Western Knights High School

Chapter 1-It Starts

A/N: What goes on dear readers? Yep, that's right, ANOTHER Sonic High School story. But this one will be different unlike SOME high school stories who completely forget about your character(s) and only mention them once. *Glares at other authors* moving on...


"I still don't see why we have to go to..." Sonic gulped. "School." He said it with disgust in his voice. Sonic, Amy, Rouge, Knuckles, Espio, Tails and surprisingly, Shadow where reluctantly heading for the bus stop. One month ago, Tails had received a letter informing them that all of them where to go to a school they had just built especially for Mobians. (I think I spelled that right) called Western Knights High School. But none of them where too thrilled about going.

"Oh just shut it faker, I'm not leaping with joy either but can you just shut up! Your voice is so fucking annoying!" Shadow said. Obviously he was not in the mood to take Sonic's complaining.

"Hey it wouldn't be half as bad if they didn't make us where....these." Sonic motioned to his school clothes. He wore faded blue jeans and a blue hoodie with the sleeves rolled up. Shadow was wearing black jeans with a small chain on the hip and a black and white hoodie with the sleeves also rolled up and his Sonic Riders goggles on top of his head. (I don't know if Shadow was even in Sonic Riders but I saw a picture with him in Sonic Riders uniform before).Knuckles just wore plain jeans with a white t-shirt and dog tags but had just plain black shoes on. Tails wore tan shorts and a dark blue hoodie with the sleeves left down. Espio wore dark jeans and a red hoodie.

"Yeah well, look what I have to where!" Rouge couldn't where any of her regular outfits because they where not "school appropriate". Rouge was wearing a purple skirt with black leggings with a purple tank top with a black sweater over it. Amy just wore her usual red dress and boots.

"Oh come on guys, it could be fun!" Amy said with pep. The others just groaned as they finally reached the bus stop. After about 30 seconds of waiting Sonic was running out of patience and shouted, "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT BUS!?" No sooner had he yelled that the big yellow vehicle zoomed around the corner and Everyone could hear the other kids screaming inside. The bus slammed on its brakes right in front of our furry friends. The doors opened with a loud screech and the group could see a trembling weasel who was laughing manically and was foaming at the mouth.

"Oh great we got a crack head for a bus driver." Sonic mumbled. Everyone started to load into the bus and Sonic was the last one to enter.

"Well, here goes everything." Sonic boarded the bus and it sped off before he could find a seat.

review please! NO FLAMES!