Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. However, I do own Britney, Ethel and Daisy. Mwuahahahah, they are my little puppets. *grins mischievously*

Chapter 4

"Mom, can we talk?" Renesmee asked me while I was brushing her hair, getting her ready for bed.

"Sure, honey. What about?" I replied, curious as to what she would want to talk to me about.

"It's about Jake…and you…" she trailed off, the slightest glimmer of pink rising to her cheeks.

"What about me and Jake?" My mind was tying hard to think of any conversations I had had with Jake lately. Not very many actually, in fact I'm pretty sure we had only muttered a few greeting and small talk lately.

"I wanted to know you two met. You know, with the whole you and Daddy being a vampire and him a werewolf."

"Oh," that was easy to explain, a long story, but easy. I laughed, "Yeah, it seems retty weird, huh?" I paused for a second. "You want to here the whole story? Including how I met your father?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes please, Mommy. I want to hear it all!" she gasped out.

"Well," I paused, knowing she had to go to sleep soon. "I will tell you some tonight, some more tomorrow night, and then we will keep going. How does that sound?" she nodded so I continued. "Originally, I lived in Phoenix, with my mother. But, when she got remarried and I realized I was becoming a burden, I decided it was time for me to go and spend some quality with Charlie. So, I moved to Forks. I went to Forks High School, where I met your father. He hated me at first, to him, I was this little insignificant human girl, with particularly appetizing blood. I first noticed them in the cafeteria, at that time it was just Rosa, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and your father. I didn't know anything about them and there beauty captivated me. But, the only one that caught my eye was your father." I paused to see if she was still listening, she was. "He was gorgeous, his bronze way hair, his eyes—which were topaz at the time—were smoldering, his was rigid in his seat. The whole lunch time he seemed to be staring at me. I would catch side glimpses of his perfect features through my hair and when I glanced sideways he would always seem to be staring at me, which never failed to make me blush furiously. I found out later that I had Biology with him, and the only open seat was the one next to him." I glanced over at Nessie, she was sound asleep now. I would tell her some more tomorrow night.

Bored, I went to find Edward. He was sitting on the couch in front of the television, watching it. I walked straight over to him and sat on his lap.

"Hello, love" he greeted me. I greeted him back with a kiss on the lips, then one on his nose. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I replied easily. "Did you hear Renesmee's bedtime story?" I asked.

"Yes, I did." He laughed. "I can't believe you remember so much." He commented.

"I wouldn't want to forget, those first few days terrified me. I didn't know if I was the cause of your hatred. I wondered if I was, and how you could hate me so much without ever talking to me." I said. "But, there was something about you that pulled me closer and closer to you. There was something about you that I saw, it could have killed me. But I wanted it to be true. Then there were those times when you walked me to gym, and would tuck a piece of stray hair behind my ear. I had to catch myself every time before I said something that I would regret." I watched him as I confessed. His eyes smoldered beneath his long lashes. Peering at me with such intensity that I almost forgot was I was taking about half the time. "You captivated me, and I loved every moment of it."

He said nothing, he just scooped me up in his arms and kissed every part of my porcelain skin that he could reach. "I love you, so much, Isabella Marie Cullen." He said as his topaz orbs bored into my soul, seeking out my innermost secrets.

The next day came soon enough and before I knew it we were sitting in English. The girls from yesterday were sitting in the front row whispering. I had arrived before Edward and was already at my desk going through yesterdays notes when he walked though the door.

"Oh, my gosh, there he is!" One of the girls whispered. "Isn't he just gorgeous?" Isn't he just mine, I thought to myself. Edward didn't seem to have paid attention to them. I could feel the frown covering my features. "Ethel? Could you be a dear and pass me a piece of paper?" at that time Edward was called to the front by the teacher.

"Edward Cullen, to my desk, please." She said sweetly. UGH, how old are you lady? I couldn't stop myself from thinking as she batted her eyelashes at him. "Mr. Cullen, would you mind partaking in a play I'm setting up for my juniors?" she asked.

"What do you have in mind, miss?" he asked. Pfft, as if he didn't know, I scoffed.

"I was thinking…Grease?" she said huskily. Probably hoping it was an alluring voice.

"Sure, why not? I could use the extra credit." He agreed. The girl, that one that I didn't know her name yet, walked up to him and pushed her chest out. He didn't even notice her.

"Hey, my names Britney, what's yours?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. The girl as tall, taller than me anyway. She had long, wavy, black hair. She was wearing a low cut V-Neck top and short shorts. Her legs weren't skinny, they wee the perfect shape, long and tanned. I felt immediately jealous, and I had yet to see her face.

"Edward, Edward Cullen." He replied, stiffening as she leaned closer to him. She leant up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

"Mmm, Edward. It suits you; call me if you need help finding your way around." She said as she slipped a piece of paper into his pocket and winked at him. I had had enough of this. Fuming, I walked up to him and stood next to him and tugged on his arm.

"You should introduce me to your new friend, Edward." I said as sweetly as I could manage in my current state. "My name is Bella." I glared at her, silently warning her to keep her distance. She looked me up and down, probably comparing my pale white skin to her dark, tanned skin, her long wavy hair to my straight, shiny brown hair, the bags under my eyes compared to hers.

"My name is Britney." She said as she held her hand out. I looked at it then looked back at her. I decided not to shake it, I was feeling particularly bitchy this morning and she was already on my bad side.

"Edward, darling," I whispered in his ear, loud enough for her to hear. "Why don't we take our seats?" I asked him, making sure to run my hand up his am in the process, something Rosalie had taught me years ago after we had some trouble with girls at the Mall. Gotta love that girl.

He didn't say anything as I continued to run my fingers up his arm, I kept glancing sideways t the girl to make sure she was looking. She was, too. The look on her face was so funny, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from cracking up. The scowl on her features just screamed 'How dare you!'. Finally, he nodded and walked with me to our seat. But, before I could sit down, I reached into his back pocket and pulled out the piece of paper.

The writing on it was messy and loopy. Little love hearts were drawn on each corner of the paper and it reeked of some 'fashionable' perfume.

Hey Babe

u shuld cum ova 2nite 2 mii place *wink wink*

Britney ~ xxx

Call me sxc 847-203

This girl can't even spell! I snorted and tore the paper into little shreds. I waited till the teacher paused during her lecture on War Poems. "Miss Dewman?" I asked sweetly. "May I please go to the restroom?"

"Ah yes, but hurry back." she said and returned to her lecture. I picked up the little bits of paper and turned around to see Edward looking at me suspiciously. I pushed my shield away and said 'Don't worry, I'm just having some fun!' through my thoughts and put my shield back in place. I walked to the front and when I passed Britney's desk I dropped the shredded bits of paper in front of her. When I got to the door I turned around to see her reaction, she was glaring at me so I glared back. I heard her whisper to her friends.

"Looks like we have some competition, ladies." She said. Yeah, right, I scoffed.

Authors Note: Well how did you guys like it?

Please review you know the usual, let me know if you have any ideas, this WILL be my last chapter for a while. 'Cos I do need to 'STUDY'. Wish me Luck!

