Hi folks!

This was supposed to be a Halloween-gift for ya all. But, well - computers we do love/hate them, don't we?
There are things out there that ARE true... for once this foresight. If you're close to someone, you sometimes just feel something isn't right.

Well, it happened to me... parents tend to have this kind of strange feeling of trepidation.

Sooo... lets start with the story, shall we??? - Ohhh, and yeah, don't own them... and doing this for plain entertainment!!!


He startled awake with the feeling of someone watching him. Grabbing the knife from under his pillow, he sat and stood in one fluid motion, while blinking the sleep from his eyes.

The shadows around him suddenly started to move and he felt his legs been kicked out from under him. He fell heavily, knocking his head on the edge of the night stand and for a moment dark spots danced over his vision.

He felt a heavy weight pressing down on his spine, bruising the tender flesh of the small of his back and a foul, hot breath near his ear.

"Traitor… it's time for you to pay…"

The words followed hot and agonizing pain, spreading from his back to his head and toes before darkness consumed him.

A gentle breeze moved by the curtains and on through the quiet and peaceful house. Outside the crickets chirped, but their concert was drowned out by the chime of the clock.

It read midnight - the witches-hour…

Daddy! Help us!

He woke up with a start, not able to remember the nightmare that had woken him.

Something was wrong! Sitting up he looked at his watch, only to find out it was minutes after midnight.

Frantic he searched for his phone in the darkness, flipping it open he hit the speed-dial-button and waited for the call to connect. He needed to talk to them. Now!

His breath started to fasten as he was immediately redirected to voice-mail. Canceling the connection, he speed-dialed Sam's – receiving the same result.

The dread he had felt earlier was now fear. He knew from the depth of his heart that something was wrong.

While starting to dress, he dialed the third number, waiting for the other one to pick up.

But only the dialing tone continued. Snapping the cell shut, he slipped into his boots, grabbing his duffel, the keys of his car and left the motel-room.

The door creaked open, revealing a quiet and dark house. Slipping inside they flicked on their flashlights, looking at the mess.

Dean whirled around as he caught a movement behind him but before he could succeed he was pushed up a wall, his gun flying from his grip an arm circled around his neck, starting to cut off his air-supply.

"Drop the gun…" a rough, cold voice advised, "or I'll snap his neck before you've finished me off." He felt the arm pushing harder and gasped.

"I said: Drop. The. Gun." A slight click told Dean that Sam did as the attacker demanded and he started to struggle. His opponent kicked his legs open, and continued the pressure, leaving him absolutely no chance to struggle anymore.

Behind him he could hear the sounds of a struggle followed by a gagged cry but he wasn't able to help.

"This time you'll not stop me, kid. I have a better idea…" the voice hissed into his ear, letting his skin crawl. He felt the other one push again, listened to his brother's muffled scream. White hot pain shot through his spine, up into his head… and then nothingness took him.


Sam saw Dean whirl around, but before he could do anything his brother was pinned at the wall. He heard Dean choke and levered his gun only to hear a voice hiss at him:

"Drop the gun, or I'll snap his neck before you've finished me off."

For a moment he was frozen, then he clicked the safety back on holding up his arms in surrender, showing the man that held Dean pushed against the wall that he meant no harm.

"I said: Drop. The. Gun!" the man repeated and Sam heard his brother gasp.

Complying he put the gun down. He saw the man push Dean's legs open as he started to struggle, then he was grabbed from behind, one hand clamping his mouth shut as he shouted out in surprise. He started to fight against the hands that held him, and watched in horror as his brother was further pushed into the wall. Something small and shiny was shoved into the small of Dean's back and Sam screamed out at his brother as he saw him slump, his movements going sluggishly until he jerked a few more times and remained motionless, the only thing keeping him upright was the man who still pressed him into the wall.

He saw the man letting go of Dean, not caring that he hit the ground hard, turning his attention to Sam.

Looking in Sam's eyes he smirked. "Well, Sam that's better, isn't it? I just had to make sure your brother isn't going to intervene again. I'm kind of sick of your family you know?" Without another word he picked up the gun, Sam had put down, raised his arm and let the cock come down hard on Sam's temple, knocking him out instantly.


Hope you liked the first chapter. If so, let me know! ;)