Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Paring: Toshiro Hitsugaya X Karin Kurosaki.

Full Summary: Karin Kurosaki had vowed to catch her sister's murderer. However, being admitted into the hospital for a wound from Mr. Murderer after she caught him was defiantly not in her plan. Eight days in the hospital is a real hell when she finally realized that she slowly falling in love with her doctor, Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Dr. Toshiro Hitsugaya a rich, famous and good-looking man in his early thirties. Behind his fame, he had the one and only thing that he ever wished for. When he meets one of his patients, Miss Kurosaki, he knew he had found what he really wanted. A woman that could love him for what he really is, not for his look or his bank balance.

Beta Reader: Emerald Tiara



She will do anything to catch him


Chapter 1

* My revenge *

"How are you doing, Mr. Murderer?" Karin asked the man that stood around five feet from her. She hated this man with all her heart. This man never failed to hurt her deep inside her core every time she saw him. This man will always remind her of her failure to protect her sister. Her one and only sister.

"Oh, I am fine. Thank you, Karin for asking about my health and well, I can see that you have grown into a beautiful woman. I wonder, how would your sister look if she were still alive?" The man smiled when he said that. His smile did not reach his eyes. His dark chocolate eyes were cold without any emotion.

For the fist time she allowed her anger to sweep in her voice and she slashed him with it. "Don't you dare talk about my sister in front of me! You killed her five years ago, didn't you!"

Karin gripped her pistol tightly using both hands to steady it. Emotions poured inside her like rainfall. She was shaking from anger and sadness. Just seeing his face made her want to smash something. He had raped and killed her sister before he burned her dead body to eliminate any evidence.

She still can remember the day clearly as daylight. She was the police in charge of the crime scene. She could remember how she complained to her officer that she had promised her sister to celebrate their birthday together. She could not recognize the dead body was her sister.

How could she recognize her anymore in that heartbreaking condition? She had grown up seeing her sister looked more and more like their dead mother. She only knew the identity of the death body when the pathologist of her department, Dr. Hudson, had done the autopsy.

She had not cried when she knew that. She could only smile sadly before she rushed out from the police department. It's their birthday yet, her sister had left her all alone in this cold world. Her sister is the only reason she had kept on living in this world. She had decided that day, if she failed to protect her she won't fail to catch her murderer. That day, April 22 she had vowed to catch the murderer by herself.

Here she was standing in front of the murderer. The murderer was none other than her own sister's boyfriend. Anna Hudson's father told her that the DNA founded in her sister dead body matched this dark chocolate eyes man.

She hated this man with all her heart. He had taken her sister away and now she was going to take her revenge. She knew this would to be the last time she was going to see him. She was going to send him to rot in the prison.

She would do anything just to kill this man, but her pride held her back. No, she wouldn't kill this man. She didn't want to dirty her hand with his filthy blood.

"Tell me one thing, just say yes or no. Do you kill my sister five years back on April 22?" she asked him. Her heart pounded loudly until she was afraid that it might burst out. She secretly pressed her cell phone record button when she asked him.

"If I say yes what will you do? Kill me with your handgun? Answer my question first, Karin." His voice sound interested but Karin know it a pure lie. He never took any interest in anything that won't benefit him. Not even Yuzu, Karin's twin sister.

She remembered how her sister told her about her decision to break up with this man because she had finally found out that he never really take interest in her. He dated her because he needed a beautiful girlfriend to show and bring for his social gathering.

"Just answer my question, damn it! You killed her didn't you!" she snapped.

"Stupid girl, coming for me unprepared. Just who do you think you a-"

She fired few shots when she realized he had a knife as he lunged towards her. It was too late, she cannot avert his knife. She gasped slowly when she felt his knife stabbed her deep inside her stomach.

Using his remaining strength, he stabbed her deep in her stomach. The world around him blurred and started losing it colors. Slowly he fell on his knees dragging in his breaths to his lungs.

Karin leaned against the dirty building behind her before she allowed her knee to give away. She pulled out her cell phone from her loose-fitting jeans and pressed save. She would need the recording later but now she would need Miss Hudson's help. At a snail's pace, she pressed for Anna's number.

"Hello Anna? It's me, Karin. I know it kind of late but can you please help me I-" her voice become slower with every word she spook. She could feel her strength leaving her along with her blood flowing out from her wound.

She never felt this tired before, and all she wanted now, is a good sleep and a cup of hot chocolate. And with that, she closed her eyes allowing the darkness took her with them.

Before she fell with the darkness, she managed to mutter a soft reassurance for Anna when she heard her worried voice called her name.

"Don't worry about me, Anna."

To be continued~
