Hey everyone Psycho Counter's back with the next thrilling episode of The Demon Master. Today we get to see the battle against Ninth Angel, plus a couple new players enter the field. Hope to see everyone reviewing and sending in their votes.

VERY IMPORTANT: I have decided that the voting shall officially end after Chapter 7 is completed, so make sure to get your votes in before that deadline. Hope to see some competition because it's rather boring when somebody runs away with a mass majority of the audience.

Also, there will be minor crossover stuff in here from now on, but I'll leave you all to guess where it's from.

Alright guys, let's get this party back online!

Disclaimer: I don't own Eva, Anno does. Gendo would've been humiliated at every freaking opportunity if I was in charge, starting with a boot to the balls.

The Demon Master
By Psycho Counter

Chapter 5: Trouble Always Comes in Pairs

"So Morgan, why exactly did you bother to come with us? You know that you can't get into Nerv HQ right?" Asuka asked as the three pilots jogged behind the taller boy. With Section-2 nowhere in sight as they exited the school, the small group had to resort to old fashioned foot power to get them to Nerv.

"Because Asuka, we're not entirely certain what's going on around here and if there's one thing that worries me, it's being in the dark like this while you guys are out there risking your necks. Besides, I'm coming mainly to act as riot control in case we run into any rowdies that decided to panic after the power went out," Sig replied, keeping a steady pace as Rei directed the foursome in the direction of the elevators.

Shinji locked his eyes on the back of his master's head. What the American had said made sense. In a case like this, people could easily find reason to panic and might even start looting and attacking each other in the worst case. Sig's protection was easily the best weapon they had in their favor at the moment…at least until they reached the Evas.

"We're almost to the elevators, Master Morgan. We just have several more blocks to go," Rei said.

Sig nodded. "Good. I'll feel a lot more secure when you three are inside there," he said. Rounding another corner, the four felt as if they were in a ghost town as they gazed around the area. There was absolutely nobody around outside, and the streets were dead silent. Not even the wind dared to make a sound. It was slightly creepy to the children. Even Rei found the silence mildly disturbing.

It only took another five minutes before they reached the elevator shaft that would take the pilots to the Geofront. Luckily, this particular shaft would bring them at one of the closest possible points to the Eva cages. When Rei tried to use her ID card to open the door, however, nothing happened.

Sig smacked his forehead. "Lovely. Even these things don't work. Alright guys, stand back," he exclaimed as he walked up to the thick steel doors. The pilots ducked behind a car as Sig stretched his arms out and flexed his body slightly. The two girls couldn't help but notice the boy's skin rippling under his clothes as his powerful muscles expanded and contracted beneath, readying themselves for work.

Sig sighed lightly and, stepping up to the shaft doors, gripped the crease between them tightly. Groaning and grunting, Sig pulled his hands in opposite directions, trying to force the doors open with sheer strength.

Asuka snorted in disgust as she watched her rival outside the Eva try to open the doors by himself. Who did he think he was, Superman? Nobody had that kind of strength, not even him…

Her thoughts died in her mind when she saw, quite slowly, the doors began to give. Groaning loudly, Sig gnashed his teeth together and pulled harder, the doors creaking as they were forced open. Finally sick and tired of trying to do the task by himself, Sig flared his ki and, with a mighty heave, wrenched the doors open at last, smashing them straight through the walls they were attached to.

Shinji and the others blanched at the damage Sig had wrought. He literally tore a pair of sold steel doors apart using only his hands!

Grinning at them, Sig gave them a thumbs-up sign. "Well that takes care of that," he said.

"Impressive. I see that you've gotten stronger, Sigurd," a strange, raspy voice called out. The foursome wheeled around to face the newcomer.

He was easily the strangest thing any of the three pilots had ever seen, and considering what they fought for a profession, that was saying something. The figure seemed to be male, if the voice was any indication, though his body at first made it kind of hard to tell. His voice seemed to Shinji to be worse than nails on a chalkboard, if it were possible. His body was tall and thin…too thin if you had to ask, and he surprisingly stood at least two heads taller than Sig. The man looked like those anorexic celebrities one saw in tabloid magazines. His arms were long and lanky, but the hands attached to them were enormous, easily able to circle his fingers around the wrist two or three times. His lower limbs were the same: long skinny legs attached to gigantic feet that looked more in place on a yeti. How the guy bought his shoes, Shinji didn't want to know. The stranger's eyes were a deep blue and his sleek golden hair fell down the small of his back like waves.

His attire, if anything, was as strange as his appearance. On his chest, he wore nothing but a forest green vest with long sleeves that covered the upper halves of his arms, exposing his fragile-looking chest to the world. Around his wrists, he wore bright silver bangles that jingled whenever he moved his arms in the slightest. His slacks were dark beige, extremely baggy and barely hanging to his waist by the belt that he wore. Finally, the ensemble was completed with a skull earring that dangled from his right ear, and a monocle was affixed to his right eye.

Sig grimaced as he saw the figure. "Oh this is perfect. How the hell did you get here, Toma? Have you been following me?" he asked.

The man chuckled. "Not so much following as hunting. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass you are to track down?! I've been searching for you for months, and here I find you training some filthy humans!" he snapped.

Shinji was confused. Humans? Then what the hell was this guy? "Master, who is this?" he asked, looking up at Sig.

The taller boy sighed. "That's Tomahawk or Toma for short. He's a bounty hunter from the Demon Realm that takes great pride in hunting down those the Overlord deems a threat to his rule. My mother pissed the guy off a couple decades ago because she beat him at something and so he's sent Toma to finish off the family line, which ends with me," Sig explained. The pilots gasped. This guy was a demon!

As if sensing their thoughts, Sig continued. "Surprisingly, Toma isn't a full demon himself. In reality, he's half demon, half angel. An odd combination, for sure, though not that uncommon really."

Shinji's eyes widened. An Angel too?! If that was true, then this Tomahawk guy was major trouble.

Waving his hand behind him, Sig gestured to the broken doors behind him. "You guys go on ahead and take care of your business with big, bad, and ugly up here. I'll handle Toma. He's after me, anyway, so I may as well whoop his ass while he's around," he said.

Rei nodded and took Shinji by the hand. "Very well. Ikari-kun, Pilot Sohryu; we must get to the Evas as soon as possible if we are to defeat the Ninth." Shinji and Asuka nodded as they took off down the halls and into the elevator, quickly moving out of sight.

Toma smirked as he held out his hand, an intricate rune appearing in the air. Reaching his hand inside, the thin hybrid withdrew an elegant ruby-crested longsword. "You always were a fool, Sigurd. I can't believe you actually believe that pathetic human boy is the Heir. The fact that you call yourself The Demon Master when you are only half-demon yourself is just as laughable," he mocked.

Sig chortled and quickly stripped to his training clothes, releasing the gravity seal in the process. "You know nothing of the Eternal Prophecy, Tomahawk. Shinji Ikari is the true Heir of Infinity, and you are nothing but an obstacle that needs to be removed if he is to achieve his destiny." Glaring at his opponent, Sig slammed his hand into the ground and, in a flash of violet energy, removed a vicious-looking axe from his own seal in the earth, a large moonstone embedded in the shaft between its serrated blades.

Staring each other down, Toma held his weapon above his head in an offensive stance as Sig touched the tip of his axe blade to the ground, his arms hanging loose. Relaxing his tensely wound muscles, Sig let out a roar as he charged, the axe ripping through the ground as they brought the blades against each other in a shower of crimson sparks.

(Nerv HQ: Central Dogma)
"Damn it! Where are those kids?" Misato yelled as she fanned herself with a pile of papers she had picked up off of Ritsuko's desk.

The doctor in question sighed exasperatedly as she watched her close friend. "Really Misato, give them a little while longer. The power's out and they might even be outside the doors as we speak, trying to get in."

No sooner did the words leave her mouth then the door swung open to reveal the three Evangelion pilots, all suited up and ready to launch. Misato blinked. "Wow Rits, are you psychic?" she asked.

Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki cleared his throat from the command post, causing everyone to look up at him and Gendo. "This is better than we could've hoped for. Pilots, make your way to the Evangelions immedi-"

"Sir!" Maya called out, swinging her chair around. "The Magi are picking up three extraordinarily immense energy signatures right above us!" Nerv had managed to siphon enough power to keep the Magi and their camera monitors in the city online, but not much else.

Everyone's eyes bulged at the news. THREE!? Were they being attacked by three Angels at once?

Ritsuko hurried to her station. "Analyzing the signatures now…what the hell?!"

Misato rushed over to the bottle blonde. "What's wrong Ritsuko?"

She shook her head in disbelief. "This can't be right! The three energies are all emitting different blood patterns. One of them if definitely the Angel because there's the blue pattern, but it's actually the smallest one of the lot. The two others are roughly equal, but one's giving off a black pattern and the other is giving off a grey pattern," she said. Shinji couldn't believe his ears.

'Is Master giving off one of the other blood patterns? And if so, what does it mean?' he asked himself. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Maya's voice cutting through the air.

"Bringing up a visual now!" The main monitor switched on as the bridge crew got their first look at Matariel, the Ninth Angel.

The beast looked, quite frankly, like a gigantic spider with dozens of eyes around the main body. Shinji shivered when he saw it; he hated spiders with a passion. The crew was buzzing in confusion. Where were the other two energy signals coming from?

"Sir, the Magi have pinpointed the larger signatures. They're pretty close. The visuals are coming in…now!" Maya said as the cameras focused in on something that made Shinji's heart leap into his throat.

Sig and Toma were in the middle of a war zone. The entire street around them had been torn to shreds. Cars were overturned and split in half, with some actually hanging over massive holes in the ground. Hell, Asuka screamed in shock when she saw a couple tankers literally piercing through buildings…some at least ten stories into the air.

The two combatants themselves were in the middle of it all, each forcing themselves against the other as they vied for an advantage as their blades rang out with each clash. Sig leapt forward and attacked with a horizontal slash, as Toma ducked underneath and thrust upward in an attempt to pierce the American's heart. Sig then spun himself to the side in mid-air and ran at the demon-angel hybrid again, swinging his weapon with a skill and speed that the Nerv personnel felt he had no business possessing.

Toma parried each blow skillfully, throwing his hand out finally and blasting a ball of ki at Sig's face. Sig barely avoided the ball of death by bending his spine backwards so much that Shinji felt he could've won a limbo championship with that move. Sig righted himself again and shot his leg out, slamming his foot into the side of Tomahawk's knee. The taller man grunted and leapt away, turning around and grabbing a nearby car. The Nerv crew gasped as he lifted the vehicle off the ground with one hand and chucked it right at Sig. The martial artist grinned as his hand erupted in a black flame. Running right at the incoming attack, Sig pulled his hand back and let fly with a large sphere of black fire. "Dark Eclipse!"

The car was obliterated as the energy ball vaporized it, continuing its destructive path towards Toma. The hybrid's eyes enlarged as he jumped into the air to dodge. Gritting his teeth, he grunted as a pair of wings shot out of his back and, smiling, he took off towards Sig again.

Gendo finally managed to regain his voice. "This wasn't in the plan. Pilots!"

The three children looked up, Shinji with a light glare resting on his eyes. The bearded bastard continued. "You are to launch the Evangelions immediately and engage the Ninth Angel. Hopefully, those two others will eliminate each other before you finish. But if they do not...your orders are to do it yourselves."

Shinji and Rei held in their gasps. Kill Sig? Sure he obviously wasn't human if what they were seeing was any proof, but he was still their master and, more importantly, their friend. Shinji in particular felt rage directed towards his father for his casual manner in ordering the three to kill someone that was risking his life to protect them. Suddenly, Shinji's glare turned into a smirk.

'I'll just have to leave father a little present before I go,' Shinji thought as he and the others ran to the cages. Asuka and Rei jumped into Units-02 and -00 while Shinji lagged behind. Within minutes though, he was gearing up Unit-01 for launch as well. It was a godsend that the technicians had all manually prepared the entry plugs for insertion into the Evas as soon as the power went down. Activating their biomechanical war machines, the pilots pushed the locks holding their Evas in place apart and stepped down onto the ground.

"Alright you three, listen up! The Angel's right above us and is using a highly corrosive acid to penetrate the Geofront. The quickest pathway to the Angel's location is through the ventilation system that carries the Bakelite throughout headquarters. You need to be quick, though, because the Evas are running on back-mounted battery packs that only have about 10 minutes worth of juice in them. After that you'll be running for 5 more minutes on the internal batteries. Move out!" Misato exclaimed. The buxom woman still had a hard time believing what she saw. Sig was an enemy? But then why was he fighting that other guy? And what did they have to do with the Angels? There were too many questions and not enough answers for Misato at that point. She would just have to wait and hope...

(Nerv HQ: Bakelite vents)
The Evas quickly crawled their way through the maze-like system of vents with the help of a map uploaded to their internal computers by the Magi. Unfortunately, they got as far as the hole where the Angel was dropping its 'load' before being stopped by the continual shower of acid.

"So now what? That Angel's gonna break through to HQ soon if we don't do something," Asuka cried in frustration. Shinji leaned back in his plug, thinking. There had to be a way to stop the acid bath. Using an AT-Field wouldn't do any good, since the Angel's would cancel it out, thereby leaving both parties vulnerable. If only they had another kind of shield...

Shinji blinked. Of course! It was risky, but then again...Sig always told the boy he needed to be a little more reckless.

"Hey guys, I've got an idea," he said.

"What kind of plan could you come up with that isn't a total waste of time, Third?" Asuka asked. Rei grimaced at the crimson unit next to her. Even in a situation like this, the redhead always found ways to verbally abuse Shinji.

"Can it Asuka, we don't have much in the way of options right now. Listen, I'm pretty sure I can create a shield using my ki to protect you two from that Angel's acid. All we need is one of you to get in there and nullify that thing's AT-Field so the other can fire a rifle burst at the enemy," Shinji said.

Rei considered the plan thoroughly. Of all the possible ideas they had at their disposal, Shinji's was easily the most viable and had the greatest chance of success. "Then it's settled. Sohryu, I shall cancel out the Angel's AT-Field while you attack directly. You have the higher sync ratio so you'll have far greater accuracy in hitting the target."

Asuka nodded. "Okay. Guess I don't really have a choice then. Besides, it seems like the only plan we've got right now. Alright then, let's move!"

Together, the three Evangelions barreled out of the vent at once, Shinji grabbing the wall above him to swing himself over his comrades. Rei took the middle ground and expanded her AT-Field, feeling it slam against the Angel's. Both Unit-00 and the Angel were left defenseless as the creature dropped another couple dozen gallons of acid downward. The acid was deflected into the wall as it ran right into Shinji's pure white shield of energy. He had first wrapped his ki around the Eva in a thin sheet, much like a second skin. Then, he spread it out above him like a projector, keeping it focused tighter in the center to divert the acid away from his Eva and the two below him.

The maneuver worked. The Angel's attack was completely unable to penetrate the shield, leaving Asuka free to fire a volley right into the Ninth's main body as Units-01 and -00 dove to the side and flattened themselves against the walls of the hole. The rounds slammed right into the Angel's largest eye, in the exact middle of its lower half. The result: Matariel goes boom!

The bridge crew cheered. That was nine Angels down, but how many left to go? Misato breathed a sigh of relief. That was one less Angel they had to worry about. The fact that the pilots had managed to work somewhat cohesively as a team was icing on the cake.

(Tokyo-3: The Streets)
"Give it up, Sigurd! You can't beat me," Toma said nasally as he took another swipe at the shorter boy, only for his blade to be swept to the side as Sig tried jabbing him right in the nose with a closed fist.

"Oh for the love of the Overlord, shut the fuck up! I really don't wanna deal with you right-" Sig shot back before they heard a loud rumbling. Turning to face the sound, they saw the Ninth Angel explode in a destructive bang. The bad news? The resulting shockwave was heading right at them. Sig summarized the situation in the best way he could. "We are so boned…" he said.

The shockwave hit.

(Nerv HQ: Central Dogma)
"What happened to the cameras?! And those other two?" Misato cried. Makoto Hyuuga, her assistant, swiveled to face her.

"The explosion seems to have taken them out, ma'am. Though I don't see how either of the other energy signals could've survived that. They were essentially at ground zero when it happened," he explained. Misato bit her lip in response. She didn't like this one bit…

(Tokyo-3: The Streets)
"Ohhh, my head," Toma groaned as he dragged himself out of the rubble. Looking around, he spotted Sig lying face-up in the pavement, a large slab of building on top of him. Smirking, the tall demon walked over and got a better look. Sig's shirt had been basically atomized, his chest exposed. Also, a thin trail of blood ran down the side of his face, eventually curving down and pooling on the earth below. Looking more closely, he noticed a strange symbol on the young half-demon's chest, over his heart.

"Hmmm, a seal? Now that's peculiar," he said as he laid a hand on the mark and began to chant. As he finished the mark glowed a deep purple, an inky black smoke emerging from the fallen boy's chest with a hiss. Backing away, Toma never noticed Sig's eyes shoot open; they were now completely black.

The two were enveloped in a flash of blinding light.

(Nerv Medical Ward)
Sig moaned painfully as he opened his eyes. He quickly shut them again as the sunlight blinded him.

"Ohhh man, what the hell ass balls ran me over?" he asked to no one in particular as he got up and looked around. It looked like a hospital. Hearing the door slide open, he turned his head to see his students and Misato walk in, a bright smile on each of their faces.

Smiling back, he blushed as Misato teased him. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty finally woke up," she said.

Sig chuckled. "I ain't no beauty Misato, and you know it. Now what the hell happened?"

The purple-haired captain sighed. "Well, the Commander discovered that you aren't human and so he placed you under arrest. He tried to inject a sedative into you as well, but your skin was too tough for him to break. He finally gave up and left for the Eva cages. But in all effect, you're stuck here at Nerv."

The boy smirked. "I'd love to see him try and keep me here. But enough about Shinji's douche bag of an old man, I guess I owe you guys not only an explanation, but an apology. I'm sorry that I lied to you about certain things, but it was necessary to ensure that I could get into the city and hide my identity. Also, I'm afraid that I can't exactly tell you everything for two reasons. One: it's not the right time. Two: I don't trust the walls around here to not have ears."

Shinji nodded and placed a gentle hand on Sig's shoulder. "It's okay Master, we understand. I'm just worried about you. You don't know what kind of person my father is," he said.

Sig grinned. "Oh I know what kind of person he is…he's a royal dickhead who needs someone to take the stick out of his ass!" he exclaimed, looking towards the camera and flipping it the bird.

Misato cupped her hand over her mouth to keep the giggles that threatened to escape her lips inside, and the children weren't much better. Even Rei found the boy's blatant disrespect of the bearded man highly amusing.

"But anyway," he continued, "I need to let you guys know the truth about some things. You're right in saying that I'm not human. I'm actually half-human and half-demon. My mother was a powerful demonness that was exiled by Overlord Thanatos for what he called an 'attempted assassination,' though my mother was nowhere near the castle at the time. After she came here, she met my father, who was a respected American professor of ritual anthropology, and fell in love. Long story short, I resulted from that union. Unfortunately, when she was exiled my mother's demonic powers were drained from her. My dad quit his job at the University of Texas to open a restaurant with her, though they killed when the American economy hit rock bottom and they couldn't meet their rent on the building. I came here because of an old legend that Master Nakar told me about shortly after he took me in, and I was rather interested in it."

The three listened closely, taking in every word the young hybrid was telling them. Not even Gendo could've gotten their attention by that point. Speaking of whom…

(Nerv HQ: Eva Cages)
Gendo walked along the footpath in front of the Evas smoothly. With that monster locked up in the base, he would be able to harness its power for his scenario. He would have to use the Third as leverage, but it would be worth it. Glancing down, he saw a trio of long iron poles that were propped upon an old box, directly underneath him. The path was too narrow for him to walk around the poles, so he simply decided to walk over them. They were probably being used for renovations in the facility somewhere. Not thinking anything of it, he continued walking in deep thought, never noticing the silent twang of the wire he stepped on as it broke, releasing the heavy toolbox it was holding up on the landing above.


"YEOWWWW! MY BEAUTIFUL BALLS ARE BUSTED!" Gendo screamed in a high soprano as the iron rods were fired up and into his crown jewels as the toolbox landed on the ends perched in the air, creating a deranged see-saw effect.

The techs watched in terror as the Commander of Nerv squealed in agony, his body tipping right over the edge of the walkway and plummeting onto the unforgiving floor below with a loud thump.

Technicians everywhere stared at each other for a few moments before they all bolted for the nearest exits. There was no way in hell they were sticking around to see the aftermath of this fiasco…

Thus, Commander Ikari was left to groan in pain at the bottom of the Eva cages, his manhood now a fragmented shell of its former self, and his body battered and bruised to boot.

He never even took notice when Sig had simply walked out of the Geofront later that day, breaking the wrists of a couple poor Section-2 agents when they tried to stop him.

(The next week)
"So what do you guys think the old geezer's gonna drone on about today?" Sig asked. Kensuke gave the young demon-human a strange look. Everybody in the city had found out about Sig's origins once Nerv made a public announcement to make themselves look better. In reality, all it did was give the people something else to be pissed at the organization's leader for, since he called Sig 'a bloodthirsty monster' when he obviously was nothing of the sort. "Please tell me that was a rhetorical question Sig," he said much to the taller boy's amusement.

"By the way Sig, what the hell is with that doll of yours?" Toji questioned. Sig looked down at the figure wrapped around his side. It looked like a penguin with a navy blue body, white belly, and tiny bat wings on its back, but it had pegs where it should've had legs. It also had a little pouch attached to its waist.

"What, him? This is Chiepoo, a prinny. Prinnies are basically the souls of beings who've committed evil deeds in their previous life. In order to be reincarnated, they have to work in the Demon Realm or Heaven until they either earn enough money to pay off their former sins, or perform enough good deeds to cancel out the bad ones. They're actually useful little buggers, and Chiepoo was my mother's vassal until her death, when he transferred his servitude contract to me," Sig replied. Hikari walked over during the explanation and squeaked happily when she saw the little penguin-like object.

"Oh how cute!" she exclaimed, rushing forward and grabbing the prinny in a tight hug before Sig could object. In response, the thing's beak opened wide as the girl swung him around.

"Hey dood! I'm getting dizzy, dood!"

Everyone screamed when the prinny spoke, Hikari dropping it like a hot plate instantly. They were even more stunned when it got up on its little peg legs and waved a flipper at them. "Howdy dood," Chiepoo said.

Half the class fainted.

Sig barked with laughter at the unconscious students around him. "Well that was expected. That's usually how humans first react when they see a prinny." Shinji stood still. He had to admit, after everything his master had shown him thus far about the Demon Realm; prinnies were rather tame by comparison.

The old teacher walked in, either not noticing or just flat out not caring that half his pupils were laying unconscious, mumbling about 'talking peg-legged penguins.' Turning to face the class, he spoke.

"Alright class, we have two new transfers joining us today. I'd like you to treat them both with respect and make them feel welcome like we have Morgan-san. Come on in."

The door opened to reveal two girls. The first one walked to the front of the class eagerly. She was a redhead like Asuka, only with shorter length hair and bright green eyes, plus her features were clearly Japanese. Smiling cutely, she opened her mouth. "Hi everyone! My name's Mana Kirishima and I just moved here from Kyoto since my dad got a new job at Nerv. I like going to onsens, eating teriyaki shrimp, and playing the flute. It's very nice to meet you all." With that, she looked around and sat down in an empty seat to Shinji's left. Gazing at the greenhorn martial artist, Mana giggled.

"You're cute," she told him sweetly. Instantly, every girl in the class was glaring at the newcomer for opening flirting with the young pilot. Everyone's eyes swiveled to the other girl.

As soon as Sig saw her, his eyes bulged and his mouth ran dry. 'Son of a bitch…she's here,' he thought.

The girl smiled as she surveyed the class. She stood at maybe 5'3", almost half a foot shorter than Sig. Her eyes were a vivid hazel, shining with happiness. She had a round face, a small button nose, and full cheeks, complete with dimples for added cuteness. It was her hair that grabbed everyone's attention, however. It was pink…a bright neon pink that draped over her face in numerous spikes, giving her a slight gothic look. She grinned evilly as she looked at her new classmates.

"Hey guys, what's shaking! The name's Milly Forest, but trust me: that'll change soon enough. I came here all the way from America to learn Japanese and find someone very important to me. My hobbies include playing softball, watching comedy movies, and playing with my pet cats. Hope to make lots of new friends," she said, skipping giddily over towards Sig. The young man was sweating bullets as she drew closer. No force short of Armegeddon itself would prevent her from saying what she wanted to. Who was he kidding? Even that wouldn't stop her...

"Excuse me," one of the braver boys in class said, causing Milly's eyes to shift towards him as she moved. "But what did you mean when you said that your name would change soon?"

The girl smiled deviously. "Well, since you asked...my name will eventually be Milly Morgan before long," she said. The silence was so thick, you could carve into it with a knife. Slowly, every head in the room turned towards Sig, whose face was cherry red from the immense blush.

Milly giggled and wrapped her arms around the boy, caressing his cheek lovingly. "That's right. Sigurd here is my fiancé."

Barring Sig and Milly, everybody collapsed in a dead faint.

Well guys that's it for Chapter 5. Hope you liked it. We'll learn more about this prophecy and Shinji's role in it later. I plan on keeping you guys chasing your tails on this one for a while yet.

Next time on The Demon Master, Chapter 6: Girl Problems. Sig and Shinji get the old rope-a-dope routine as Milly fights off competition for her supposed betrothed and the rest of the girls literally start cat fighting over our favorite male pilot.

Alright guys here's what you've all been waiting for: the votes! As of the end of Chapter 5, the voting stands as thus:









Well it looks like Rei's lead has dwindled somewhat, with Asuka only two votes behind. And what's this? Hikari and Mana have made a major comeback and left Misato in the dust. This is turning out to be more competitive than I originally thought. Keep those reviews/votes coming folks!

Also, I said it in Chapter 3 but I'll say it again: SIG AND ALL OTHER O/C'S ARE MY OWN CREATIONS! I don't own anything Eva-related or the prinnies.

Until next time, this is Psycho Counter signing off! Send reviews!