Chapter 1: The letter

This was what I liked to call heaven, I was at home sat in the most comfortable and warm chair that lived in the Den with a good book in my hands, not a single brother to bother or poke me out of my calmness, heaven.

I was reading a book that one of my many loving brothers had got me for my last birthday, a book about dragons no less. However I had been so busy with work I had only just started to read it. I was reading a passage about a type of dragon that lived in the highest mountains of Africa and loved the taste of wizards when I heard a noise, a noise I knew all to well.

I looked around for my old Gryffindor bookmark to mark my page before following the noise; I found it hiding in between the cushions of the sofa. I set the engrossing book down onto the worn coffee table that my large feet rested on before heaving myself out of my seat to go find the source of the noise. My bare feet padded across the wooden floor and took me over to the door where the noise was coming from, a noise I had learned from not only Ginny but on an odd occasion mum to.

I felt my lips tug into a smile as I had to duck my head when I left the Den and headed towards the kitchen, since I had moved out of the Burrow years ago I had grown considerably not only mentally but physically, I however still had my fathers blue eyes and the same flame red hair from my mum; it was now below my shoulder blades and mum was always on my back to get it cut. My muscles were much more defined then most but that could have been from my line of work, I also had a rather nice tan to go with the muscles I had, something the ladies always liked.

As I wondered into the kitchen I spotted the source of the noise, sitting at the table was a bushy mass of brown curls, a sob escaping every so often from the arms that wrapped round her head with a letter tightly clutched in her small hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked lovingly as I slipped into the mismatched chair beside the crying woman.

"Victor..." A small voice squeaked before her whole frame shock with uncountable sobs.

"I'm so sorry 'Mione" I whispered gently to her as I placed my large hand on her shoulder, trying in vain to comfort the crying woman. No matter how strong she was 'Mione did need a shoulder to cry on from time to time, everyone did.

Without warning the small women threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and refusing to let go. As fresh tears ran down her flushed cheeks I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her slender body against my chest and into my lap. I knew from my many nights with an upset Ginny or a tearful mum that she just needed to cry it out before I would be able to get any sense out of her, so I sat there and waited. Her warm salty tears soaked into my shirt making a small damp patch on the shoulder but I didn't care, the wetness seeped though onto my neck as I stroked her curly hair trying to soothe the broken woman in my arms.

After a while the tears slowed only to be followed buy a round of hiccups, I refused to remove my arms around her small body as 'Mione needed to know someone was there, someone that wouldn't leave or let go in her time of need. My eyes quickly glazed up at the clock that was mounted on the wall, it was the magical one that told mum where everyone was; there was no hiding from Molly Weasley.

The hands of the clock informed me that nearly everyone was still in the three broomsticks partying away like there was no tomorrow.

Dad had informed us that morning that he had been given a promotion, everyone cheered for him as he had worked hard for the extra little pay rise but when he told us he had been promoted to minister for magic well that was it, the whole family including Hermione and Harry had to go out and celebrate with a round of drinks. The round of drinks soon turned into two and then three and it wasn't long before a party came into full swing.

As the party grew on I could see every one of my brothers getting drunker with each shot they downed, I however didn't drink much as I not only knew my limit but I knew touching the firewhiskey after having goodness knows how many beers would give you one hell of a headache in the morning. I was quite happy relaxing in the background with half a pint still in my hand when a shadow came across me, it was 'Mione; she asked if she could sit down with me as loud party's wasn't her thing.

We was having a pleasant conversation about the possibility of Lock Ness Monster being real when Percy drunkenly stumbled into the middle of the pub, he had a look of a drunken fool on his face as he stood there wearing nothing but some bunny ears of his head and a pair of bright red stilettos on his feet.

You could see the colour drain from mums face before it took on a shade of red, mum was getting ready to shout herself into frenzy but I managed to step in before that happened, with a smile I offered to take Percy back to the house and keep a watchful eye on him; I was thankful when Hermione appeared at my side with a now clothed Percy giggling like a school girl, I offered her a smile in thanks and took Percy off her but when she offered to help I was glad we could carry on our thrilling debate.

The redness in mums face soon disappeared and she thanked both of us for doing this and turned back to some of my brothers who were laughing hysterically, 'Mione just looked rather relived that she now had an excuse to leave; 'Mione was never a heavy drinker.

With a drunk brother leaning against me the three managed to safely apparate back to the Burrow without any trouble, 'Mione and I managed to team up and with a lot of hard work we got Percy all cleaned up and he was now sleeping peacefully in his bed.

'Mione and I were happily snuggling into the warm comfy sofa of the Den reading in blissful peace when an owl swooped into with a letter in it's claws, looking confused 'Mione took the letter to owl to see her name on the front. She said it was most likely from work as she didn't recognise the handwriting so she marked her page before leaving the room to get some privacy, I was happy to give it to her as letters from work were always filled with confidential information; but I never understood why they would send confidential information by owl, anyone could intercept it.

My mind snapped back to the present with a bang and I looked down at the broken women clinging on to me for dear live, I was a spilt second to fast to notice some of the hands on the clock had move, with a pop mum and dad appeared in the room both of them with smiles on their faces. Mum's normally warm and welcoming face looked confused when she saw Hermione sitting in my lap as she clung onto me like I was her life line with an iron grip. After spotting the letter in 'Miones hand she looked between us both before her expression changed.

"Night you two, don't stay up too late ok…" She looked lovingly towards her adopted daughter as she placed a gentle hand on the still woman's shoulder "…you know where I am if you need me" Mum whispered softly as she moved towards the stairs with dad by her side, as she moved around the table there was another pop but it came from the pantry.

"Ron don't eat all the food" Dad called as they pasted the food filled room and made their way up the stairs to bed.

"Yer Ron, don't eat all the food…" Ginny agreed with a smile as she and Harry walked into the room hand in hand, the couple smiled at the two sitting at the table before Ginny's spare hand tried to cover her mouth as she yawned "…I'm all worn out, guess its off to bed night all" Ginny said yawning once again as her high heeled feet clacked along the tiled floor of the kitchen, with a flourish of red she was up the stairs and at her bedroom before anyone could blink.

"What's wrong with 'Mione?" Harry asked as the sound of a door clicked into place, his green eyes watched the two of us as 'Mione rested her head against my chest. Over the past year or so our talks and debates had got more heated and now we have become really good friends as we owled each other when both our partners were out.

"I don't know…" I said honestly as I gently rocked back and forth "…but don't worry I can deal with it, you go up to bed its ok" I answered with a sigh as I glanced up at a worried looking Harry.

"Oh, ok then…" Harry said dejectedly as he looked at Hermione once more before moving towards the stairs, he gently placed a hand on 'Mione as he passed "…night Ron" He quietly called as Ron tumbled out of the pantry, he had is eyes downcast with a sheepish look on his face as his cheeks bulged with food; he looked similar to a hamster. Ron quickly made his way to the sink with a glass in his hand, he pored himself an ice cold drink of water, as he raised it to his lips Ron stopped and happened to look out the window, his eyes squinted so he could see who was out there.

"'s Victor" Ron swallowed the glass of cold liquid in one huge gulp before placing his empty glass down on the side, he rushed towards the door with a smile to welcome the new but welcome guest. Victor Krum looked annoyed as he marched right past the youngest male red head as if he wasn't even there and headed straight towards us, anger seeping into his slit like eyes when he noticed Hermione huddled against me.

"We need to talk" His rough voice plainly said with demand, his dark eyes focused onto 'Mione with an anger and fear.

"Can't you see 'Mione doesn't want to talk right now…" I said angrily when 'Mione shuffled away from the fierce male "…come back in the morning when you have clamed down, now please kindly leave before I force you to" I had to force my voice to stay calm and steady as I looked up at the male, he had hurt 'Mione somehow and I was quite willing to do as I threatened.

"No…" Victor shouted as he reached out, he grabbed 'Mione's wrist and ripped her out of my lap "…now" He roughly tugged 'Mione out of the back door after him, if the look on his face was anything to go by the peace that had covered the house was about to be disturbed.

"What's going on?" Ron asked roughly as his eyes me looked at the empty door, Ron's eyes were filled with confusion and anger.

"Don't know..." I spat as I heard 'Mione get dragged further away from the house "...but I will put a stop to it" All I could feel was pure anger running though my veins as I flung my chair back with a bang, my feet felt heavy but swift as I quickly rushed out the door after Victor who was still dragging the poor 'Mione by her arm.

As I jogged out into the cool night I could hear an angry voice shouting and screaming along with some angry protesting coming from the pond; even with my eyes I could just make out two figurers in the moonless night. My eyes managed to focus in the dark night and what I saw made anger course though me like molten lava.

There were two figures standing by the pond, there was a lot of arm throwing and shouting but when the smaller of the two figures fell to the floor with a thud I lost it, the noise of skin hitting against skin echoed though out the still night with an almost piercing sound. Without hesitation I withdrew my wand from my pocket and sent a stunning spell in Victor's direction, I urged my feet to move faster as I ran as fast as I could towards 'Mione, once I got there 'Mione was curled up into a tight ball on the dirty ground as her hands clutched at her knees.

"Its ok..." I soothed as I pulled her towards me. "...he wont hurt you again" Fresh salty tears flowed from her deep chocolate brown eyes, they ran down her face as she shock from head to toe, I just griped her tightly as I rocked back and forth. Just then three pops announced the arrival of my other brothers; what good timing they had.

"What happened?" One of them asked with a confused look on his face; he was knelt by the unconscious Victor poking him with a stick he had just found, Victors head flopped to one side from the force of one particular hard poke.

"It's a long story, look just get that thing into the house will you" My eyes glanced quickly to the heap of flesh that was Victor before looking back at three of my brothers, the oldest of the group nodded at me as they moved towards Victor. It took all three of them to carry the lump into the house, the twins were carrying a leg each as the last brother took his arms, looks like his job is finally paying off. With one last heave I saw three of my brothers get joined by Ron and the four of them carried the dead weight into the house.

With a sigh I glance down at 'Mione as I sat with her on the cold hard floor, she just wouldn't move. My legs were going numb as I sat there for five long minutes trying to persuade 'Mione to move, when she didn't I gave up. With swift arms I pulled the scared women into my arms and carried her across the expanse of garden. If 'Mione was her normal self she would protest about this but she was still in shock, my feet moved one before the other but the closer I got to the house the more her body shock; this I wasn't happy about.

Once I entered the warmth of the house I noticed the kitchen was empty, I wondered where everyone was until I heard the noise from the Den. With anger still flowing though me I wondering into the Den with 'Mione still in my arms, as I walked though the door a small warm hand gripped my shirt tightly as a pair of fearful eyes looked up at me, the last time I saw a look like that was when we were in the final battle against Voldemorts forces.

"How is she?" Mum asked as she saw me wonder in. I looked up to the head of the family to say 'Mione was alright to see something I never thought I would, Victor was tied up on the sofa with a look of fear and distress on his face as every family member; except Percy, were pointing their wands at him.

"'Mione is fine mum, I will take her upstairs and get 'Mione into bed…" I informed everyone as I moved back out the room. Victor glared at my choice of words but I did it on purpose just to see him ticked off "…you guys keep an eye on him and we can sort this out in the morning" Mum followed me out of the room and steadily lead us up the stairs, she keep glancing back at 'Mione in my arms as I carefully walked up the stairs, I didn't want to knock 'Miones head on a wall and end up knocking her out. Will a house full of grown up kids with partners mum and dad had added extra bedrooms in the hope of having lots of grandchildren, because of this 'Mione now had her own room. Once we got to the fourth floor the shock started to wear off as a flow of tears ran down 'Miones now rosy cheeks.

"Have you got her?" Mum asked as I swept into the room and gently placed the crying women on the bed.

"Yes I have, you can go whip Victor into shape if you want" I gently teased as I tucked 'Mione into the large bed. Mum gave me a small smile before rushing out of sight.

"Thanks" 'Mione whispered softly as I wiped the stray tears off her flushed face, I smiled softly down at her.

"It's ok 'Mione. I don't mind…" I said covering her up with the thin blanket "…I'm just glad that you're not hurt" My knees clicked as I lifted myself off the floor, still smiling softly at the crying women I moved away from the bed to sit on the chair by the door, 'Mione might have thought I was leaving as she called for me.

"Wait" 'Mione called with a tremor in her voice. I stooped where I was and turned to she 'Mione sat up in the bed with her hand reaching out for me, the panic in her eyes was painful to see as the blanket pooled at her waist.

"What is it 'Mione?" I asked gently as I moved back towards the bed, I carefully sat down on the bed beside her as I wiped a few more tears away.

"Please stay" 'Mione begged, the sadness and pain that shined in her eyes broke my heart, she was in a great deal of emotional pain; she wanted someone with her. I smiled slightly as I slipped under the covers knowing what 'Mione wanted. I could have told her I was only going to sit in the chair but the look in her eyes told me 'Mione needed me right beside her.

With a shaky sigh 'Mione shuffled closer towards me and snuggled up to my chest, once I was in we huddled together as my body heat kept her still shaking body warm. I whispered soft words of comfort into 'Miones ear hoping to clam her down; I had done this many times with my younger siblings over the years so I was well practiced in.

After a short while 'Mione started to become drowsy, her eyes kept drifting closed as my voice hummed her to sleep. Once she was in the half asleep state I sang 'Mione the lullaby mum would sing to us when we were little, it was a great source of comfort for us and I was rather pleased when it worked. Before she fell into an uneasy sleep 'Mione snuggled deeper into me and muttered two words into my chest.

"Thanks Bill"

A.N. Hello dear readers, don't worry I am still alive. Now many of you might be wondering what is going on with my story, well its time to explain, if you have just started to read my story this will be a little confusing but I will start from the begining. I have been working on this story for over three years now, I updated chapters as offten as I could but about two years ago muy mum passed away, since then I lost all interest this story. I didn't want to waste this story so I offered it to other writers to finish sadly the ones that took it on didn't have time or something came up so that plan didn't work. So this is me telling you that i'm going to start again. I'm going to update all of my chapters and then go on from there, hopefully that will get me back into this story as I have a few extra chapters written down somwhere. Hope you all like the new chapter.