Hey guys!! I thought there was going to be another chapter or two before the epilogue, but looking over and rereading everything made me see that this was a good place to end this… It's also a good time for me to end it, because with finals and everything soon, I won't have as much time as I'd like to spend on this story.

So here it is, the end of 'We Are Broken.'

I hope you all enjoy!


'And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
But I don't know how

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me'

Wonderwall – Oasis


"Can't you do something to train him or something?" Dean asked three days after Missouri had fixed Sam's mind, and opened the floodgates to his brother's powers at the same time.

He was tired of having his thoughts answered or thrown back at him, and looking over at Sam he could tell the younger man was tired of hearing all his thoughts.

"I already told you, that Sam has to figure out his own method to block out thoughts and feelings. My way won't help him, it's different for every psychic. Our powers may be similar, but we're all different, and what works for one of us probably won't work for another one." Missouri said with a sigh, looking over at the exasperated young man across the kitchen from her.

"Yeah, well I wish he would figure it out soon." Dean said with a scowl. "It's getting old, him knowing my every thought." He said, not a little childishly.

"And you think that Sam really wants to know your every thought?" Missouri asked, eyebrows raised. "This is just as hard, if not harder on Sam. He's getting used to his new abilities, and right now he doesn't have the control over them he wants to have, and you're throwing that in his face." She scolded.

Dean opened his mouth to reply, but he had nothing to say to that.

"You need to pull your head out of your behind and start thinking as a big brother again." She said and with a shake of her head, she walked away.


That's really freaky. Dean thought to himself later that day, looking over at Sam as if studying the younger man.

"M'not a freak, Dean." Sam answered with a sigh, not even realizing that Dean hadn't actually put voice to the thought.

"Getting annoying Sam." Getting annoying Sam. The sentence was said aloud and an answering echo resounded through his head, and Sam let out a deep breath, reaching up to rub his aching temples.

"Tell me about it," Sam muttered and stood. Dean turned around and looked up at him, "I'm gonna go lay down for a little while, maybe take something for my head." He answered the unasked question truthfully, knowing Dean wouldn't take kindly to lies or half-truths at the moment.

"You okay?" The older man asked quietly, looking as if he was fighting against the urge to jump up and check Sam over.

"Yeah, just a headache." Sam answered simply, watching as the rigid line of Dean's shoulders eased, and his mind supplied the feeling of relief. "Your thoughts are enough to give anyone a migraine." He added with a small quirk of lips, when it looked like Dean was going to get up and follow him.

"Hey!" Dean said, outraged, his look of relief turning to one of petulance. Sam could hear him trying to think of a comeback, but it seemed that his older brother was coming up dry, and Sam shook his head and with a smirk headed toward the bedroom that had been designated to him.

Sitting heavily on the edge of the bed, Sam reached over and uncapped the Advil, popping two of the liquid gels into his mouth and swallowing them dry. Putting the container back on the side table, he kicked off his shoes and laid back against the pillows.


That was how Dean found him twenty minutes later, asleep on top of the covers, snoring lightly, his face lined with a look of complete contentment.

It had been a long time since he had seen his brother so relaxed, and Dean wasn't about to take away that feeling. If his brother's new powers, and what had happened between them since this whole mess had started were helping Sam, he wasn't going to get in the way.

Dean had a feeling that Sam hadn't been this relaxed since before Dean had gone to Hell, and if he was being truthful with himself, he could put some (a lot) of the blame for that on his own shoulders.

He hadn't been the big brother he should have been for a long time, now. He had seen how Sam had craved that touch, those comforting words, and that it took something this big for him to see that? Dean knew he had to start stepping up his game as big brother.

But he had time now.

He wasn't going to shirk his duties again.


A/N: And my one-shot that turned into a monster is done!!! *headdesk* Thank you! Although I'm a little sad that it's over… This has been my pet since… well it's been my pet for a long time.

Thanks to everyone that stuck with me through this. Your encouragement really helped!

Now sendintheclowns and I have to go and plot for the next fic… *evil grin* Poor Sammy is never safe.

Take care,