Tristan's eyes widened as he read the letter. His roommate, Mark, stared at him; Tristan never got mail, or showed emotion.

"Dude what the hell are you reading? You never get mail." Mark finally asked.

Tristan kept reading for a moment. He put the paper down and looked up at Mark. "That would be…I can't even describe it." Mark reached for it but didn't read it when he got it.

"What am I expecting to find when I read this letter?"

"Just…you remember that girl I told you about?"

"Mary right?" Tristan nodded as Mark read.

Bible Boy,

This will probably be the 27 letter that'll I'll try to write to you, and end up throwing out. God, I hate you or at least I wish I did but I can't thus I'm writing to you.

How's military school? I hope it's not too bad because that mean you're not happy and I want to be happy. I bet there aren't many blonde bimbos to push up against my locker huh?

The night you left, 3 months, 5 days, and 16 hours ago (but whose counting), you said you'd kiss me if my boyfriend weren't watching. Well I broke up with De-Bag Boy. He was safe but at the same time he was dangerous. He was dangerous because he was holding back from what I really wanted and safe at the same time because I wouldn't get hurt.

What I really wanted. What I really wanted is such a strange thing to say now, because I always thought he was exactly what I wanted. I see clearly now. Tristan I miss you. I'm not sure when but some where along the way I fell in love with you.

I saw a different side of you at Maddie's party. That kiss plagued my mind for months, I didn't cry because it was bad I cried because I felt more with you than I ever did Bag Boy. He used to say that you called me Mary and all because you liked me. I denied it vehemently but now I hope maybe the idiot may have been right about something.

And if he wasn't, I hope you'll write back anyway because I miss you and I know I was the only one you told about where you went.

No Matter What,

Your Mary.

"I thought you said she hated you." Mark stared at the letter confused.

"So did I man, so did I." Tristan replied.


"So what?"

"Dude, go get her. You said from the beginning your Grandfather would get you out and the only thing holding you back was that you weren't wanted. Well now you are. SO GO GET HER!"

Tristan nodded. That's exactly what he'd do.

Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

"Hello?" The older voice answered.

"Gramps!" Tristan smiled into the phone.

"Tristan my boy, how are you?" Janlan asked his grandson. If he were honest he'd say that his grandson was more important to him than his actual son.

"I'm ready to come home and win over my girl."

"What do you mean Boy?" Janlan questioned.

"I need to get home as soon as possible. I don't care how much it costs I need to get on a plane home. You said you'd take me in and I'm taking you up on your offer if it still stands of course." Tristan then told his grandfather about the letter.

Janlan was ecstatic, Tristan had told him all about Mary…well all except what her real name was. She sounded just like his wife; he loved that woman with all his heart.

"Of course son, you'll be with your girl soon…but as repayment I want to meet her." Tristan full heartedly agreed.

I don't care how much money I gotta spend
Got to get back to baby again
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

Rory sighed. She couldn't explain why, but she had fallen for Tristan and not only that but she missed him. Oh and that Jess was an asshole. She wrote the letter, number 27 and was going to throw it out but she had left for a little while and Jess had read it and mailed it.

He had told her the next day when it was too late to stop Tristan from getting it. Rory laid her head in her hands. It was a week ago today that Jess sent it. Tristan had probably gotten two days after it was mailed and had it now.

He was probably mocking it with his friends. Rory was going to stab Jess.

There was a knock at the door and she figured it was Jess or Lane or both, seeing that it had been a combined effort.

"GO AWAY JESS!" She yelled.

The knocking didn't stop it was insistent. Her mother came down and opened the door. She heard voices.

Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister, can't you see I got to get back
to my baby once-a more
Anyway, yeah!

"Fruit of my loins!" Her mother yelled.

"Mother!" Rory called back.

"Come look-y! There something very tasty here." Lorelei smiled as she looked at the person across from her.

"I swear to god Mom, if I have to witness Kirk in one of his naked stages again I'm going to be really mad!" Rory's voice got closer as she padded through the living room.

"Don't worry honey, I definitely wouldn't call that tasty or yummy, this deserves a yummy too." Lorelei smirked evilly at teenager. But then she noticed he was smirking right back at her not slightly embarrassed.

"Yummy?" He smirked more.

"Mhmm, you definitely got a Brad Pitt thing going on. You have such better hair than floppy boy." Lorelei never backed down, Tristan however was expecting at least embarrassment from her after all she was Mary's mom.

Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

Rory stopped when she heard his voice.

"Oh-My-God!" She said just loud enough that they heard her. Tristan smiled a real smile. "He is going to die!" His smile faded a little.

"Don't worry kid, not you." Lorelei reassured him. "Well… I wouldn't let her kill you, your to yummy."

Rory walked into the room, her shoes and coat suddenly on. She smiled as she moved to Tristan. Without warning she threw herself into his arms.

"I missed you. Don't leave again, I can't stand you being gone…for some strange reason." She whispered, Rory cleared her throat before going on. "But I have some Diner Boy to kill, would either of you like to join me?" Lorelei enthusiastically shook her head yes and Tristan, he wasn't going to be letting her go for a while.

"Why are we hurting Diner Boy?" Tristan asked.

"Ok so not that I'm not glad that you're here and all but that letter was never supposed to get to you. Jess found it and sent it as a dick move. So now we are going to kill him!" Rory gave such an innocent look that Lorelei and Tristan found themselves leaning on things they were laughing so hard.

Rory just shook her head and left the house. They followed quietly behind.

They reached the diner and Tristan stopped. "Is this where we get the tools to kill him?"

"No, this is where we find him." Rory answered.


Lorelei cut him off. "Just trust us." Tristan shrugged and followed them in.

"Oh Jess!" Rory called out causing everyone in the diner to stare at them.

"He's not here." Jess called back who had ducked under the counter when he saw Rory with a blonde and her mother.

The day ended with Jess being chased by Rory with a book. Eventually Tristan had to interfere to save Jess; personally he wanted to thank him.

Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister, can't you see I got to get back
To my baby once-a more
Anyway, yeah!

Tristan and Rory were sitting at the Crap Shack just talking.

"Mary, I don't see why you're so mad at Jess, it got me to come back, without that letter, I may have never come back. We could have missed out on a great thing." Tristan looked at her with sincerity in his eyes.

"I'm not mad just joking around a bit."

"As soon as that letter came I called my Grandfather and took him up on his offer. I mean come on; I can't let you go missing me that would be rude. So I hoped on an airplane as fast as I could."

Rory turned and kissed him. "I'm glad you did, I don't know if I could have lived without you."

Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

The Letter by The Boxtops…