When Giselle arrived in the new land, she had no idea of what was to come or what would be. She just suddenly came to at the base of a strange castle in a strange world. A castle made of silver stone and its roof blue with gold encircling them. She had woken on a cold wooden bench with a bronze statue of a man holding hands with a mouse standing upright. She could see the lights, similar to the ones in New York City, illuminating the strange world she was suddenly in. She felt as dazed as she was when she arrived in that strange city from Andalasia.

"Excuse me, are you Giselle?" A new voice asked. Giselle started, she hadn't noticed the girl sitting beneath one of the large steel lamps. The light illuminated her yellow hair and her blue dress and white apron and the tiny book that was in her lap.

"Yes, where am I and who are you?" Giselle asked as she sat up. Her white dress crackled as it moved, she recognized it as he wedding dress. But, why was she wearing it?

"Oh, pardon my rudeness. My name is Alice and Princess Aurora has asked me to help you adjust to Magic Kingdom," She said as she hopped up, brushing dirt off of her dress.

"Princess…Aurora?" Giselle weakly asked, trying to understand. How come she wasn't back in her beloved's home? Why wasn't she with Robert and Morgan?

"Yeah, she said she was too busy to 'escort the new girl' as she so kindly put it. It's probably another one of Cinderella's tea parties. They have been having a lot of them, recently," Alice murmured, tucking her book into the pocket of her apron.

'What's going on? Why am I not with Robert and Morgan?" Giselle asked worriedly, standing up and noticing that Alice was slightly shorter than she was.

"Robert and…oh, they must be the people you last remember. Silly, I forgot all about that!" Alice giggled.

"Those memories are your story, the story that many people have seen and loved and hated. Then, we come here, to the place where it was all imagined, Magic Kingdom. My story was named Alice in Wonderland and yours was Enchanted. When people believe in you enough, you are, well, reborn in this kingdom. I'm not too sure about it myself, but it's the way it is," Alice said, tapping her foot in her own confusion.

"People…believed in me so much that I came here?" Giselle asked.

"As I said, I have no idea about that whole mess. It's just what Peter thinks and no one else has a theory. Now, how about we start by heading through the castle and into Fantasyland?" Alice replied, holding out a hand. Giselle looked at the hand thoughtfully, wondering if it was merely a dream conjured by some foolish thought, and then she took the girl's hand. Alice grinned before turning and heading towards the looming castle.

"This is Fantasyland. Many characters roam here because their associated rides are here. Hi, Dumbo!" Alice said, waving to a small elephant with large floppy ears. It waved its trunk back at her before wandering past a large golden carousel.

"Associated rides, what is that?" Giselle asked. She was kind of glad that Alice was there. If not, she might have had a panic attack back on the bench in front of the castle.

"Some of us have rides that are associated to us in some form or type. Take, for example, Pinocchio; he has a small restaurant that serves pizza. On the other hand, Snow White has a ride called Snow White's Scary Adventures. I don't think you have an associated ride, but I have the Mad Tea Party," Alice explained as a blonde girl dressed in a white and pink dress with a brown corset walked towards them.

"Alice? Have you seen Belle? I need to talk to her about the wishing well making strange noises again," She asked.

"Sorry, I haven't seen here. But, I think she is with Cinderella at another tea party," Alice replied.

"Another one? How many is that now? Well, thanks anyways…" The girl murmured before heading off.

"Who was that?" Giselle asked as they walked past the carousel and started heading down the street.

"That was Princess Eilonwy. Poor thing, she is the least heard of the Disney Princesses. she was lucky enough that people believed, for a time, that she existed. Now, she is the only character from her story that wanders here. She used to be associated with a food place named Gurgi's Munchies and Crunchies. However, it was removed later due to lack of interest," Alice said, shaking her head. As they continued down the street, she saw a sign for Mickey's Philharmagic and for It's a Small World, but she saw no one else until they were about to pass by Peter Pan's Flight.

"Ahoy, Alice! Who's the woman?" A voice called out and they turned to see a boy dressed in all green perched on the roof to the ride. Sitting beside him was a girl in a blue nightgown.

"Hello, Peter! This is Giselle, she just arrived to Magic Kingdom. Giselle, this is Peter Pan and Wendy," Giselle waved to them in greeting as Alice introduced each other. Peter leapt from the rooftop to land daintily on the stone road. He took off his green hat and gave them a bow.

"Welcome to the park, Giselle," Peter said as he straightened up.

"Peter, come on! We can't keep Ariel waiting forever!" Wendy called from the rooftop.

"Alright, Wendy," Peter irritatedly answered. Wendy huffed and crossed her arms, obviously not happy. To Giselle's surprise, the boy began floating upwards, landing at the edge of the roof and holding out a hand to help Wendy up from the rooftop.

"Oh, Alice. If you were planning on bringing Giselle to the Haunted Mansion, forget it. They are having their monthly Morte Ball. As nice as its sounds, I don't think its one of their balls to die for," Peter called.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!" Alice replied. Peter grinned before pushing off the roof and flying with Wendy flying beside him.

"A ball? Why can't we go? I love balls; with all the dancing and the..." Giselle started to ask. Alice gave her a very dark look.

"The Haunted Mansion hosts balls that are…unwelcoming…to mortals. The only time I went to one of the mansion's balls was my first month in the park and I almost lost my head,"