"If it has to be anyone… I want it to be you Cloud…," Squall heaved as he pushed himself off the ground. His eyes remained fixed upon the creature that held both his heart and his life in it's hands. Squall's clouded eyes locked with a violent storm of blue, "Do it Cloud; my angel…."

Cloud shuddered as he held the gun leveled with the fallen man in front of him. Both from the calm in the other man's voice and the pain that was erupting in his side. His hand shook as he tried to desperately to keep his aim steady; while his other hand clenched at the bleeding wound.

Squall's eyes carefully followed every movement of his once lovers hunched form as he licked his drying lips.

"Just do it," he hissed.

"Cloud," Zack's voice was oddly distant to the blonde's ears; and judging by the tone and the volume of Zack's voice it wasn't the first time he had called out to him. But Zack's plea fell upon deaf ears as Cloud's eyes threatened to drop. The world around him seemed to be slipping farther and farther away from him.

The only thing that registered than at that moment was the gun and Squall. Cloud's own breath hitched as Squall shouted for him to pull the trigger.

But could he do it? After everything Squall had done. After everything that had happened? All the pain and suffering they had to endure; surely it was reason enough to destroy the broken man in front of him. Of course the edges of his distant mind cried desperately; screamed; for him to pull the trigger. Allow the bullet to flow swiftly from the barrel of the hand gun he held so tightly onto and end it all. Stop all this none sense. Make Squall pay for what he did to Zack; to Cloud. For deceiving him and everyone else. So much pain; surely death was a just penalty.

It would be just, Cloud reminded himself mentally knowing full well he didn't have long to remain conscious. He had lost to much blood and his head throbbed roughly against his forehead and temples. He could feel his body ready to give out on him. To allow him to fall under; but he had to fight it. He had to do this.. But… could he? Could he really kill the man before him; sick and twisted as he may be. Was it really OK for him to pass judgment; to take his life?

His body swayed as his knees began to collapse under him. His knees smacked against the hard ground. Not once removing the barrel of the gun nor his gaze from the brunette.

Cloud's chest rose erratically as he struggled to take in air. Why; Why did it seem like the air was so much thinner. His lungs felt like they were tightening; he clenched his bloodied hand to his chest as he began coughing. He could feel the moisture soak his lips as he coughed knowing full well it was his own blood. Everything was getting to heavy; to painful. He tried to straighten himself and his aim but he couldn't help but fall forward. The hand that held tight onto the gun reached to the ground in order to hold himself upright as his other hand tightened his grip on his blood soaked shirt. The blonde hissed and squeezed his eyes tightly trying to block out the overwhelming pain. He tried to tell himself this was all just a nightmare; just as he did in Squall's keep. He wanted to believe so desperately that he would wake up and none of this would have ever truly happened.

He could hear Zack shouting for him once again. It warmed his heart to know the raven was ok. That he was going to be safe; alive. That's all that mattered. Unfortunately in his dazed state Cloud failed to realize the reason Zack had been so desperate to call upon him.

It wasn't until Squall's hand enclosed around the hand that held the gun that Cloud's blue orbs shot wide to look upon Squall's own dulled eyes. Squall carefully placed his other hand on the blonde's shoulder and helped him to sit back on his legs.

Why Cloud didn't react or lash out he wasn't sure; perhaps it was the fatigue or the surreal like situation taking place. Squall tightened his grip a bit over the gun as he moved his free hand to wipe away the collected blood dripping past Cloud's lip.

Squall moved the gun's barrel against his chest and slowly allowed the cool metal to trace up his body and over the side of his neck before resting in the center of his forehead.

Cloud watched in grotesque fascination as the black metal skimmed over the other's flesh. It literally sent chills up his numbing body and his stomach to feel as though it dropped into his lower gut. Cloud searched Squall's eyes trying to understand exactly what he was trying to do. What his motive was. Surely he didn't want Cloud to kill him now. Not when he was clearly in control of the situation once again. So why? Why was he doing this? Why?

Almost as though he had read the boy's mind Squall smiled sadly and spoke in a soft whisper; one that Cloud strained his ears to catch, "I understand now… Cloud… I can't… He's taken all of you. Everything I want; he has. And I'll never be able to obtain it; obtain you…"

Cloud blinked dazed as Squall affectionately rubbed his cheek before letting the hand fall carelessly to his side, "You saved me once Cloud… Please. This time from myself… Save me… one last time."

Cloud sobbed as tears threatened to fall down his already dirty and tear streaked face. It was to much; everything. Squall; Zack; himself. He felt like the world itself was bearing it's full weight upon him.

"Please…my angel…"

Cloud heard Zack's scream right before the gun sounded.


Twenty minutes earlier………


Zack's hands tightened and loosened on the steering wheel as he steeled his nerves. Cloud was here. In that house; only a few yards away. He had to get to him. Save him. Take him away from this place; back home where it was safe. To where life once made sense. Inhaling deeply Zack was very careful to keep quiet as he opened the door to his car. Slipping out soundlessly to the ground Zack crept closer to the cabin making sure to keep himself hidden well in the brush.

Sure he could just barge in and be the heroic hero and attempt to save the day. But he knew better; that's right even Zack fair knew it was best to approach this situation calmly.

Squall wouldn't be expecting him for another hour or so; so this moment was perfect to try and catch the bastard by surprise. He had no doubt in his mind that Squall had something up his sleeve. He wasn't a fool. He knew that Squall saw him as an obstacle and this meeting was most likely nothing more than a ploy to get rid of him.

The raven wouldn't allow it; nor would he allow any further harm to befall upon his lover. Zack's stomach twisted painfully in knots as he imaged just what Squall was capable and willing to do to get what he wanted. He could only image what the man had in store for Cloud. He only hoped that Squall's obsession would prevent him from doing anything to physically damaging to his young lover.

Zack's jaw tightened painfully as his nails dug into his palms. If Squall had done anything; anything; to Cloud….

Zack managed to close the gap between the break in the woods and the cabin itself pinning himself against the wall without a sound. He edged closer to a near by window and attempted to peer through it. His eyes widened a fraction as he noticed Cloud's form. He could feel stinging pricking at his eyes at seeing the boy again. Cloud seemed paler than normal and perhaps a bit thinner. The boy was already impossibly thin and pale to begin with so it pained the raven to see him in such a miserable state. His heart drummed painfully in his chest and at that moment he wished he could just leap through the window grab Cloud and dash off to safety. But this wasn't some lame comic book or lousy action flick. He knew acting on rash impulses would do nothing but put both their lives in danger. He could never forgive himself for doing something so stupid, and if Cloud were to get hurt…

But if he could some how sneak inside and get Cloud out without alarming Squall. They could get the hell out of here and notify the police so they would be hot on Squalls tail. The brunette would be taken in and this would all be over.

Zack tore his eyes from the image of his broken lover in favor for finding Squall's location and a way to get inside. The sooner the better. Squall would be expecting his arrival soon and if he wasn't there when he was supposed to be than things would take a sharp turn for the worse.

Staying low the raven slowly and very carefully made his way around the building taking every possible opportunity to glance into every window he went by.

His nerves began to eat away at his mind. Every window he passed he could feel himself getting hotter. His breath was becoming harsh and not as easy to control. As the anticipation of finding Squall's whereabouts continued to wreck his brain he found he could not just hear but feel his heart beating rough against his chest. He cursed himself mentally for his weakness but he knew it was not abnormal for his body to react in such a way. If he hadn't been stronger; hadn't had the desperate will to save Cloud; than he knew he wouldn't be here now. He would be informing the police or brandishing an army of weapons. Actually now that he thought of it coming with an onslaught of weapons 'would' have been an excellent idea.

Too late for that now…

Zack froze in place as he heard the cocking of what he could only assume to be a gun sound behind his ears. His breath hitched and he grew rigid as Squall's smooth voice reached his ears, "You really should think better of me Zack. Did you really think I wasn't expecting you to rush straight over here to try to 'save' Cloud."

Zack ground his teeth at the cocky tone cursing himself mentally as his eyes screwed shut. His mind raced for a way out of his predicament but all thoughts of escape were silenced by but Squall's command, "How about we get our angel, hm?"

Zack's mind grew fuzzier at the mention of Cloud. Of being face to face with him once more. He drew his teeth into his bottom lip fiercely determined that once he and cloud were re-introduced he would come up with something; anything; to get away together. Safe; home; together. Each step was agonizing. Zack's hands clenched and released at his sides growing moist from anticipation. He had to think; and quickly. The raven stilled his running thoughts as he closed his eyes; guided forward by Squall direction. He had to get them out of here; had to save Cloud; even if it cost him his own life. He needed to get Cloud away from Squall, and that.. Would take some necessary risks.

Zack was awoken from his thoughts at the familiar gasp the sounded in his ears; his bright blue eyes slowly opening to catch Cloud's own blue-green gaze. Zack couldn't help the satisfied smile that crossed his features; one he hoped would comfort his lover. To let him know everything would be alright; he would make sure of it.

But the silent reassurance did little to still Cloud's tears as Zack locked his gaze with his own. Reguardless of Zack's optimism he was still at the hands of his captor; his tormentor. No endless amount of promises could change the fact that Zack was just one finger movement away from death. All Squall had to do was squeeze.

"As much as I 'love' this happy little reunion I think we ought to take this outside don't you think? Cloud," Squall commanded a little softer than before as he gestured for Cloud to head for the door, "be so kind as to show us the way out."

Cloud hesitated; his eyes never leaving Zack's; before he stood a little shaky and moved to the door. He paused before taking a step outside but with a quick warning by Squall of his name he slowly complied. Cloud kept glancing back as they made their walk into the woods surrounding the cabin; Squall directing the entire way. He was hoping for a moment where Squall let his guard down; an opening; so he could get Zack out of the way. Try to get the gun away from him and tell Zack to run. He didn't care about himself; not anymore; not since the moment he saw Zack was in danger. He should've never called. Never dragged Zack back into this. He was selfish; he should have dealt with this himself. Found some other way. But now; because of him; Zack… Zack could die.

Cloud's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of a small pile rested near one of the trees. No doubt that Squall pre-organized this as well. Cloud could clearly identify the pile as nothing other than rope. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to face Squall and Zack; his eyes blazing for answers. Did Squall really just intend to leave Zack here? What exactly did he plan to do.

"Get the rope Cloud," the blonde shook his head.

At his dismissal Squall turned the gun off to the side and let off a shot before cocking the gun and pressing it firmly to the back of Zack's head, "Get.. The rope…Now.."

Cloud and even Zack's eyes were wide; Zack of course pulling his mask of composure to try and relax Cloud even just a little. But Cloud knew; Zack was just as scared as he was. Squall was a dangerous man; both knew from experience. They needed to by as much time as humanly possible; and setting the brunette off would do nothing more than cut their time short.

Cloud moved on now even shakier legs as he grabbed the rope. Zack was than pushed forward and commanded to walk over to the tree where Cloud had grabbed the rope.

Squall's eyes still focused on Zack as he spoke yet another command for the blonde, "Tie him up."

Cloud's voice croaked as Zack pressed himself to tree, "I-I can't…"

Squall's grim expression darkened as he turned the gun to Zack's arm and fired a shot.

Cloud's eyes nearly burst from his skull as he heard the sharp cry of pain and growl that Zack emitted as the bullet tore through his arm.

"Z-Zack," Cloud yelled as he moved to aid his injured lover.

"TIE HIM UP TO THE TREE," Squall raised his voice stopping the blonde in his tracks. The blonde's eyes shimmering with tears as his body trembled. Even now he was completely powerless. Cloud completely stilled at the cocking sound of the gun. He allowed his head to fall in defeat as he complied yet again to Squall's wishes. All the while his eyes focusing on his lovers painful blue. He was the cause of all of this. He had to make this right. He had to.

Cloud whispered softly a mantra of apologies to the raven; even through the pain Zack silently reassured him it would be ok. Once Cloud had finished the knot he allowed himself to linger. Wishing nothing more than to stay by Zack's side. When Squall demanded he moved; to step away from the raven; Cloud merely stood in front of his body trying to root himself in front of Zack. No matter what happened to him he would fight to make sure Zack was ok. To make sure he wouldn't get hurt; not anymore. Not because of him.

Squall growled as he charged forward in a heavy march grabbing hold of Cloud's arm and throwing his frail body to the side as another gun shot rang out. Cloud grunted as he hit the floor and allowed tears to freely fall as he heard another agonizing yell from the raven.

"This bastard! What is it about you, huh," Squall hissed in outrage as he delivered a boot straight onto Zack's leg; where the second bullet ground into.

Zack's head jerked back hitting the tree as he bit his lip to keep himself from screaming. The coppery taste of blood left in his mouth as he bit down harder on the abused flesh. Cloud jumped up and immediately made a grab for the gun in Squall's hand. However Squall simply delivered a strong fist to the side of the blonde's face before he managed to grab hold of him or the gun. The blow cocked Cloud's head to the side as he wobbled a moment before regaining his balance. He growled fiercely before lunging to attack Squall again.

He threw the punch his eyes formerly sewn shut opened in disbelief as he found his fist being captured by Squall's free hand. With a sudden jerk he found his arm twisted painfully behind his back and before he could react other wise he felt a boot thrust roughly against his back. Cloud was launched forward face first into the ground.

He groaned at the throbbing pain in his arm and back as he pushed himself up. The taste of dirt salting his mouth and tongue.

Foot steps alarmed Cloud of Squall's approach; but it didn't allow him enough time to react. His head was flung back mercilessly as Squall grabbed the blonde locks and yanked them back, "He is disgusting. You don't need him. You only need me."

"F-Fuc…," Cloud's curse was cut short at the grunt passing his lips as Squall tightened his grip and yanked him back further.

"I'm all you need… so we'll get rid of him. He's only in the way," Squall chucked the blonde's head forward before stepping around to Zack once more, "You… if it weren't for you. All this trouble… all this pain you've caused my angel."

Zack stared on in defiance and disbelief; he honestly wondered the insane logic Squall seemed to posses. None the less he made contact with Squall's own crazed eyes. The man's eyes glowed from the insanity as he aimed his gun higher.

"All I need to do is get rid of you…," Squall's smirk crossed his features making him appear even more out of control and detached.

At the cock of the gun Squall's smirk widened; Zack's eyes grew wider as he focused on the barrel directed straight for his head; and Cloud's eyes shot quickly to the scene, "This ends here!"

Cloud jumped up as everything in his being drummed louder in his ears. His eyes wide with tears and his heart coming alive to beat painfully in his chest. His feet pounded heavy on the ground as he watched Zack's frightened gaze turn toward him. In that moment; short of a few seconds that seemed to last for minutes; the sound of the bullet exploding from the gun ripped at their ears.

Squall's own eyes grew wide; his mouth dropping from it's cold smirk shock apparent on his features. He felt warm liquid splash against his cheek; dull but glistening with tears blue eyes met gray. Cloud's breath coming short as his left eyes scrunched from the pain. Blood red liquid staining his once white teeth as he hissed at the pain. His teeth grinding down on each other to keep himself from crying out.

Squall's entire body shook as his eyes dropped from his angel's face down to the pale hands gripping tightly at the gun in his own hands. Grey orbs traveled a path from their hands to the barrel of their gun straight to his angel's form. The fabric clung tightly to the wounded area as it began to become soaked with blood.

His angels blood. Squall he pulled the trigger; he shot him; he hurt him. All the while as Squall's thoughts burned with questions only one made it's way to his lips as he locked his eyes with Cloud's hazy blue.


Cloud flinched as he tried to steady himself, "Because…," he panted, "I won't… I won't let you hurt him!"

Squall was easily knocked off balance as Cloud shoved him to the ground and took hold of the gun leveling it with Squalls head. He was tired; even when he tired to hold the gun steady he found it a near impossible task. But with Squall like this in front of him he quickly tried to regain his composure. This man; this bastard who hurt him; hurt Zack! He couldn't allow him to hurt Zack anymore.

"It ends… with you…," Cloud panted heavily as he aimed the gun a little more firmly. Though his words were shaky and in his mind he wasn't sure if he was really prepared to do so he knew what he had to do. What needed to happen to save Zack and himself from the bastard before him.

Squall… needed to die; and he would be the one who would have to pull the trigger.

"If it has to be anyone… I want it to be you Cloud…," Squall heaved as he pushed himself off the ground.

"Please…my angel…"

Cloud heard Zack's scream right before the gun sounded.

Squall grunted in pain as he clenched at his now bleeding arm cursing as he fell forward, "Why?! Why didn't you kill me!?"

Cloud cocked the gun and shot Squall's leg; the same wounds he so humbly bestowed to Zack he gave to Squall, "I'm not… your fucking savoir!"

The brunette cried out as he fell completely forward on his side his eyes burning as he screamed. How dare he?! How fucking dare he?! His mind raged as the usually cool natured man seemed to explode. His yelling tears and anguish echoing through the seemingly empty woods before he finally quieted down to broken sobs. Cloud took in the sight before him in disgust before turning to his bound lover.

The blonde forced himself to walk to Zack as he lazily untied the ropes binding his lover. Immediately as the rope fell from Zack's body the raven quickly grabbed hold of Cloud and embraced him whispering the boy's name softly in his ear.

The blonde could only smile as his voice grew faint to even his own ears, "Zack.. I love you.."

Soon after the words parted from his lips his lids grew heavy and his mind faded into darkness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few months later ~~~~~~

Cloud smile brightened at the trumpiht glow radiating off his boyfriends features as they stepped into their new home. Cloud could only chuckle as Zack seemingly bounced room to room rambling on about the plans and changes they could make to the empty house.

Tifa had suggested the boys get a change of scenery; and what better way than to move? Of course; they didn't move to far from Tifa. Really they were only about a twenty minute drive away and the dark haired brunette didn't seem to mind at all. She had playfully chimed in that she would actually have to get her car fixed in order to visit them; in which Zack eagerly offered. Cloud laughed at the thought; he didn't have the heart to tell Zack that's exactly 'why' she mentioned it to 'them.'

This new home was the start of their new life together. It marked a new beginning. It wasn't just a new home; it was their new home… as partners.

Cloud smiled genuinely down at his hand; particularly his eyes met with a beautiful silver ring. Cloud wasn't so sure he appreciated the tiny chocobo engraved on the almost pristine silver surface; but he made sure that Zack's own ring had just such a unique touch.

Cloud crossed the empty floor and took Zack's hand in his own kissing the raven's palm and smiling at the image of a puppy carved on his ring. He still remembered how much the raven pouted about it; but never the less he couldn't hide the cheerful expression from his eyes.

Zack hummed appreciably, "You hungry spike?"

The blonde tried to twist his face into a frown and nearly pouted when he found it impossible, "Yeah. Take out?"

Zack shook his head, "I'll drop in at Tif's and pick something up; that ok?"

Cloud frowned, "Sure take the bike and hurry back."

The blonde couldn't still help but laugh as he swore from the happy gleeful expression on his boyfriends face wasn't proof enough that if he had a tail it be wagging erratically, "Go on," he shooed him away.

Zack grinned grabbing the keys and giving Cloud a soft kiss, "Alright; I'll be right back chocobo head!"

Cloud faked a growl but smiled at the door a little sadly as it closed. Sighing he moved through the rooms. Zack did have wonderful ideas; not nearly tame enough for his own taste but he would manage. The only furniture they had in the home was their bed; so Cloud quickly made a detour to the bedroom.

Ever since he woke up that day in the hospital; after everything that happened at the cabin; Zack didn't dare to leave his side. He reminded unconscious for a number of days though he couldn't recall how many. And not once since he woke up with Squall ever mentioned. The only thing remotely close was the reassurance from Zack at his bedside smiling as tears filled his tired gaze. 'it's finally over', he had said. And it truly was.

Cloud didn't ask about what happened to Squall. If he was ok or not; or whether or not he was in jail. Apparently everything had been taken care of by Zack. The police the courts; everything. And Cloud refused to allow anyone to speak with him on the matter. Of course if Zack asked any questions he would answer them. But thankfully Zack never once questioned him about his stay in Squall's captivity, and thus Cloud had never questioned Zack about his.

It was all put behind them; in the past. And now they were going to begin a new life; a fresh start; together.

Cloud smiled as he sank back onto the bed playing with the ring around his finger. Everything from now on would be ok.

Cloud's brow pushed together at the sound of paper crumpling under his weight and he sighed. Really; they hadn't even officially moved in yet and Zack was already leaving his little messes scattered around the place.

The blonde quickly sat up and grabbed the offending piece of paper before glaring at it.

His glare however fell almost instantly at the words scribed on the paper.

-Until next we met… my angel-


The end? ………..sure………. I'm sorry it sucks… I haven't posted because I personally feel that all my writing lately has been more than just lack luster so forgive me I really did try… I hope this ending doesn't piss you guys off - __-' apologizes again and I hope it wasn't too bad…