Shadow: Yo desu! This is a special one shot of Broken Wings desu~! ^^ Etto desu neh…this won't be a KukaixHaruko one though…

Kukai and Haruko: Nani?!!

Hiro: … -tackles Shadow- I EFFIN LOVE YOU!!

Shadow: WTF? Get off! –flips Hiro- Ehem… anyway…yeah…it's not a KukaixHaruko one shot. It's an IkutoxHaruko one. –flinches at the yelling and dodges a chair(courtesy of Hiro)- Oi! Calm down!

Hiro: Why are you doing this though?

Shadow: -mumbles- you make it sound like I murdered someone…err..well, I sorta wanted to do this one shot for the people who were fans of Ikuto and Haruko, mostly to yorushihe. She really liked that pairing, and I did sort of chose KukaixHaruko on my own and didn't let the readers decide who gets to end up with who. (yeah… I probably shouldn't have done that.. ^^; ). Sorry about that…so this is my gift to you guys who like IkutoxHaruko. Hope you enjoy!

PictoLove Chat

(note: I couldn't come up with a better title! D: And also, Tsuki's back~! :D)


"Hahaha!! That idiot can't draw at all!!" Tsuki laughed as she watched her master chat with her friends on their DS. And apparently, squirrels look like a five armed octopus in Kukai's art.

Haruko smiled and entered what Tsuki just said.

NinjasFTW: Haha. Tsuki said you can't draw. xP

SoccerBoy14: Hey! It's hard drawing with a stylus! .

Ping! A very detailed still life apple was shown on the screen. Haruko stared at it in awe.

RuleroftheWorld: Sugoi Hinamori-san! I didn't know you can draw like that.

Haruko smirked as she thought of the pink haired girl blushing mad at Tadase's compliment.

StrawberryVanilla: E-err…actually, Miki drew it to show Kukai.

NinjasFTW: 'E-err…'? Even in PictoChat, you still add the stutter when you're talking? Lol. Nice Amu. ^-~

StrawberryVanilla: It's not my fault! //

BabyYaya-chan: Hoho…or so you say…-sly smile-

BabyYaya-chan: Neh, Amu-chi. Why is your name StrawberryVanilla? Doesn't Tadase-kun like that flavor?

ComedyQueen: Suspicous…¬.¬

StrawberryVanilla: No it's not!! .

SoccerBoy14: Ifeel completely ignored… -.-

RhythmicDancer: Ah, it seems that the girls have completely taken over, neh?

SoccerBoy14: ?! Nagehiko?! I didn't know you were here! You rarely spoke! O.O

RhythmicDancer: Ah. Sorry. I was just practicing my dancing is all.

NinjasFTW: Mou, you seem to really like dancing huh, Nagi?

RhythmicDancer: Yes. You can say it's something like that. ^^

StrawberryVanilla: Neh. Nagehiko, if you don't mind me asking, when is Nadeshiko going to come back from her studies? I wanna see you two dancing together! ^^

Long pause

RhythmicDancer: W-well, you see, I'm not really sure. I haven't talked to her in a while, so I don't know.

NinjasFTW: You know, like Rima would say…'suspicious.' Now why in the world would you guys add stutters in this chatting thing? It's completely unreasonable! _

ComedyQueen: Haru-chan does have a point. …suspicious…

SoccerBoy14: ^_^; It's nothing, really! Man Haru-chan! You really assume things too quickly.

NinjasFTW: But it's still suspicious though… ¬.¬

RhythmicDancer: Well, sorry minna. I have to go practice some more dancing. Ja!

-RhytmicDancer has signed off-

SoccerBoy14: Ah. I have to go too. I gotta run another errand for my bros -_-;

-SoccerBoy14 has signed off-

RuleroftheWorld: I'm afraid I have to leave too. I have to buy flowers for my baa-chan. Sayonara minna.

-RuleroftheWorld has signed off-


StrawberryVanilla: They all left. : (

ComedyQueen: They left too quickly.

ComedyQueen: …suspicious.


NinjasFTW: Maybe their batteries were running low? We have been chatting for about an hour and a half now.

StrawberryVanilla: Eh. Maybe you're right Haru-chan...

NinjasFTW: '…'? That's like saying you're doubting me, but in silent formation! .

NinjasFTW: …I feel betrayed. T.T

StrawberryVanilla: I didn't mean it that way! I'm sorry! Dx

NinjasFTW: Lol. It okay. : ) Besides, I think we really should take a rest now. My shoulders are aching. Dx

ComedyQueen: Un. Maybe we should. Ja ne, minna.

NinjasFTW: See ya.

BabyYaya-chan: Okay! Bye everyone!!! :DD

StrawberryVanilla: Un. See you all later.

And with that, Haruko turned off her DS. She sighed as she placed her game on her table. "Ahh…I feel so tired…"

"Are you okay?" Tsuki asked as she was sharpening her knives.

"No. Why else did you think that I was saying I was tire-" Haruko sweatdropped as she watched her chara clean her weapons. It turns out, her weapons have small labels on them, each meant for Daichi, Kiseki, and Yoru. "…I feel sorry for those three…"

"Ah don't worry. You can also feel sorry for Ikuto, Kukai, and Tadase too." Tsuki said as she held up another 3 knives. Haruko sweatdropped.

She noticed something. "Hey, what about Nagehiko? He's a boy too."

Tsuki shrugged. "Well, he is, but I sorta like him. He's the best out of all the others."

"Aww…Does Tsuki have a little crush~?" she teased, causing Tsuki to turn pink.

"NO I DON'T!!" she yelled. Haruko smirked. "S-so what?! Y-you like Kukai and Ikuto! That's even worse!"

Haruko twitched for a second, but didn't let Tsuki get to her. "I don't like them…Kukai's just a friend, and Ikuto is.." For some reason, a warm feeling came to her when she though of the cat-like person. She forced herself to ignore it. "..I have no idea. But I don't like him."

She gave her owner a smug smirk. "Or so you say."

"Tch. Whatever." Haruko scoffed and covered her head with a pillow. "I'm taking a nap. Goodnight."

Tsuki sighed as her master instantly fell asleep. It's still noon. Her eyes gazed at the game console on the table.

"Haruko…! Haruko..!" The said girl stirred as she was being shaken. "HARUKO WAKE UP!!"

"WAAH!!!" The brown haired girl fell to the floor with a loud thud. It was now 4 p.m. She groaned and sat up, rubbing her head. "What?!"

Tsuki was tearing up. "W-well, I was playing with you PS, or DS or whatever you called it, and there's this weird person on it!!"

"What? You mean the characters in the game? Come on. Mario isn't that weird looking, is he?" she wondered as she remembered the last game she put in her DS.

"No!! Not him! There's this weird guy in that chatting thing you were in last time! I don't know who he is!!" she cried. Haruko sweatdropped.

"Just because you don't know who he is? Come on. At least he isn't in this room." Haruko said as she grabbed her DS to see the mystery person. She raised a brow.

NinjasFTW: Hey, who are you?

KuroiNeko: I'm KuroiNeko. Who else?

NinjasFTW: No, I mean what's your real name?

KuroiNeko: I'm not going to tell you ; P Are you stalking me?

NinjasFTW: No! And besides, you're stalking me!

KuroiNeko: But weren't you the one who entered this chatroom after me?

NinjasFTW: That may be true, but still!

KuroiNeko: -smirk-

NinjasFTW: Take that smirk off your face!

KuroiNeko: I'm not actually smirking, I just wrote it to annoy you.

NinjasFTW: _++

KuroiNeko: Irritated yet? –smirk-

NinjasFTW: No really? –rolls eyes-

NinjasFTW: …who are you? Really.

KuroiNeko: Someone you might already know. Who knows?

KuroiNeko: Oh wait, I know. : P

NinjasFTW: You suck.

KuroiNeko: And you're cute.

NinjasFTW: N-no I'm not!! And besides, you don't even know what I look like.

KuroiNeko: Lol. What's up with the stutter?

"Heh. He got you there Haru-chan!" Tsuki giggled. Haruko pouted and furiously began tapping at her screen.

NinjasFTW: Shut up! I was just having a twitch spasm is all! -

KuroiNeko: Aw…is someone embarrassed?

NinjasFTW: Just shut up and tell me who you are already!! -

KuroiNeko: Well, if you really want to know…

"Why don't you just turn around?" a voice said. Haruko quickly looked up and saw Ikuto leaning against the wall near her bed.

Tsuki backed away quickly, shocked about the cat's surprise appearance. "I-Ikuto! What are you doing here?! How'd you get in?!"

He smirked as walked over to the bed and hovered over her(note: OMG! RAPE! xD). "Neh~ How many times do I have to keep telling you? You really should lock your balcony door. I think you deserve a punishment."

"Idiot! You're the one who needs a lesson! You broke into my house!"

"But you're the one who forgot to lock her balcony door, making it able for someone to break into their house. Anyone can practically break in, so it's your own fault for not learning to lock things for your own protection."

"B-but I- you-" Ikuto chuckled and lifted her chin.

"How cute…you're embarrassed.." Haruko stayed silent but the redness of her face darkened. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

"N-no..?" He smirked and was about to say something when-

"Oi! Get away from Haruko NOW!!!" Tsuki yelled, suddenly popping in between the two. Ikuto blinked before sitting up, staring at the chara in confusion. He laughed. "OI! What's so funny?!"

"You expect you can stop me from touching Birdy-chan?" He asked as he crossed his arms with a playful smirk.

"E-err…well…I know you're a lot bigger than me but…" Tsuki scratched her head and began to ponder about it. Minutes later, she snapped her fingers. "Ah, darn…looks like I can't help you. Sorry Haru-chan.."

The girl twitched as her chara was entering her egg. "Hey! Tsuki!! What do you mean that you can't help me?! Chara change with me right now!!"

"I can't..I'm tired and I feel like moping in defeat. You win this time, black cat." The ninja yawned as her egg snapped shut.

Haruko's eye twitched and Ikuto turned back to her with a victorious grin. "Looks like you're out of luck, Haruko."

Suddenly, there was a Ping!

They both turned to their side to see Haruko's DS, which was still on PictoChat. Kukai had entered and was asking her who was KuroiNeko. She tried to reach for it, but Ikuto pinned her to the bed once again and grabbed it before her.

"Ikuto-!! Give it to me!" she struggled to take her console back.

"Nah, I don't want Soccer Boy to interrupt us." He said as he turned her game off. Then, there was another ping. Ikuto sighed and got out a black DS. He tapped something in, and then turned his own game off.

Haruko blinked. "…you're KuroiNeko?"

"Hm? Of course. Baka." He stated and poked her forehead. "Who else did you think KuroiNeko was? Some perverted stalker?"

"…maybe.." she then glared. "But at least now I know I'm right."

"Oh? And how am I a perverted stalker?"

"Do you not see this?" Haruko yelled, gesturing to the uncomfortable weight that was on most of her body.

"Oh look. I'm ontop of you." Ikuto mumbled, finally realizing what she meant.

"You idiot…"

"You shouldn't really be calling me names when I have the upper hand." He mumbled tracing around her neck. Haruko tensed as he did that. "So many options in such a little girl…"

"Wh-what?! I'm not little!"

"I wonder where I should start?" Ikuto wondered, ignoring her.

"You're not going to start anywhere!" she growled. Her eyes widened however when Ikuto grabbed her chin.

"You're really noisy, you know?" he said and suddenly pushed his lips onto hers. Haruko's eyes widened when she felt something brush against her bottom lip.

But sadly(for Ikuto), the kiss was interrupted by the door slamming wide open. "TSUKIYOMI IKUTO!!" a voice yelled. Ikuto parted and turned to the right, frowning in disappointment.

"Soccer boy? What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to not go here? And we were kind of in the middle of something too, you know."

Kukai gritted as a star clip appeared on his head. "Get away from Haruko."

"Fine. If you say so." He mumbled and stood up. But not before giving Haruko another kiss on the lips. "I'll see you later, Haruko." He said and with that, he was gone.


"K-kukai…you don't have to do this.." Haruko stuttered as she watched her best friend get out a sleeping bag.

"But I have to! What if that cat comes back to your place? He might rape you or something!"

"Did I just hear the word rape?" a man asked as he popped into the room. Kukai sweatdropped nervously, knowing that this won't end too well.

"Rape?! Who in the right mind is thinking like this in the house?!" Another man yelled, stomping into the room. Kukai turned pale, seeing as the new new guest was the scariest person in the world. …well, next to Ronald McDonald.

"I think it was Kukai who was talking about rape."

'Mr. Scary Man' slowly turned to the accused soon-to-be dead person. "Kukai..!! Why are you talking about rape at this hour?"

"E-err…I-I-" Kukai was sweating even more as the flaming background behind the person grew more intense.

Thankfully, Haruko stood in front of him. "I-It was nothing Kaidou-san. Ku-kukai didn't say rape..he said…cake!"

The fires around Kaidou were immediately put out. "…cake..?"

"Y-yeah!! Cake! He said that he wanted to eat some for lunch tomorrow!"

"No…I clearly heard him say r-" Haruko quickly elbowed the other guy, telling him to shut up.

"Well, okay then. I'll give you some money to buy a cake roll tomorrow. But for now, just go to sleep or something. Don't cause so much noise." Kaidou mumbled as he walked back to his room. Kukai sighed in relief. The other man didn't leave yet though.

"So…why were you guys talking about rape?" he asked.

" was nothing Unkai-kun. There was this...person who entered my house without permission and Kukai's all afraid that he might come again to um…do things to me. Or so Kukai thinks." She shot a look in his direction.

"Hey! You know what that cat did!"

"Cat?" Unkai tilted his head. "You're sleeping over because a cat accidentally entered your house?"

"No! It wasn't a cat it was a-" Haruko sighed, to tired to explain it all. "Yes Unkai-kun. I'm sleeping over here all because a cat entered my home. Are you happy now?"

"Mmm…I guess.." He shrugged. "But hey, if anything else is bothering you, you can talk to any of us, okay? We can be like your brothers! A family!" Unkai wrapped his arms around Haruko from behind. "Awww~!! I can't believe I have such a cute little sister now~"

Kukai raised a brow on why his brother was making such a weird perverted looking- uh oh.


"K-kyaaaa!!!!!" Haruko screamed as she ran away from Unkai's grasped.

"Aa…they had such a soft feeling to them…" Unkai said to himself. He looked like he was in dreamland. "They were a little bit small though…"

"Un-Unkai!!" Kukai growled. Just when he was about to attack his brother, Haruko's whimpering of being violated stopped him. "Ugh! Just get out right now!"

"But how can I get out? There aren't any doors in the living room." Unkai said as he looked around for an exit. Kukai through a pillow at him. "Gah! Noo!! Don't let the evil pillow of nightmares touch me!!" he shrieked and fled the room.

Kukai sighed. "That pervert…" he turned to Haruko, who hid herself inside the sleeping bag. "Haru-chan? Unkai's gone now. Are you okay?"

The sleeping bag jolted and fell off the couch. Haruko stood up, the sleeping bag still partially around her. She was covering her chest with a red face. "Y-your brother's a perv…" she mumbled.

"Well…yeah. He is sort of…playful around females." He scratched his head.

"He even said my chest was small…" she sulked. Kukai turned a little pink.

"U-um…can we really not talk about breasts here seeing that I'm a guy and all…" Heat rushed up to Haruko's face.

"R-right…my bad…"

After many hours of talking, playing, and messing around, Haruko and Kukai decided to go to sleep(more like Kaidou telling everyone to get their asses to bed). "Have a good sleep Haru-chan! And I hope you like the chocolates as my apology!" Unkai waved to her.

"Un. It's alright now. Thank you." she said, still chewing on a chocolate truffle.

"Eh? What did you do to Haru-kun?" Rento asked him as they were walking to their own rooms. Unkai whispered his answer and then Rento yelled. "EHH?!?! NO FAIR! I want to know how they feel like now!!" Haruko shuddered and covered her chest in dismay.

(note: in my own opinion, Rento and Unkai seem like the types that are teasingly perverted-ish. Rento seems like a playful prince-ish type and Unkai seems very outgoing and likes to tease a lot. Idk! I just based this all on looks and the way they talk. Don't hate me if you think differently! Dx)

Shuusui pushed up his glasses a little. "Don't worry about Rento. I don't think he has the guts to touch a girl's chest anyway. He's usually all bark but no bite. He may say things, but he probably won't do them. And he actually has morals.."

"That is true.." Kaidou said. He hesitantly patted Haruko's head. "Have a good sleep kid.."

"Un…you too." Haruko replied awkwardly.

"And Kukai.." Kaidou shot a look at him, making him flinch. "Do anything weird to our guest tonight and I will punish you so much that you're going to wish that you weren't even born."

"Right. I got it." Kukai said, feeling annoyed. Kaidou left and Kukai sighed in frustration. "He doesn't have to tell me what I already know! I know that I can't do that in the house."

"In the house?" Haruko repeated. "What about outside of it?"

"U-uh, I don't mean that-! But well- No wait! I…"

Haruko giggled. "Calm down Kukai. But you should know why Kaidou-san's saying those things like that. It's like you said: he's just an awkward person. You can't really explain him."

Kukai smiled. "You're right Haru-chan."

Later that night, Haruko couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the reason why she was even sleeping over at Kukai's in the first place. It was all Ikuto's fault.

'Ikuto…' she thought as she placed her fingers over her mouth. 'Dammit! I can't take it anymore!!'

She angrily threw the covers off her, but was startled when Kukai shifted in his sleep. Haruko stood up carefully this time, and went to get her bag. Tsuki cracked her head open and rubbed her eyes. "Neh Haru-chan..what are you doing?"

Haruko jumped and turned around to shush her. "It's nothing. I just can't sleep." She whispered.

"So why do you have your DS?"

"I'm just..going to play some games to tire myself out." She said. Tsuki secretly smiled, knowing the real reason why she got her game out.

"Okay. It's already midnight, but I hope you have a nice talk if he's there." Tsuki giggled before closing her egg shut. Haruko glared at her egg with a pout before looking at her game, which was still off.

'Why do I even want to talk to him..?' She asked herself. She opened her DS and flipped on the switch. She was startled when the opening sound echoed throughout the quiet room and she quickly turned down the volume.

Haruko looked back at Kukai to find him still asleep. She sighed. 'I am so going to fail if I'm going to be a ninja…'

When she tapped the screen, she hesitated whether or not to go to PictoChat or play a round of MarioKart. '-I hope you have a nice talk if he's there.'

Though the word 'he' was the one emphasized, Haruko was more focused on the word 'if'. What if he wasn't there? But what if he was?

Haruko bit her lip. 'Okay, if I don't see him at one of the chatrooms, then I'll play Mario, but if I do see him…then, I'll still play Mario. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.'

The stylus tapped on PictoChat. Haruko gasped as she saw 1 person in chatroom A. She immediately entered the chatroom, but then she stared at her own hand, crestfallen. 'You weren't supposed to go in you idiot!!' Oh how she wish she could strangle her own arm right now..

But her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden ping. Her eyes turned back to the screen.

KuroiNeko: Birdy-chan? You actually came?

NinjasFTW: Yeah…unfortunately.. -.-

NinjasFTW: you really stay up the whole night waiting..?

KuroiNeko: No. I think I fell asleep around 9 or sumthin. When you entered, I woke up from the sound.

NinjasFTW: Wow. And to think I thought I was worried you were going to get a lack of sleep or sumthin. -.-

KuroiNeko: But you finally came. ;) You just couldn't wait for me, could you? Where are you at anyway? I didn't see you at your house when I came back.

NinjasFTW: I'm sleeping over at Kukai's house thanks to you. : P You know one of his brothers violated me because of you?! D

KuroiNeko: You're in soccer boy's house?!!

KuroiNeko: And one of his brothers violated you?!!?!!

KuroiNeko: …how is that my fault again..? : /

NinjasFTW: Yes, yes, and idk, but it still is. At least he promised to never do it again though. That's a relief. -.-

KuroiNeko: Yea, because I'm the only one who could do those things to you.

NinjasFTW: No you can't! You don't own me!

KuroiNeko: You can't deny the truth Haruko. ; P

NinjasFTW: Yes I can. I'm almighty like that. So bleh. xP


KuroiNeko: Haruko. I really mean it.


KuroiNeko: I don't want anyone to touch you but me. I don't want boys to have any contact with you, including soccer boy. I'm even pissed that he's invited you over to his house.

...why is he..?

KuroiNeko: Haruko. I love you. A lot. I don't know how you feel about me, but I just want you to know that I love you and remember it. The next time we meet, I don't want you to act like you've never heard me say it. Okay?

NinjasFTW: Okay…but Ikuto.. why..?

KuroiNeko: Why?

Short pause.

KuroiNeko: Heh. You really have no idea, Haruko.

-KuroiNeko has signed off-

Haruko stared at his last words. She could mentally hear him say that with his mesmerizing deep voice. 'You really have no idea, Haruko.' Shivers ran down her spine.

Shadow: Yosh! We are finished! Haha. This one-shot actually felt sexy in my own opinion. xD

Everyone: ...w..t..f…? o.o

Shadow: -anime vein- It's the freakin hormones, people. It isn't my fault. -_-++ Well, this didn't actually have much of an IkutoxHaruko ending(well, sort of), but it was still full of fluff! And look! I also added Kukai's brothers in here! I've always wanted to have a chapter with them actually. They're awesome! xD And now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to say goodbye(again) to all of you wonderful people. Thank's for sticking with me to the very end. I love you so much. TT-TT