Author's Note:
This story was inspired by the song Still Doll from Vampire Knight. Hope you like it.

I do not own Gakuen Alice nor do I own the song Still Doll




Summary: Mikan was taken away with her mother at the age of five by the AAO. The organization has turned her from a cherry girl to a cold and emotionless weapon. But what will happen when she has to go undercover as a student at Gakuen Alice? Will she ever find happiness within these students or will she remain emotionless forever?

Pairing: NatsuMikan

Genre: Angst / Romance

Song: 'Still Doll' by Wakeshima Kanon





-Still Doll-


Hi Miss Alice
What dream
Can you watch
And enchants you
In your glassy eyes?

Scared…I'm scared…

Large olive-brown orbs stared at the tall person smirking down at her as he licked his lips hungrily. Tears slid down her porcelain face but she remained transfixed towards the black haired man. Her breath hitched in her throat as she struggled to make a sound. Her mouth opened slightly but no words came out. She felt as if there was something stuck in her throat, preventing her to talk and breathe.

Still my heart
Is teared apart
And is flowing out

The man bent down to look at her with his seemingly kind sapphire coloured eyes. Fake, it's fake… The girl told herself. The aura emitted from this man was anything but normal. It made her feel as if it was sucking the life right out of her body.

'Are you alright there, little girl?' the man asked with a smirk. The five year old girl backed against the wall, wanting to get as far away from the man as possible.

'Don't worry, I won't hurt you,' he said in his best soothing tone. The girl shivered; anyone could have told that he was a fraud. Her eyes then shifted towards the transparent glass that showed a woman standing there outside the room, looking at her with her emotionless hazel coloured eyes.

That are sticked
Into the patched aperture

M-mommy…mommy! She screamed in her mind seeing as how her voice wouldn't come out. The man grabbed a hold of her tiny throat and she chocked for air. H-help!

The girl thrashed and thrashed to get of the black haired man's grasp but it was no use; he was just too strong for her. Her eyes start to close in pain from the lack of air but then she felt as if her body was hit with fire. Brown orbs snapped open to see the man towering on top of her with a metal whip in his hand. The man brought the whip down again and again to make contact with the small girl's fragile skin.

Hi Miss Alice
Who are you
Throwing your love to
And lamenting to
Through your fruity mouth?

She screamed and screamed, but it was no use. All she heard was the sound of metal hitting flesh and the man's cruel laughter. She opened her olive-brown eyes only to see the woman walking away. It may have been the trick of the light but she thought that she had seen a glint of pity and sorrow within her mother's hazel eyes.

M-mommy… Her eyes clenched shut as the whip had made contact with her skin for the millionth time. D-don't leave…please…h-help…

The heat of my tongue
That ties words
Now completely

The man frowned and grabbed a fistful of her hair, hauling her up from the cold hard floor. 'Listen here, you brat,' he growled. 'Until the day comes when you can finally get rid of these weak emotions, I'll continue to whip you until your whole body is soaked in your blood. You got that?' He shook her harshly.

More tears streamed down her face as he continued his torture. The pain was tremendous. She could feel the blood on her head running down her face and drip silently onto the hard concreted floor.

Cooled down
And I can't sing
Admiring songs

She opened her mouth slightly and strained for her voice to come out. 'P-pl-please s-stop, M-mister… P-please…' she finally managed to say.

The man halted his movements and snorted down at the weak girl. 'How pathetic,' he sneered, kicking her roughly in the stomach. 'I can't believe that someone as pathetic as you could possibly have that Alice.' He turned and walked out the door as the girl on the floor lifted her head slightly to look at the retreating back.

'By the way, kid,' his voice caught her attention. 'The name's Kurai. Remember it 'cause I'll be back tomorrow.'

The last thing she heard was the sound of the door slamming before she drifted into darkness.

Still, you do not answer...


Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! I've already got the next chapter typed up. So all you have to do is give me five reviews. Flames will not be accepted.

