Looking into his chocolate brown eyes, full of wonder and love, I felt sick. Jacob was one of a kind , any girl would be blessed to have him. His heart was good and kind, full of love and wonder. He slid the ring on my wedding finger and smiled, buoyantly. Moisture gathered in my eyes as I turned to look at Rosalie and Alice, my eyes questioning. Rosalie smiled, too sad to speak out and Alice watched me with so much regret.

"Bella," The priest whispered, catching my attention. Turning back hesitantly, I slid the golden band onto Jacobs finger and smiled, sickly.

"Do you Jacob Ephraim Black, take Isabella Maria Swan, to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," He said, such sureness behind his husky voice. I looked into his face again, looking for what I wanted to see, but I couldn't find it there. I swallowed loudly, and a sob broke from my chest, Jacob looked confused and squeezed my hand, reassuringly. Tears began to run down my cheeks quickly, as the priest continued with the ceremony.

"Do you ,Isabella Maria Swan take Jacob Ephraim Black , to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" I glanced into his happy eyes once more, sobbing freely now.

"I...," I was cut of by a sharp, abrupt voice, bellowing from the back aisle. Sighing gratefully, I turned to look at the attorney that had broken up my marriage twice now. He was strolling up the middle aisle, nose raised and chin stuck out. His glasses were perched neatly on the bridge of his crooked nose. His facial expression was hard as he jumped up beside us and turned to me, scowling.

"What now?" I breathed, he rose an eyebrow at my lack of irritation and hoisted up a booklet.

"My divorce," I whispered, my voice rough with tears and sorrow. He nodded and Jacob groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Has that leech not signed, or something," He snarled. I flinched away from him instantly as he called Edward by his nickname. He paid no heed, just glowered at the papers.

"No, Mr. Cullen has signed, but Miss Swan here, has not," He mumbled, trusting the papers into my hand, I flipped to the last page and swallowed the large lump in my throat.

One of the spaces was taken up with Edward's beautiful handwriting, that made me smile, the other line was blank.

"Bella? You forgot?" Jake asked, hesitantly. I nodded dumbly, as the attorney gave me a pen and pointed the space, where I was to sign.

I looked into Jacob's face, so young, so loving, so kind. He deserved so much more than me, me and the fact he would always be number two to me. But how was I going to tell him this. How was I going to tell him over the last two months I fell in love. Hard and there was only person there to catch me and check for injuries. Edward, my Edward. God, what had I done to him? Would he ever forgive my selfishness? Could he? Could I?

I put pen to paper and hesitantly pressed the nib of the pen to the line, tears flowing down my face. I'm so sorry...

A/N There it is my new story. I really like this one but again if you don't like it I may delete it, it's just the way I am, but it does get better. So hopefully you enjoy it and for Edward's sake review!!