My first fanfic, be kind. :3

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they belong to Stephanie Meyer.



I always saw myself as a soldier, but it never occurred to me that my world would change so much, so fast.

Yet here I am, facing my death. Not for my country, not for some noble cause, but for her.

I know that she'll hate me for this, but maybe it's better this way. It's so selfish of me to think that she could ever really be mine.

I looked into the blood red eyes of the man who was to take my lifeā€”and yet I felt no fear; only acceptance.

My prosecutor walked slowly towards me, his words echoing my thoughts in clear preciseness.

"Well, Edward," he said calmly. "Shall we begin?"

A/N: Sorry for the shortness, from now on, chapters will be moderate-long.

Please review, I would love to know how I can improve my writing abilities.