Hi everybody! This is my first fic, be kind please^^

And I want to inform you that this a french fic, yes, I speak french and then the english could be a little false (I'm sorry for that).

But please, enjoy! Good reading!


Chapter one

It was a night of red full moon. Torches illuminated the somber forest like the fireflies. Bloodthirsty dogs barked and ran in all the directions. Their bosses followed them closely, weapon in the hand. The hunting was opened; not any hunting, but the devils' hunting. Yes, it arrived only once every 4 months. Because the devils was redoubtable beings possessing strengths and inconceivable powers, except the nights of red full moon. For a reason which the people did not know, the devils lost all their powers in this occasion. This event is named "Purgatory", this circumstance allowed everybody to take their revenge on the devils without needing to be a hunter professional or still an exorcist. This nigth, there was only hatred and fumes against these monsters which brought that the misfortune in this world.

" Oh! You don't plan to go out, ne?!? " A girl with the orange hair exclaimed. Hardly she had the time to react, her interlocutor had already left. She will not release the affair as long as she will not have find him... thought the irritated girl.

" Something's wrong, Mai? " asked a girl with black mane " If it is about her that you worry, don't make it. It is the "Purgatory" today, then there's no danger! " On this said, she offered to Mai, a big smile followed by a terrible growl of her stomach.

" I see that you are hungry, Mikoto. Even this evening, you manage to have ogre's appetite? " say Mai while she was going to the kitchen.

" Of course! My appetite doesn't come from my powers! Red moon or not, I am hungry! And… " Mikoto was interrupted by the Mai's hand against her mouth.

" Shhhhh! Not too loud Mikoto, if somebody hears you it might end badly " Mai looked to the right, to the left to make sure that nobody heard something. Anyway, everybody is so occupied this evening that they wouldn't even have paid attention on what Mikoto said … And the village was left more or less for the hunting. Said Mai for himself to feel reassured. I hope that the 'other one' won't make anything …

Shouts sprang of everywhere, shouts of enjoyment, hatred, fear and other … Each had his reasons and his motivations to participate in the hunting. But for the greater part, it was especially to be able to come back with a devil's head as a trophy. How to recognize a devil? For the greater part, they can take the shape which they wish. And during the "Purgatory", all decided to take a shape discreet as for example a little beast. That is why, the nights of red full moon are also called at nights of blood because many of the small innocent beings are killed. It is only once the raised sun that we can see if the prey which we killed, was a devil or not because it takes back its initial shape, at this moment.

Traps were put almost everywhere in the forest.


A fox met himself the stuck leg, in one of these traps. It took out the basting fervently to get out there, but nothing has to make, it hurt it more than anything else. The dogs' barkings got closer more and more. This was the end for it …

Suddenly, a shadow approached it. Frightened, the fox used the rest of its strengths to put itself in a defence position. The person in front of it wore a big cape with hood. Impossible to discern the face of its opponent.

A hand got closer to the fox who bit it with all the strengths. The person fell down and the hood got up by the fall. The fox, without releasing its grip, observed with its red eyes scarlets, its opponent or rather opponent was a girl. She had of length hair of the night color and emerald eyes.

" Oi, calm down! I won't hurt you, you know. " Answered the girl with a voice which she tried to keep quiet. The fox released its grip, anyway, it had no more the strength to fight, it was already condemned.


" Here, here! You're free now, run! " But the fox did not want to move or rather could not. Oi! what's the problem with it ?!? Does it really want to die or what? The girl with the hair of midnight wondered. We listened far off that dogs get closer, followed by their bosses. Shit! Pissed off! On these words, the girl rolled up her cape around the fox. Tssss! In the worst, I would have many other occasion to find 'him' and to kill 'him'!

She took the fox in her arms and ran to the opposite direction of their prosecutor. She knew the forest as her pocket, even in the twilight. This did not need a lot of time before scattering his prosecutors and returning to the village. Should I go to see Mai to say that everything is well? Too bad, needs at first that I take charge of this little guy before!

Once to her home, the girl taken time to close minutely all the doors and the windows. " Hey, little lad! Comes here that I look after your wound! " The fox turned the head as if it … Sulk?!? It's me or this fox pouts me?!? The girl with a half-smile on lips said for himself. While getting closer to the animal, she noticed that …

" Aaaah! You are a female! Gomen, gomen! " And I apologize in front of a fox now, no, a vixen. She can't be able to refrain from fighting the forehead in front of her behavior. Ugh? It's me or this vixen's laughing at me? In this thought, our girl began blushing.

" Oi! Anyway, do you want that I look after you or not? " She said in a sulky tone.

Once the bandage was made, our heroine decided to look after his of wound. The vixen fixed her with eyes which implored the forgiveness.

" Ah that, don't worry, it's nothing … Oh yes, my name is Kuga Natsuki, although I think that my name is useless to you. " Said Natsuki on a small derisive tone.


It was the bell which sounded the end of the hunting and which asked to everybody to come back.

" It's already finished? Well, you are going to stay here for the night, ok? Tomorrow's morning when everything will have calmed down, I would release you in the forest. We should going to sleep, it's late! " On this Natsuki blew on the candle and went to her futon. " You can sleep where you want. " She says before closing her eyes.

The sun raised, birds sang, everything was normal without that Natsuki discovered one good funny surprise when she waked up.

" Naniiiiiiiiiiii?!? " Natsuki of full lung exclaimed when she opened her eyes.

Next to her, was held a chestnut girl totally naked?!?

Where does she come from? What does she do here, in MY futon? An avalanche of question fell on the head of Natsuki. She was pulled out of her dreams when she heard a voice …

" Ara, my little Natsuki is very noisy in the morning. " Said the foreigner who still half-asleep.

She'is beautiful! Arg! That's not the question, there! What does she do here?! Hey! She has small ears and tail of fox?! Oi, these eyes remind me to something … These eyes of red color blood! No, it can't be, I have … I have … I have took a devil-fox to my home?!?

On this last thought, Natsuki sank again into the arms of Morpheus.


Tadam! How was it?^^

Review please, I want to know if I must translate de second chapter or not