "Sella."

"Oujou-sama?" The maid instantly appeared behind her.

"My credit card, please."

"Here you are, Oujou-sama." Instantly Sella produced a small silver box. Inside, sitting on a velvet pillow was a golden credit card.

"Do you know how to use this?" Illya asked as she picked it up.


"OK. In that case the Einzbern wealth will fiance this trip." Illya gave Caster a knowing grin, "After all, it's my playtime, no? You will take me to fun places, watch over me, and I will pay."

"Umm.... OK." Caster nervously took the card.

Her face became childish, "But you'd better show me a good time, Caster, or else I'll make you pay back every cent!"

"..." Caster, for a brief moment, regretted ever suggesting this.


"Hah... hah." Sakura slumped against a wall.

Saber and Rider were, as usual, merciless.

It was bizarre, they had reached an unusual sort of friendship, though they rarely spoke other then when was needed. She guessed it made sense, both Saber and Rider were naturally quiet people. So of course even in friendship, they would mostly be silent.

"You're improving, Sakura." Saber said, "You seem to understand what it means to be in a fight now."

"Thank you..." Sakura said.

"Here." Shirou suddenly held up a kettle, filled with cool water. "You look thirsty."

"Oh... thank you." Sakura took the water, their hands brushed as she grasped the kettle. "...!!" She quickly pulled the kettle away.

"Uhh..." Shirou's face turned red.

"..." Saber sighed. "Shirou."


"....nothing." Saber turned away.

"Hmmm..." Shirou froze, "Errr... are you OK, Saber?"

"Ye-yes." Saber wasn't looking at Shirou, "Um... Rider!"

Rider rolled her eyes at the transparent subject change. "Yes, Saber?"

"Um.... well, your Noble Phantasm was impressive." Saber said quickly.

"I guess so." Rider said,

"Hmmm..." Saber paused, "I believe I have figured out your identity."

"Really?" Shirou glanced at Saber.

"Yes. She possesses powerful Mystic Eyes which require sealing. I can think of few such beings." Saber nodded, "Also... you called forth Pegasus by cutting your neck. Pegasus, a divine beast that was born from the blood spilled from a monster's neck."


"The Gorgon, Medusa."

"Wa-wait. Medusa?" Shirou's jaw dropped.

"...heh. Correct, Saber."


"It's true, Sempai." Sakura shrugged, "She's Medusa. Though... she's not a monster or a bad person, I'd say."

"Indeed." Saber nodded, "Legends are not completely accurate, and Rider has been a strong ally and companion."

"Thank you for the complement." Rider nodded, "Well, that means the only Servants with utterly unknown identities is Assassin."

" And... Archer." Saber closed her eyes.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Shirou asked.

"..." Saber's eyes gazed over Shirou.

"It's... it's just that I've been thinking." Saber mumbled. "....Archer. He uses the same magic as you do."

"Yeah... I guess that's a little odd..."

"..." Sakura and Rider were silent. A particular uneasiness came over Sakura's face.

"In particular, you called out a Reality Marble... the same one that is Archer's Noble Phantasm. A Reality Marble is a unique expression of the soul. It's impossible for two people to have the same one..." Saber looked away. The air becoming heavy. "Heroic Spirits exist outside time. If one were to become a Heroic Spirit, they could be called into any era. Even one where they exist as a human still."

"Yeah... but that..."

"Caster made the same observation." Rider answered, "...look on the bright side, Emiya Shirou. It means that you must succeed at your goal."

"But... Archer's so different then me." Shirou muttered. The thought, once it entered his head, would not leave. It sounded right, it felt right.

Archer is everything Emiya Shirou wants to be.

...yet at the same time he is not.

Sarcastic, manipulative, and there was something about him that grated at him.

To become a Hero is to sacrifice your own happiness.

"We'll just have to see." Shirou mumbled,



A small audience was swarming around two participants in the batting cage.


It was quite an impressive looking sight.


Two women, one a woman in her twenties, the other a girl appearing to be at most thirteen, were competing.


They had been doing this for twenty minutes straight, slowly increasing the speeds the balls were fired.

At this point some were fearing the bats would break.


Illyasviel von Einzburn vs Servant Caster.

Illya, despite never having even heard of baseball before today, took to the idea rather quickly. It soon escalated into the two trying to see who could last the longest without missing a ball.

Caster was a Heroic Spirit, she refused to lose to a little girl. But Illya was proving to be a dangerous opponent. She had a surprising amount of strength and stamina.

They put all their energy into this battle, each ball firing out like a bullet. But it was a fated loss... Illya swung just a second too late, her arms to tired to continue.

The ball moved past her, almost in slow motion. "Nooooooooo!!!"

"Victory!" Caster was looming over her literally seconds later.

"Humph." Illya folded her arms and pouted.

"You want to continue?"

"...no. Take me somewhere else." Illya almost ordered.

"Heh. Act like that and people will think you're a spoiled child." Caster smiled. "How does going to a store sound?"

"What kind of store?"

"You'll see." Caster gave her another smile.



Illya's eyes were wide as she wandered around the store.

Stuffed animals of all shapes, sizes, and types.

"Well... I've only been in here a few times, but any girl should like it. Right?"

"Well..." Illya paused, "I've never actually had any dolls before."

"Really?" Caster frowned, "Hmmm... even I had some of those things as a kid." She looked around at the various toys. "Well then, I'll have to find you a great one, won't I?"



Illya looked up at it.

"It" was a large black bear. Almost as big as she was. It was soft to the touch and rather light for its size.

"..." Illya couldn't take her eyes off it. "I want it." She said suddenly.

"Oh? You like this one?" Caster picked up the bear, "In that case we'll get it for you."

"His name is..." Illya paused, "Um... Hercules." Her face turned red.

"I see." Caster nodded, "Well then, let's take him to the check out."



They were walking home, there was nothing more to discover at Emiya Shirou's house.

Assassin was silent.

Her Master's frustration was obvious. It was, as far as he could tell, a normal persons home. Emiya Shirou was, at best, an amateur magus. No history, no training. A single person who had somehow stumbled upon magic.

It was laughable, in Shinji's eyes, that he had been chosen as a Master.

Yet... despite his frustration, a smile came to his face.



"It's nice, Assassin. I'm not mad anymore, it occurred to me. Emiya... he's been given all these things by luck. Sheer, luck! Me... me on the other hand, everything I have has been by my own work." He continued to laugh. When Asssassin didn't speak, he continued. "So... basically, I have no reason to be jealous of him... hahahahaha... after all, luck is just random chance, no? I... I who worked for what I have, am automatically superior to anything gained by luck."

"That is true."

"Yes yes. Emiya just is lucky. Heh... he's such an idiot. Still..." He paused, "He's a good friend... he helped me out, at lot."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Before I met him, I didn't really have any friends. Sure, I know how to get people to be with me and give me things. But nobody came to be unconditionally, they always wanted something from me, popularity, a favor, something. Emiya wanted me." He began to laugh again, "Hahahahahaha so it's funny... she began to see him."


"Yes... hahahahaha, she had been in her shell so long I assumed her mind had died. But she went to him. Hahahahaha. She went to him. She, who never wanted anything, wanted him. I let her... and... and she stole him from me. She took my friendship... that slut stopped obeying me... and then took my friend! Hahahahahaha!"


"Still... I guess it doesn't matter once I have the Holy Grail... hmmm..." he paused.


"What do I want the Holy Grail for now? Before it was so I could use magic, but now..." He paused, "Hahahaha! I got it! I'll use it to finally remove any will from her. Yes. Oh! Why stop at her hahahahaha Tohsaka too! They'd be lovely together!"

"Didn't you... order me to kill her? I may have fail-"

"When did I say such a thing!" Shinji's face suddenly became filled with rage, "You can't harm Tohsaka... no... she's mine. Only I can hurt her. Hahahahahaha."

"For-forgive me Master... I guess you changed your mind..."

"...oh, it's all right, Assassin." Shinji's smile became wider, "We're in this together. We're going to share the Holy Grail, you know. If you have some wrong ideas, I just need to correct them."

"Of course."

"Hahahahaha yes." Shinji looked up, they had reached the hill his house rested upon. "Of course, any right ideas you have I will listen to."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Shinji continued his walk home. Still laughing occasionally.


They decided to sit in a small park for a while.

Illya felt strange holding the large stuffed bear, and after walking around the past three hours, Caster wasn't about to object to resting.

"Here we go." Caster sat down on the only bench in the park. "You want to go home after this?"

"Guess so." Illya set her new bear, sitting next to Caster.

Silence followed as the cool winter wind blew.

Who is she? Illya thought.

As part of her training for being a Master, she had studied every legend that was known, she had to learn about every single hero's abilities, often absorbing dozens of contradictory versions of legends. All to be able to recognize any Heroic Spirit.

Yet... Caster's identity eluded her. She hadn't been able to hear the name of her Noble Phantasm in the chaos. But judging by what she saw of it, it was a powerful sword. To be able to produce such destruction, it must have great fame.

Yet she knew of no Japanese magi who used swords, at all. In fact, despite the power of the sword it had it was not a powerful weapon. Yes. That's when it dawned onto Illya. Despite the power of Caster's Noble Phantasm, it was not a weapon focused for destruction.

Compare Caster's sword to Saber's. Excalibur has a single use. It "cuts." The Holy Sword, when swung, will cut through everything in front of it. It was powerful enough that even her Berserker died ten times from it. While Caster's weapon had output equal to Excalibur, it did not have the pure focus. It just released magical energy, Caster herself had to focus it into an attack. It was weaker as a pure attack as a result. But it would probably be useful for a wider variety of uses.

The mystery of who this Servant was... and to top it off, she seemed to know her. She had a vested interest in her. It bothered Illya.



"..." Illya paused, what was she supposed to say? Why did she care about what this woman thought? Cared who she was? "Caster... who are you?"

"Hmm? I'm Caster. That's all."

"No, I mean what's your true name." Illya pouted, "I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"...Illyaviel. I died, and I've been reborn as Caster. There's no other name for me. My name died with my past." Caster answered calmly.

"..." Illya stared at the Servant, "That's silly. If you consider yourself dead, then why are you here? What wish do you want from the Holy Grail?"

"Wish? I don't have any that the Holy Grail can grant." Caster shrugged, "The only wish I have is to save people I want to save."

"Save people you want to save?" Illya frowned.

"Yes." Caster looked out into the sky. "I once knew these guys. One was an idiot. He was impulsive, short sighted, stubborn, and always went over his head. The other was sarcastic, unhelpful, and a gigantic jackass."


"But they both had a single wish. A stupid foolish wish. They wanted to save everyone. Any soul they could find, they would help with their own power. In short, they wanted to be a Hero."


"I loved... them both, I guess. I can't forgive one though. He betrayed his ideals. He lost his way, faced with the bitterness of reality, he became disillusioned. In the end, he abandoned the ideal, and both of them died, having been tied together by this wonderful dream."

It was strange... even as she spoke in frustrated tones, her face was warm, a fond smile covering her.

"I could not take up the ideal they had lost. I'm not that pure a person. I know I can't save everyone. I know it's impossible. So, I compromised. I decided to save only those I wanted to save. I would not be a Hero, like them. I would only help."

"Who... who did you want to save?"

Caster laughed, "That's just it. There was nobody I wanted to save. Anyone I could have saved... was already lost, by the time I took up a shadow of their ideal. So I went to studying. Looking for a cause to fight for, someone to save."

"Did you?" Illya had to ask.

"No. I never did save anyone. In fact, I damned the one person I discovered who I wanted to save. I destroyed my salvation in the form of that one person... and abandoned my life. I took to training even more. I learned something Impossible, achieving a miracle. And it still wasn't enough. I became a 'Hero.' In a sense. But I couldn't be happy. Because I had failed to live up to the ideals they had. And now I'm here, and I found people I want to save."

There was no doubt in her voice. No question.

Illya realized the type of person Caster was. She would only do something if she believed she could do it. Even if everyone else said it was impossible. Even if it was an unreachable dream. If this woman thought it could be done, she would devote every ounce of power into doing it.

"...who?" Who does she want to save? She had to know, who had inspired such in her?

"Well, you for one. But Sakura, Shirou, Saber, Rider, Rin, and... Archer. I want to save them all."

"...that's stupid. Half of them are your enemies! Saving Servants? How can you want to save them when you have to kill them or be killed by them?" Illya glared at her.

Caster laughed, "Never said it would be easy. But that's my wish. The Holy Grail can't grant a wish, to do so would deny the Holy Grail, all I can do is work to achieve it with my own power. I already saved you, that leaves just six more to go, no?" She smiled cheerfully at Illya. "Well, I think we've rested enough. Pick up Hercules and lets go home.

They began the walk home.

And Illya pondered the contradiction in Caster's existence.

She wanted to save them.

Yet as a Servant, she had to destroy many of them. Did she realize this problem? Did she care?

"Caster, do you intend to win the Holy Grail War?"

"Not at all." She answered without a second thought. "If I did that, I would have to give up the few people I'm trying to save, remember?"

There was the problem.

She existed to win the Holy Grail War.

Yet she did not want to do such a thing.

It was fragile, and Illya knew that such a delicate thing...

...would break when it was shaken.


Soon, it was time for dinner.

The problem came when the issue of who had to make dinner came up.

It was a three way argument.

One one side, Illya.

"Shirou! I had Sella and Leysritt come over for a reason! Their servants, it's their job to cook for me, and by extension us!"

Then, opposing the girl in white, stood Sakura. Her eyes a determined laser, focusing on her enemy.

"Now now Illya-chan. I live here. It's part of my role to make dinner. While I appreciate your sentiment, I can't let your maids make two meals in a row. So I'll cook dinner."

And in the middle of the two feuding girls, was Shirou, desperately trying to form a compromise.

"Um... well, I mean. While they made a good breakfast... I really... uerr...." Shirou sighed, "I'll make dinner, OK? As the head of the household it is my right."

"...guh..." Shirou froze as both girls glared at him.

"Sempai, please stay out of this."

"Yeah Onii-chan, me and Matou-san are just having polite conversation."

"Yeah but you're almost setting the house on fire with your glares..." Shirou muttered.

The argument continued on like this for a while.

Until salvation came from an unexpected angle.

"Dinner's ready!"

"Huh?" All three turned to the kitchen. Caster was leaving it, carring plates and bowls filled with food along with Saber and Rider.

"Ca-caster, what is this?" Sakura stared at the chinese food being put on the table.

"Oh. You three were so busy debating that I decided to make dinner while you talked." She answered in a straightforward manner.

"Caster..." Illya growled.

Shirou sighed, "Well, I guess that's good."

"How is that good, Sempai? Are you saying you didn't want me to cook?" Sakura's voice was sweet, but an icy chill hid beneath it.

"Um... let's just eat." Shirou quickly sat down in his spot.


Taiga arrived just a few minutes after dinner started. Seeing the food, she instantly began serving herself.

"Soo...." Taiga glanced at Illya, "Why are you here, anyways?"

"My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern, Miss." Illya said with a sweet smile. "These are my maids, Sella and Leysritt."

"Ma-maids? Are you rich or something?"

"Oh very." Illya grinned.

"Eeehhh then why are you here?" Taiga frowned, "I mean, if your rich enough for maids shouldn't you be at a mansion or fancy hotel?"

"Hmmm..." Illya paused, "Why is everyone else here?"

"Oh?" Taiga paused, "Well... ah. Sakura-chan is here because she's practically Shirou's wife."

"Guh... Sensei..." Sakura muttered.

"Caster-san is Shirou's aunt, and Saber-chan and Rider-chan are her daughters."

"I see." Illya nodded, "Well then, I guess I can tell the truth then, since nobody but family is here."

"...family?" Caster asked.

"Yes... you see, the truth is... I am Emiya Kiritsugu's love child!"

"Guuuhhha?" Shirou stared.

"Love child? No way!" Taiga stared, "You're joking, right?"

"Why would someone as rich as me claim to be the love child of a traveling weirdo unless it was true?" Illya answered calmly.

"Sh-shirou, that means this girl is your sister!" Taiga whispered. "Did you know this?"

"... no, this is the first time I've heard it." Shirou deadpanned.

"Yup. Well, Onii-chan, can you take care of me?" Illya said cheerfully.

"Um... well. I guess so, Illya."

"Yay!" Illya suddenly seemed to get closer to Shirou.


"Onii-chan. I want you to talk to me like a little sister, OK?" Illya suddenly said.

"Um..." Shirou paused.

"Shirou, if she's your sister, you need to show her proper affection!" Taiga whispered.

"Umm...." He sighed, "Fine, um, Illya-neechan." He muttered.

"...ahh..." Illya's eyes sparkled. "Onii-chan!" She grabbed into his arm, "Thank you thank you!"


"Awww isn't that cute." Taiga grinned.

"...yes." Sakura tried not to glare.

"I-Illyasviel! Release Shirou!" Saber nearly shouted.


Night came, chores were assigned and done. And another day ended.

Magic training went well. Shirou was still trying to use his magic to change things. Caster knew he wasn't suited to such magic, though it was the best he could do with the skills he had. His power was to analyze and then copy. So the first step, analyze, gave him a better start.

Sakura was putting her energy into quartz. She had more and more spare magical energy every day.

Because of the thing they did that had become habit for them.

Caster and Sakura both entered the hot bath, resting their tired bodies for the day.

"Ahh..." Sakura closed her eyes, "This is nice..."

"Yeah." Caster placed her hands on Sakura's shoulders.


Most of the worms were dead now. Only a few remained, bound to her nerves and heart.

To remove those was something that was nearly impossible. Any normal magus would give up on such a task. But not Caster. She focused, the magic in her acting in a way beyond her abilities in life. With a thought she could execute commands and the world would obey. With one hand, she began draining the worms attatched to her spinal cord. With the other, she began a healing spell... her magic crest began to glow. This particular spell was invented by her great grandfather. Putting all her power into it. Even as the worm began to move in Sakura's body, it could not cause damage severe enough or fast enough before Caster healed it. It had to be done fast, nerve damage was sensitive, and under most circumstances, would never heal properly.

"Guh..." Sakura winced in pain... "Ca-caster..."

"Shhh..." Caster stopped, the worm was dead now. The body would soon purge the unnatural thing from it.

"That hurt... what exactly are you doing?"

"Nothing really." Caster didn't want to risk actually informing Sakura of what she was doing until she removed the final worm from her heart. "We can talk about it tomorrow, OK?"

"OK, Caster, if you say so."

She trusted her.

"..." Caster sighed, "Thank you, Sakura. I'm... sorry."

"Don't be... you've helped me out a lot, right?" Sakura gave her a large smile. "Come on, let's go to bed."