A/N: Hey, I thought of this while listening to Cry by Mandy Moore. Sorry It's so short. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I only own Mercy, I sadly don't own Spot.

I'll always remember that day…that moment, it seemed to last forever but it ended to soon…it was towards the end of September, late in the afternoon. I was walking through the streets of Brooklyn to get back to the lodging house when I saw the familiar figure of Spot Conlon sitting on the docks. He was sitting all by himself staring up at the dark gray sky. I didn't think much of it so I walked over to him in hopes of starting a conversation about nothing unparticular.

I was about three feet away from him when I caught a glimpse of a tear running down Spot's face. He hadn't seen me yet so I just sat down where I was. I knew from the four months I had known him that you never saw Spot Conlon cry. I watched as he let the tears fall down his cheeks and watch them hit the water. I wanted to hold him, I wanted to make all the things that were upsetting him go away; but I just sat and watched.

It was only a few moments before he looked over his shoulder and saw me. His icy blue gaze met my green stare and at that moment I was changed. I saw everything about Spot; I saw every emotion he kept hidden deep inside. That's when I, Mercy Lorenzo, saw forever in Spot Conlon's eyes.

A/N: Well there you go. I hope you liked it, leave me a review and tell me what you think?

Thanks for reading