Western Knights High School

Chapter 13: Field Trip: Part Three

A/N: Alright guys I'm soooo sorry this took FOREVER to post but I've been busy with school starting and everything. Soooo.... enjoy! Oh, and in the next chapters I'll get the new OC's in.

The students had all been ushered back on to the bus and they were a good ten minutes into the trip when...

"I'm hungry!"

"Me too!"

"I could go for some McDonalds right about now." Suddenly a chorus of hungry howls filled the bus.

"Alright fine, we'll go through the drive through at McDonalds." Zoomy said and directed the bus to enter the narrow drive through.

The bus hit the clearance sign and the piece of metal dragged across the top of the bus, making a terrible scratching noise like nails on a chalkboard. The students winced and covered their ears in pain.

Also, the bus was too wide and the side scraped the side of the McDonald's; ripping the rearview mirror off and making more excruciating scraping noises.

"Oops. Well, I ain't payin' for that." Zoomy smirked.

"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" a dull, teenage male voice asked in a British accent through the intercom.

Suddenly the whole bus was in hysterics, screaming out their orders.

"BIG MAC!" Silver Wolf shouted.

"I'll take a salad." Rouge said as she scrutinized the menu, making a face.


"What kind of toys do they have in the Happy Meal?"

Zoomy was grinding her teeth in frustration. Suddenly she turned around.

"SHUT! UP!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The bus fell silent and the students blinked in surprise. She then turned back to the intercom.

"I'll take 300 Happy Meals."

"AWWWWWWWWW!!!" the students moped.

"...Ok." the voice said awkwardly. "Pull up to the next window."

The bus scraped up to the next window and to a teenage, dark ebony echidna with one green eye and one blue eye who was frustratedly trying to enter the order into the computer.

"Did you mean, '3 Happy Meals'?" the machine asked in one of those cell phone voices that never seem to pronounce someone's name correctly.

"NO!" he screamed furiously at the machine.

Zoomy and Jake tried not to laugh. Sean L. stuck his head out the bus window.

"HI NICK!" the hedgehog waved to the echidna in the window. The echidna addressed as Nick looked at the hedgehog and scowled.

"You know him?" Rouge asked.

"Um.. Yeah I'm his roommate. Hey Nick, how ya doing?" Sean asked Nick cheerfully, only to be nailed in the face with a McFlurry; which splattered all over the place and also got in Bakuda's fur, who was sitting in front of Sean.

30 minutes later

The bus was still idling in the drive through (in the process making a line like you would not believe) when all 300 Happy Meals were completed and distributed amongst the students.

The bus screeched out of the drive through and continued down the road.

The students tore open their Happy Meals and rummaged through the grease saturated boxes. And one by one they discovered what the Happy Meal Toys were.

"Jonas Brothers action figures?! EWWWWWW!" Amanda shouted. The students scowled at their rip-off toys.

"Hey look, if you press a button on their back, they talk!" someone shouted.

"Remember kids, having sex before you're married is evil-and you'll burn in hell!" Said Nick.

"I wear ridiculous outfits to draw attention to myself!" Said Kevin

"Yes because no one likes you." Terry mumbled.

"You ROCK!" said Jo.

"Bite me." Lily said as she chucked it out the window, nailing an old lady in the head with a walker.

Chad was pretty much the only one who was not scowling. Actually, it looked like a small smile was forming on his face.

"Look! A hobo!" Tracie screamed as they stopped at a red light near a thicket of blackberries.

"Here hobo, Nick Jonas will keep you company!" Tracie threw her toy at him. The hideous piece of plastic hit the hobo in his pot-belly.

"You ROCK!" Nick said. Tracie and Lily snickered amongst each other.

"Hey look, these Happy Meals also have cookies!" someone called.

Envy snapped her head up and her eyes widened as she furiously dug through her Happy Meal.

"AH HA!" she whipped out a chocolate chip cookie.

Hanyou's eyes widened.

"Envy, give me the cookie, I don't think the bus can take it." Hanyou reached out for the cookie but Envy snapped at his hand with her jaws.

"MINE!" Envy shoved the cookie in her mouth.

The bus had just turned on to the freeway when everyone heard sirens behind them. All the students turned around and craned their necks to see a police cruiser behind the bus.

"God dammit." Zoomy cursed as the bus pulled over to the shoulder. A couple minutes later a male officer sauntered up to the front window of the bus.

Zoomy moved to the driver's side of the bus and peeked her head out the window.

"Good afternoon, officer." Zoomy batted her eyelashes.

"License and registration." The officer stated. Zoomy shoved the bus driver to the window.

Once the officer retrieved the information he wanted, he walked back over to his cruiser to enter the information into the computer.

"Principal Zoomy!" Lily called. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for this?" Lily and Tracie lifted up the incredibly realistic wax figure of Michael Jackson from the floor of the bus where they had been hiding him.

Zoomy gaped at the girls.

"YOU STOLE MICHAEL JACKSON!!" Ally screeched from the back.

"Why did you take that?! That is worth thousands of dollars!" Zoomy gasped.

"How much do you think Billy Mays is worth?" Tracie asked as she hauled his figure up from the ground and on to the bus seat.

Zoomy blinked.

"Dude, the cop is coming back!" Jake called as he stuck his head out the window.

"Drive!" Zoomy commanded to the busdriver.

"What? Are you crazy?" the busdriver contradicted.

Jake and Zoomy glanced back at the cop, who was half way back to the bus and was sure to get them all in trouble for stealing Michael Jackson.

"NOW!" Zoomy screamed.

The bus peeled out and away from the freeway shoulder and charged down the road.

"HEY!" the cop shouted, but the bus was gone. He ran back to his cruiser and called for backup.

By now Lilly and Tracie had shoved the figures into the bus isles. Gina picked up MJ.

"Hey Shadow, catch!" she launched the pop star at Shadow, having the wax figure land in the hedgehog's lap.

"GAH!" Shadow shoved MJ off of him.

Cloud picked up Billy and shoved him at Kate.

"Hey, looks like you finally got a boyfriend!" Cloud snickered.

Suddenly the blare of sirens caused the students to turn around in their seats and swivelled their heads to the back.

Three cop cars were right behind the bus, sirens wailing and lights flashing menacingly.

"Step on it!" Zoomy called and the bus sped up while swerving around cars and crossing medians.

The bus was passing over a bridge when Sonic and Silver launched MJ and Billy out of the bus window, a perfect moment for R. Kelly's, "I Believe I Can Fly."

The bus continued to speed away from the cruisers, mowing down a hobo, jumping six curbs, smashing three fire hydrants and totaling one of those annoying and ugly Smart Cars in the process.

Finally, the bus evaded the police and lumbered into the school parking lot where it then burst into flames due to an overheated engine.

The kids got out safely and filed back into the school.

"Hey Bolt, what did you do with that mummy, anyway?" Zoe asked Bolt as they walked through the doors of the school together as the bus exploded in the background. Bolt just grinned.

Later that night at the museum

The night guard was making his final round before locking up the museum for the night. He then ducked into the mens' room to use the facilities before leaving. But when he opened the stall door he gasped and staggered backward.

Sitting nicely on the toilet, newspaper in hand, was the mummy that Bolt had been dared to touch.


Shark had finally fell asleep inside the sarcophagus and awaited to be released in the morning.

Yea I wasn't at the top of my game when I wrote this...

R&R please, NO FLAMES!