((Full summary:

Naruto, Sasuke and Kiba are collage students living together. Neji, Itachi and Gaara are Vampires. Sasuke and Kiba finally convince Naruto to hang out with them and their Vampire partners, but none of them expect the trouble that will follow, or the bond that will form between the blonde human and the cold, stoic Vampire Gaara. Main pairing GaaNaru, side pairings ItaSasu and NejiKiba.

So, Graceful Storyteller has inspired me after getting into another of his or her fics. Now I just really need to get my ideas out. So here goes, Izu is writing a vamp-fic… The main pairing will be GaaNaru because it's my second favorite pairing ever, with side pairings of ItaSasu and NejiKiba. It's an AU setting, of course. So I hope you all enjoy, and will not be too freaked out by my sadistic side that will be shown throughout this fic.))

"No way. No fucking way in hell, guys. Just because you play with Vampires doesn't mean I want to," Naruto said firmly. He'd known his two best friends were dating Vampires, even if it took him a week to believe them(a live bloodsucking demonstration was all the proof he needed to be convinced and get totally freaked out by Vampires), for three months now.

"But Naruto, it's so amazing to be with them, even as friends, and actually live a little!" Kiba exclaimed, and his pet dog Akamaru barked in agreement.

"You just want to set me up with one of your crazy bloodsucker friends," Naruto answered, glaring.

"Dobe, you have no life. Get out and have some fun. We promise not to try to hook you up with anyone. Besides, it'll just be us, Itachi, Neji, and Gaara," Sasuke tried.

"Huh? Gaara? Never heard about this guy…" the blonde commented.

"He's a freaky guy with a creepier glare than Sasuke who scares the living shit out of most people," Kiba explained.

"Who's he with?"

"No one, Naruto… Before you say anything, we're not trying to hook you up with him… Although, if you like him, go for it, you're personalities would mesh nicely," Sasuke said with a smirk.

"See?! You're just trying to get me into all the bloodsucking shit!" Naruto sighed and leaned back on the sofa. The three were in the living room of the house they'd been renting together ever since they graduated from collage. It was early Friday evening and Sasuke and Kiba were intent on getting Naruto to come to dinner with them.

"No, we're not. We've been friends since grade school, and you think we're out to get you? That hurts, Naruto…" Kiba said the last sentence with fake pain.

"Gods help me," Naruto mumbled. "Fine, if you'll shut up, I'll go, but don't expect me to bear my neck and say bite me."

Kiba cheered for a second and Sasuke smirked. "They'll be here a bit after sunset," the Uchiha said.

"Of course, or they'd get fried," Naruto snorted. His friends decided not to comment on this one. The blonde went to his room to change. He was still wearing his work clothes, which consisted of a maroon shirt, khaki pants and an apron with a café logo. He had Fridays off, but he had wanted to get some extra hours. He threw on his favorite jeans and a tight band tee, looking like quite the punk, but that was probably because, while piss poor drunk two weeks earlier, he decided he wanted all of his left ear pierced and also chose to also shove a needle through his lip.

The blonde then went to the kitchen to make ramen. Kiba had some sort of hamburger piled with too many things to count and Sasuke was eating a something from the freezer that was easy to prepare. It was a couple hours after they were finished and Naruto made some more odd comments about Vampires that Itachi, Neji, and Gaara arrived. Gaara was behind them, not eager to meet anyone and therefore not jumping at the door.

Naruto already knew his friends' partners, so he decided to introduce himself to Gaara, who he hadn't met yet. Getting closer to the redhead, the blonde's breath stopped for a second. This guy was hot. He had on tight, chained jeans, and a shirt for the same band on Naruto's tee. He had striking green eyes and wore eyeliner, but it looked good, and he had a tattoo on his forehead. Naruto mentally slapped himself and held out his hand. "So, you must be Gaara. I'm Naruto!" he grinned widely. Gaara just looked him up and down, not shaking his hand.

"That's me." Gaara's voice was quiet and eerie, much different from Naruto's tone. As the group began walking, they ended up in the back together. Gaara looked over to the blonde after some time and asked plainly, "why are you walking with me?"

Naruto didn't have a set answer. He was sure he'd be ripped to pieces and have his blood sucked dry if he said he was trying to check the redhead out when he wasn't looking. "W-well, Kiba's with Neji and Sasuke's with Itachi, so I naturally fell behind, like you." Gaara didn't say anything else.

They soon arrived at a local hot spot, a restaurant with a nice bar. They sat in a booth, Kiba between Neji and Naruto, and on the other side, Sasuke between Itachi and Gaara. The blonde and the redhead were seated across from each other.

Dinner consisted of nothing more than eating and talking. For a while Sasuke was talking about interning at a law firm, but not too long after he started talking did Kiba deem the topic a total bore and started blabbering about school life. Itachi, however, being a lawyer himself, was interested and listened to his brother while the others ignored the Uchihas. Naruto was surprised to find out that Neji was still taking classes. The Hyuuga already had a bachelor's degree in psychology, but was still taking classes and worked as a psychiatrist's aid.

After they had eaten dinner and paid, the group went to the bar. The air smelled of beer and smoke, and laughter was heard from the far left. The six sat down, getting drinks. The rest of the night was filled with drinking, laughing, and drunken idiocy. Kiba had gotten up and started to dance, and everyone at the bar had turned to watch.

"Uh… I think it's best if he goes home, it's already so late…" Naruto trailed off.

"No, whenever we go out on Fridays he always stays at my place, sober or not," Neji said. Naruto recalled the times he'd seen his friends get picked up and not coming home until the next evening. He just nodded, knowing Sasuke was going to Itachi's house.

"Well, I'll be going home then," Naruto said, smiling. Everyone was leaving, so they said their good byes again outside before parting ways. Looking at his watch, Naruto saw it was already three in the morning. They had been out for a long while, but it seemed to go by so fast. Sasuke and Kiba were fight, he did have a good time.

Naruto felt like he was being followed. Looking behind him, he saw Gaara was walking in his direction. The blonde stopped, spun around, and almost got ran over by the redheaded Vampire who wasn't looking in front of him. "Ah, sorry, sorry!" Naruto said, "I… I was just wondering why you were following me?"

"I'm not following you," Gaara said, walking past the blonde, "my apartment is this way." Naruto quickly caught up with the redhead.

"Ah, okay. So, what street do you live on, then?" Naruto would have let off a strange stalker vibe if he didn't seem so pleasant and happy(even though he was in a rare bad mood before going out).


Naruto's eyebrows furrowed together for a moment. Gaara lived on sixth, while the blonde and his friends lived on fourth, yet until today Naruto had never even seen the man? "That's odd."

"How so?"

"Because, we live so close, yet I've never seen you." Naruto said, his hands demonstrating their closeness. Gaara just shrugged one shoulder.

Gaara stopped walking, and Naruto noticed that they were in front of his house. But Gaara seemed troubled by something. "You okay?" Naruto asked.

A figure came from the drive way of the next house and walked towards the blonde, and Gaara almost pounced. In fact, he would have if Naruto hadn't walked over and hugged the figure.

"Hey, Hinata! Haven't seen you in a while, which is kinda weird, considering we're neighbors, but… eh, moving on swiftly, what're you doing out so late?" Naruto rambled.

Hinata looked down before stuttering out a reply. "I-I was just w-wondering why… Uh, N-Neji was at your h-house earlier?"

"Huh? How do you know him?" the blonde questioned.

"W-well, you see, we h-have some family problems… Ah, how c-can I put this…? My uncle and f-father don't act v-very brotherly to each other, which is s-something I don't th-think I'll ever understand, and thus I-I never really spent time getting to know h-him or my aunt and cousin… and, well, Neji is my cousin…" Hinata answered quietly.

"Oh. Uh, you know Kiba, right?" Hinata nodded and Naruto continued, "well, he's dating Neji. He'll probably be here to drop Kiba off tomorrow night around eight, so feel free to come by!"

Hinata said "th-thank you" before rushing back to her house. Naruto turned to go into his own home just to bump into Gaara for the second time that night.

"Damn, sorry again!" Naruto said, not knowing what caused the look in Gaara's eyes that was directed at him. "Uh, are you okay?"

"For the time, but possibly not Neji."

"Huh? Why not? Hey, wait, Hinata wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"You don't understand."

"Well, come on in and explain it to me," Naruto said. Gaara hesitated, but went inside. The blonde sat in a chair while Gaara took the couch, getting ready to try and talk some sense into this boy.

"It's Naruto, right?" The blonde nodded, and Gaara continued. "Okay. Naruto, there is a reason that Hinata's father and uncle don't get along. Neji's side of their family is made of completely Vampires, while Hinata's side of the family is made up of… well, Hunters."


"They hunt down Vampires, even those who did no wrong, and kill them."

"So you're saying that their family is always at each other's throats?"

"Exactly, only they actually want to kill one another, Naruto. There hasn't been any Hyuuga blood shed in a while, but you just presented the perfect opportunity for it."

Naruto thought long and hard about this one, and then realized something that could stop him from looking like a complete dumbass. "But Hinata said that she doesn't know why they're fighting."

"That's probably just a cover. Look, I do not mean to insult your friends, but this is the way things work."

"Oh… Uh, Gaara, I have a quick question," Naruto waited a second before asking. "What happens if a Vampire is in sunlight?"

The redhead sighed. "It's not good to be in sunlight at all. Just to walk around the block would leave one's skin boiling. And that's just a short distance. Why do you ask?"

"Uh, well, because the sun is rising," Naruto answered. Gaara cursed under his breath. "You can stay here if you want…"

"Thanks, I don't really think I have a choice."

"Do you sleep in the day?" Naruto asked, pulling all the drapes over the windows for Gaara.

"I don't sleep at all."

"Oh, okay then. I can't believe it's already five in the morning…"

Gaara didn't say anything. The blonde disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with a pot of coffee, two mugs, and cream and sugar. "Want some?" he asked. The Vampire only nodded, taking a cup with a soft thank you. It would probably be a long day…

The day seemed to fly by. Naruto couldn't get Gaara to talk about himself, so he instead rambled about ramen and anything else that came to his mind. He also asked more questions and got more answers about Vampires and Hunters.

The blonde didn't know what to do to entertain Gaara, but he tried as hard as he could. He finally got the redhead to talk about himself, even if it was only his job. At one point Naruto even got the redhead to play a video game.

"Gaara, what do you do to entertain yourself at home? You look bored out of your mind," Naruto spoke up after a few minutes of awkward silence. Neither could find anything to say after a discussion about work ended. But, as expected, Naruto had found something to say.

"I usually just get ahead on work."

Well, that sure helped. "Hey, are you sure you don't sleep? 'Cause you look like you need a nap."

Gaara didn't need sleep. What he needed was some blood. But he had a feeling that he would sooner be thrown into the sunlight then he would get blood from Naruto. "I'm an insomniac. If I really wanted to, I could sleep, but it wouldn't do me any good."

More silence. Gaara could feel himself getting weaker. "Do you happen to have any raw hamburger or meat that's still bloody?" Animal blood wasn't as good as human blood by far, but it would do.

"Uh… no… do you, um, need… b-blood?" Naruto all but whispered the last word.

"Yes," Gaara replied, "badly."

Naruto didn't know what to do. He could tell that Gaara needed blood. Sighing, he walked to the couch and sat next to the Vampire. Then he got an idea, a small smirk playing at his lips. Using a dark voice he said, "finally, I've got you where I want you, Vampire. I've gotta admit, I thought it would be alot harder." The blonde took out his pocket knife.

Thoughts came to Gaara's head all at once. 'He tricked me! Acting as though he knew nothing about Vampires, acting friendly with us. He's actually a Hunter! Itachi and Neji will be in danger too… Did he learn from the Hyuuga girl? That's of no importance. What matters is that I'm weak and he has the upper hand. Damn it, I'm not going down that easy.' In a second Gaara had Naruto's throat in his hand.

Running out of air, Naruto tried to explain himself. He threw his knife to the floor, confusing the redhead. Why throw his weapon? "Gaa… Gaara, I was… I…" Gaara loosened his hold slightly so he could listen to the blonde. "I was just… joking… I've never killed anyone… Vampire or not, I swear… It was just… a joke…" Gaara could tell Naruto wasn't lying and released him.

After Naruto caught his breath he spoke again. "Okay, not something to joke around about, I get that now." He grinned sheepishly. "Um, I don't really like the idea of someone I've only known for a day biting my neck, that's just a bit too intimate. So this is what I'll do…" He trailed off, picking his knife up off the floor. Gaara watched him closely, a bit untrusting. The blonde opened his knife and put the blade on his wrist. He made a clean, deep(and thankfully non-suicidal) cut that bleed within seconds. He held it to Gaara's mouth.

Gaara didn't hesitate at all. He liked up the blood surrounding the wound before drinking what was draining out. His senses were overwhelmed. He had never tasted blood like Naruto's. It was sweet and bitter at the same time, and barely metallic like most blood. The redhead never wanted to stop, he just wanted to drink every last drop in Naruto's body. But if he did that, Neji and Itachi would surely punish him, and he would never taste the blonde's blood again. He used his saliva to close the wound and dropped Naruto's arm. "Thank you," he said quietly, savoring the flavor in his mouth.

"No problem," Naruto said, smiling. "I couldn't just let you die."

"Actually, you could have."

"But that would be cruel and heartless! I'm not like that!"

"I know."

Naruto didn't reply because his cell phone rang, playing his favorite song. He picked it up. "Kiba?"

"Hey, Naruto. We're all going to a club tonight at about ten. You gonna come? We'll have a few drinks, dance a bit, and have a good time. You know you want to."

"Uh… sure, why not."

"Okay. Club Crystal. It'll be me, you, Neji, Itachi and Sasuke. We don't know what's going on with Gaara, his phone's off."

"Gaara's here with me. He had to hide from the sun."

"Oh. Then bring him. See you there." With that said Kiba hung up.

Naruto set his cell phone on the table and turned to the redhead. "Hey, Gaara—"

"I heard. Club Crystal, around ten."

"You could hear that?"

Gaara only nodded.

"Wow. Well, do you want to borrow a change of clothes?" Gaara nodded again. Naruto lead him to his bedroom and opened his closet. He grabbed an outfit and told Gaara to wear what he wanted before leaving to the bathroom.

Naruto wore baggy pants and a tee shirt with a skull graphic. When Gaara came out of his room, the blonde had to keep his jaw from dropping. The Vampire was wearing a pair of his jeans, which were tight on him, and a shirt that was a bit too big for Naruto but fit the redhead perfectly. It was a black short sleeve button up with a red dragon patched on to the single pocket sitting over one's heart. The top two buttons were undone to show a small bit of Gaara's pale chest. The blonde mentally slapped himself for staring at the incredibly sexy Vampire in front of him.

Finding his voice, Naruto said, "it's nine-thirty. If we head out now, we'll get to Club Crystal at ten."

Gaara nodded and followed Naruto out the door.

((Well, there we go. The first chapter! :p I think it's okay, and pretty long, being six pages… Hope I didn't bore you though… Uh, well, review please! I'll be working on the next chapter soon!))