A/N: Howdy, good people, I am TheRandomTurtle, and even though I am a long time fanfic reader, this is my very first time posting on this website. HUZAH!!

Now, this "technically" isn't a JTHM, SQUEE, or I Am Sick fanfic. This is just a parody of a great song-- made famous by YouTube-- that, hopefully, everyone has heard.

The reason it is in the Jhonen Vasquez section of this site is because I've read many a fanfic in this section that has had some sort of affiliation with "fangirls". So it just seemed appropriate that I posted it here.

So please, read and enjoy! Hey, who knows! You just might like it enough to leave a nice review! *wink wink/nudge nudge*

Disclaimer: I do not own The Llama Song -- I just like parodying it.

The "Fangirl" Llama Song!!

Here's a fangirl

There's a fangirl

And another Crazy fangirl

Scary fangirl

Psycho fangirl

Fangirl, Fangirl, RUN!!

Fangirl, fangirl

Creepy fangirl

Spastic, Sick, Obsessive fangirl

Nutty fangirl, Freaky fangirl

Fangirl, fangirl RUN!!

I'ma Spooky fangirl

I luv'm my guys good

I follow them

I worship them

Like any fangirl would

I write them creepy letters

'Bout how we're meant to be

And how we will one day wed

And raise a family

If you ever see some fangirls

Hit a fangirl with a fangirl

Runaway from the bad fangirls

Fangirl, fangirl, RUN!!

Loopy fangirl

Kooky fangirl

Holy crap a stalker fangirl

Completely off her rocker fangirl

Fangirl, fangirl, RUN!!

I'll sneak into his bedroom

I'll hide under his bed

I'll wait till his not lookin'

Then I'll clock him on the head

I'll take him to my basement

And tie him to a chair

I'll sell his stuff on Ebay

And become a millionaire


Welp! That's it! Hopefully y'all had yourselves a giggle.