It lunch time at Dimmsdale Elementary School, and Timmy Turner eating his lunch with his friends, Chester, AJ, Elmer, and Sanjay.

"Are right guys, I need new ways to get Trixie to notice me, any idea"? Timmy said taking a bite of his BP&J Sandwich.

"Come on Timmy just face the facts, you're never going to get Trixie Tang to like you" Chester said as he took out a half bitten corn dog out of his paper bag.

"No, I will not accept that, there just as to be a way" Timmy said.

"How about a nice oily chest"? Sanjay said.

"Um, no way dude" Timmy said weirded out by his Asians friend.

"Pony tail"? Sanjay, again.

"Nope" Timmy answers.

"Noses ring"? Sanjay, third time answering.

"Try again" Timmy reply.

"Tight leather pants"? Sanjay, once again.

"Ok, any other idea besides Sanjay's" Timmy said.

"How about a bold, girls like the bold" Elmer said displaying his bold to his friends.

"Okkkk, Chester" Timmy said taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Don't look at me, girls give me hives remember" he said taking a mud brownie out of his paper bag.

"AJ, you're the guy with brains, I know you can come up with an intelligent idea to get Trixie to like me" Timmy said waiting for AJ scientific answer

"Umm, dead frog" AJ took out a dead frog from his pocket.

"AJ what is with you and dead frogs"? Timmy asked.

"I like to collect them" AJ answered.

"I think I need some new friends" Timmy said, drinking some apple juice.

"Looks like I have to stick with my normal plan" Timmy signed.

Timmy got up and walk to the popular kids table. There Trixie, Veronica, and Tad and Chad. They we're talking about how rich and popular they we're, and when Timmy got to their table he was stop by their bodyguard.

"What took you so long to get here; I was expecting you to be here five minutes ago" The bodyguard said pointing at his watch.

"Sorry, I was talking to my friends, trying to find ways to get Trixie to like me" Timmy said.

"Any good idea" The guard asked.

"No, so I'm doing the same old, same old" Timmy sigh.

"Too bad, but you know I have to throw you into the trash can now?" He said.

"Yeah, I know" Timmy said closing his eyes.

"Same time tomorrow" the guard asked.

"Yeah" Timmy said as he got fling into the neatest trash can. When Timmy got out of the trash can, he see Trixie Tang leave the pollution kids table.

"Now my chance to talk to Trixie alone" Timmy follow Trixie bad to her locker where she open it and took a picture out of it, and when she left to the ground and started crying.

Timmy look at the picture to see her holding a picture of her and Timmy female self Timantha hanging out at the mall.

"Trixie are you ok" Timmy said making Trixie jump up and turning around hiding the picture behind her back.

"Oh hi Tommy, I didn't hear you coming" she said.

"It Timmy" He coret her.

"Whatever, I got to go" Trixie said as she head back to the lunchroom

"I don't get it, what's wrong with her?" Timmy asks his godparents.

"Oh Timmy, she miss Timantha" Wanda said

"Why" Timmy said.

"Well Sport, she did make you her best friends when you wear Timantha, and she could be so open with you, telling you stuff that she could never say around her rich friends, and I'm pretty sure she upset that Timantha her best friends didn't show up to her birthday party" Wanda explain.

"But how can I be Trixie boyfriend if I'm a girls" Timmy asks.

"I don't know Timmy, but that won't change the fact that she misses Timantha".

"So what should I do then Wanda?" Timmy asked again.

"I don't know" Wanda shrugged.

"How about you wish, for your feminine side to separate from you" Cosmo said from out of nowhere.

"What?" Timmy and Wanda said in shock.

"Timantha is a part of Timmy right, so let's desperate Timantha from Timmy like we did with Gray" Cosmo said.

"That not actually a bad idea Cosmo, how did you come up with it?" Wanda said.

"Come up with what?" Cosmo said.

"That solution to here problem" Wanda asked.

"I don't even know what a solution is, uh look a nickel" Cosmo dive for the nickel he saw. "I'm going to call you William" Cosmo hug the nickel.

"And we lost Cosmo again, but he at a good idea, I'll my the wish after school" Timmy said as his god parents nodded and they head back to the lunchroom.

After school Timmy when home and rush past is parents to his room to make is wish.

"Ok guys, you ready" Timmy asked his god parents and they just nodded there head.

"I wish for my feminine side to desperate from me" Cosmo and Wanda held there wands up 'poof' Timantha appear next to Timmy.

"Whoa, where am i?" Timantha said.

"You're me, but as a girl" Timmy said.

"Really?" She asked as Timmy nods his head.

"Do you remember a girl name Trixie Tang?" Timmy said.

"Oh my god Trixie, please tell me I didn't miss her birthday party".

"I'm sorry, but you did" Timantha started crying on Timmy shoulder.

"Some best friend I am" Timantha cry more.

"Timantha, why don't you make it up to her" Timmy said.

"How?" Timantha said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Trixie really miss you, I made you real so you could hang with her".

"Trixie really miss me" Timantha started to smile.

"Yeah, that why were going to enroll you into my school, so you can repair you're friendship with Trixie" Timmy said.

"Oh thank you Timmy" Timantha hug Timmy tighter.

"No problem, now let's get some sleep, we got a big today tomorrow".

"Where I'm going to sleep?" she asks her male counterpart.

"With me" Timmy said.

"With you" Timantha blush a bit.

"Yeah, you are a part of me you know" Timmy said.

"Ture" Timantha said as they got into bed.

"Good night Timantha"

"Good night Timmy" and the two of them when to sleep.

End of Chapter