To StoryWeaver854: I apologize deeply for breaking these guidelines.

But you should have told me four years ago. :/ Haha, just kidding. But honestly, I was 12 or 13 when I started this. And now I'm 17. I forgot this thing even existed, wow. Actually thanks for reminding me. Kind of. It was sort of painful remembering what I did so many years ago.

Am I allowed to like, start writing with the proper format from now on? From my update rate, everyone should know by now that I'm too lazy to actually do something proactive.

Oh wait, you want me to move it? That ain't happening. I read the first five chapters and vomited. I hate seeing things I've done when I was younger.

Ooh, wait, I got an idea. Why am I typing this as I think? It's all over the place.

Kids, this is why you always write an outline before you write.

On that note, this part isn't even supposed to be addressed to StoryWeaver854 anymore.


P.S. I guess I'll just do some small editing on the story even though it's soooo much busy work. You better thank me, people who actually still read this.

To everyone: I started working on your "suggestions" and then lost the paper and gave up. Go me.

Oh crud, with my "idea" I'll have to be looking at the old chapters in detail. I'm brilliant guys.


Dzetsu forgot what the premise of the story was even supposed to be. But then again, there probably wasn't one.

She stood up and gave a deep, graceful bow.

"Thank you for supporting me over the years, even if my updates are slow as f*** and I can't write to save a life."

Dzetsu smiled at the fourth wall.

"I'm very grateful to all of you. This story is officially completed. I think I'm done with this."

The author thought for a moment.

"Though if I have the time, that might change. I could always just changed the status back to Incomplete and keep going. But for now, this is finished. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry that you read it and I congratulate you for surviving this long."

The non-existent curtains closed, ending the scene.