------------Final Fantasy: XIII and XIII Versus.-----------

Okay, I know the game doesn't come out till next year and all. But I wanted to make a FanFic about this couple, whether or not everyone likes it or not. Plus, I really love this couple. I took some information about Lightning's and The Prince, aka Noctis's personalities. Okay, the setting is in Noctis's castle/palace. You guys can bug me about this later okay?! Jeez....okay here it is.


I have always loved you.

I think I see you in my dreams.

Are you in there with me?

I want to feel your warmth, your crease, your touch.

I love you so much,

neither time nor space

can tear it apart.

---------------------------------------------- Noctis's Castle ----------------------------------------------

The castle was cold and dark, but somehow a man began searching for something. His dark, blue eyes scanned his room. There was barely nothing but his bed, and a table. He departed and walked out to his throne room. There, his throne sat empty for his master. Noctis sighed and walked toward his majestic seat and sat down. The room felt dark, cold, and empty,like always.

He shook his head and rested his chin on his hands. He couldn't find what his was looking for....it was lost from him forever. Gone. But still, he felt a presence in his mind that it wasn't lost to him after all. That it was waiting for him. Like it did long ago.

He carefully heard the wind against the walls of the castle. He wondered,'Is it here?' He looked around the same scenery he saw for many years. Silence crept through the room.

----------- Lightning's room ---------

She was almost sound asleep in her bed. The hardships of her daily work were over, at least for now. She moved around, feeling the hot sheets under her. Her light, red hair was poking out of her blanket. The air was warm and sticky. She forgot to turn on the A.C. She didn't mind though, she was use to it.

Her head was on her pillow, it was wet, and sticky. Sweat gripped her as she turned to find a cool spot on her bed. A soft sigh came out her of her when she found it. Then....Knock! Knock! The door was closed, she didn't want to answer it, she knew it was an assignment and she was the leader to it.

Her superiors liked to see this "Lightning" in action. Her personality was as tough as nails, she was furiously independent, and withdrew from everyone. She refused to partner up with anyone, but her superiors were against it. Why did they do it? It was so she didn't die....alone.

It was a good idea to them to think that she need a "partner". Still, they thought she was too hard to handle, and she'd never cooperate with them, but to their surprise, she actually worked well with her group and they handled their missions successfully. A familiar voice rang in the depths of night.

"Lightning? I know you're there. Wake up." The person knocked on the door, persistent and determined. The red-hair woman sighed and and turned on her side. She knew that voice anywhere. It was her long time friend, Snow Villers. She didn't say a word to him as he opened the door and walked inside. His great build and blond hair was intimating at first, but he was a tough and humorous guy at heart.

"Whoa! Why did you turn off the A.C. Light?" Light was her nickname for him, though he never said this in front of everyone. She ignored her friend and pulled the blankets flutter to her body. He looked at her and rolled his gray eyes and walked toward the A.C., turning it on. "We have an assignment you know." He began, by now the blanket was now on the floor. Lightning turned to face Snow. "I just wanted to tell you that, but of course..." He sat on the edge of her bed, looking at the white wall in front of him.

"You must have already knew that, right?" A voice came from the woman, strict and weary,"Yes, it's about Pulse right?" She sighed and walked up to her friend. The white nightgown moved effortlessly on her. He was use to her wearing something intimate like that. After all, they were almost like family well, almost. Gray eyes met with light blue. "I'd better get ready then. Go and round up the troops."

Snow nodded in quick silence and stared at his leader, she was beautiful: light, red hair on her shoulders, cold, distant, light blue eyes, and an almost permanent frown on her face. She scowled," Well? Go! We don't have much time left." He nodded at his friend and walked out of her room, closing the door. As he walked to the troops headquarters, he shook his head.

Why was he thinking about his friend and Leader like that? 'I think the fighting as caught up to me.' He chuckled at himself and began rounding up the troops.

As she see him leave, she dropped her guard. 'Well, another assignment. Pulse is getting worse by the minute.' She lazily undressed and grabbed the outfit from her chair and began putting it on. Her weapons were in place, her gun-blade was beside her in its holster. When she double-checked everything, she walked out of her door.....something was wrong.....this wasn't the Head Quarters anymore.

----------------Noctis's Castle------------

A darkened hall sent her guard straight up. She felt her gun-blade on her side and took it out. The cold, hard steel comforted her. She walked carefully.....slowly......cautiously. It was a cold hallway, an old hallway devoid of tapestries and life.

Lightning analyzed her situation; She was suddenly in this castle, she had no idea where she was going, and somehow....she was teleported here. But how? The Head Quarters never did this to her before, and she knew Snow never had this power. This.....was something powerful.

She walked, looking this way and that, expecting the impossible. She was an Elite, the best in her class, she was use unknown places like this. Hallways, rooms of countless items, but strangely all the rooms and hallways were all the same color: Gray. Lightning thought to herself,'Well, I wonder who lives in this grand castle. It's so empty.....' That thought only sharpened her senses.

She arrived at a huge, grand door. A door fit for a king. She planned to explore the castle some more, but this door. It felt like someone was waiting for her..... She took a deep breath and opened it.

Noctis immediately felt its presence. His dark blue eyes watched as the door slowly opened, to reveal a red-haired woman. His heart jerked, the woman looked at the Prince for a quick check. She pointed her weapon at him,"Who are you?" she asked. Her fierce, light blue eyes scanned him thoroughly.

Noctis looked at the woman, shoulder-length red hair, an outfit perfect for fighting, her intimidating weapon in her hands, her strong eyes. The Prince got up and coldly spoke,"I'm Prince Noctis. Who are you?" The woman blinked, but didn't lower her weapon. "I'm Lightning. That's all you need to know."

With a sudden speed, she jumped, and did a amazing back-flip, changing her weapon to a gun, she pointed it at the Prince, who simply looked at her with his dark blue eyes. She shot 3 bullets at him directly.

As they reached him, they froze. Lightning couldn't help but blink at him in surprise. What is that? Then Noctis vanished, suddenly teleporting in front of Lightning. She blinked and quickly switched to her sword and slashed him. He dodged it with ease. They were still in the air when they looked at on another. Dark blue clashed with light blue.

Both strangely calm Noctis and Lightning landed on the ground. The vibe between them was strange, hatred was felt, shock, and then excitement. Lightning was he one who spoke first,"You have nice moves, Noctis." The way she said his name gave the Prince a strange feeling. "You too......Lightning." The woman slightly moved her head and then smirked.

Both calm and collected, they clashed again, swords, guns, bullets, and other nameless weapons. They were evenly matched, Lightning and Noctis. After their 5th clash, they were on opposite sides of the throne room breathing evenly.

They were both thinking the same thing,'Die already!' This fight was important and essential to both of them. It tested their skills, weaknesses, and strength . Though, it seemed neither one was giving up easily. Lightning's voice rang in the night,"Giving up yet, Noctis?" Noctis just looked at her with an emotionless face, his answer was a sword behind Lightning, who moved herself from the area and flipped and landed on the walls of the castle.

Her red hair was behind her, her clothing was seamlessly floating. Her eyes shown with determination and intelligence. Noctis stared at this beauty. "I'm not going to give up if that's what your thinking." He quickly dispatched weapons at the woman who jumped out of the way and pointed her gun at the Prince, shooting rapidly, straight at him. He teleported away from the guns and was now below her. She smirked. Noctis replied by a slight smirk also.

They landed on the ground again, lightly and gently. Even though they repeated the same routine over and over, it never tired. Surprisingly, it made the 2 stronger. The blue haired Prince looked up at the red haired Lightning. She looked at the calm and collected Prince.

Their eyes met. A special connection was locked into both of them.

Being with you

Being with you

puts my heart at ease.

Being with you is what makes me happiest.

Do you feel the same?

Or has our love

just begun?


Okay! That was awesome wasn't it? I loved i!! Hehehe! The poems can be Noctis's or Lightning's Point of View, or P.O.V for short. So how was it? I love the couple! It was a great story! And it took me about a day and a half to finish it! Is that bad thing?

Okay, comment if you liked it, or you can be my worst enemy and criticize it! I really don't mind...I think. Anyways, see you later my fellow FanFic readers!