lay me to rest, my King
slit my throat
mangle my body
thrust your blade through my empty chest
beat me senseless
make me high
just kill me now
I won't mind
seeing a thrill on your face
is more than enough
to send me into my internal rest
do as you please
I won't stop you
a Horse should always, always
obey his King, no?
abused and tossed aside
only to be put back together
to go through the same procedure
but I don't mind
as long as it's done by you
no one will have to know
I'll be our dirty secret
you can tie me up and take me
abuse me in any way you want
cut me up
make me bleed
make me scream out in sickening pleasure
if it pleases you
just do me the favor
and lay me to rest, my beloved King

My friend told me that if I showed a teacher this I would get in so much trouble, and even told me that I was a bit...twisted, too twisted for my own good. Ehh...hee, hee. Anyway, please leave a review to tell me what you think of it.