As I stumbled out of my bedroom window and looked at the mansion that I had once been able to call home, I shuddered. Not only had I been abused physically, but the verbal beatings were enough to bring any person to suicide. Fortunately I know better than that, and am simply trying to get away from that lifestyle.

Hold on, let me explain. My name is Isabella Marionette Renee Swan, or Bella as most people know me, the queen of England's daughter.

Although my mom was the crown princess, she had not married and there had only been two years before she was to be crowned queen, and she had to have a husband before she was allowed to take the thrown, or else her eldest brother, William, was to take the thrown.

About four months to her birthday she found someone. Charles. 11 months later and she had me.

Unfortunately only about a year after I was born Charles died by way of assassination. Only three months later my mother, who had been extremely depressed, apparently, married a man named Phillip.

Now, on first impression Phillip, or Phil as my mother new him, was a nice man. After meeting him the second time he was just slightly intimidation. The third time and you were dead scared of him. I have the extreme misfortune of having to live with him, meaning that I have had the worst impression of all.

About when I turned 7 he started to slap me. When I was 9 he started to push me, pull my hair and kick me. Finally, when I was 13 he found that it was fun to hit me with things such as belts, vases and switches.

My mother never found out, for she was so in 'love' with this man, and she was happy. I decided that I would just tell her and everyone else that I was clumsy and kept falling into vases, or hitting my arms and knees on corners. It worked, no one believed that someone was purposely trying to hurt me.

After a while he thought it would be fun to taunt me, so he started to call me a whore and a slut, and telling me that my mother didn't love me, and that I was to always be alone. I believed him for awhile, but then one night my mom came in and said, "honey, if you ever, and I mean EVER, need anything, you can come to me. You know that right."

I had been 15 at the time, and that was the sweetest thing she had ever said to me. I had started crying, and she had just sat there and comforted me until I stopped, and then she had talked with me well into the night.

Just thinking about this brought tears to my silver and green eyes. Then I realized something. I was going to have to wear colored contacts. I had to be the only person on the face of the earth to have silver eyes with green around the pupils.

I sighed, ran my fingers through my long, straight brown hair and walked into our huge garage-like building.

The first part of the inside was only about 5x9 meters, with a glass key case with about forty pairs of keys.

I walked over to the key case and put in the code (14071990) grabbed one of the keys, closed the case and walked over to the back wall. Putting my hand over a section in the corner another key bad popped up, I typed in that code (9291995) and the wall slid open.

On the other side of the wall was the forty or so cars that went with the keys in the case, each on a type of flat platform that, when activated, would move the cars so that the car you are trying to get out will be able to move through.

Closing that door she went through the cars until she found the car she was looking for.

Looking at it she smiled in satisfaction. In front of her was a pitch black Lamborghini Gallardo, the 2010 addition.(A/N I don't know if there actually is a 2010 version, but if there isn't then just look up the newest version they have.)

Clicked a button and all of the cars moved to the sides.

She quickly pressed a button on the platform, and the door reopened, and the car moved itself to it, and then the garage door opened, the platform stopped right next to it, and the car stopped.

Getting into the car I grabbed the second set of key and put them in the locked dash board, and then I turned the car on and turned on the car.

Moving off the platform I put my right arm up and clicked a button on the keys that made all of the cars go back to their rightful place, plus locked all of the doors and walls.

Driving off the estate was easy, since I just had to smile at the guards and they let me through.

Driving off at about 115 miles per hour I opened up the blue purse I had grabbed, along with three bags of her favorite clothes, a few dresses and then other important things she needed to have, grabbed her silver emerald encrusted wallet and looked inside.

Inside was a couple of thousand dollar bills, some personal credit cards and then a few checks.

I smiled and put them back in the wallet, put that in my purse and kept driving.

And then another realization hit. Where was I going to go? I am only 17, so most places won't let me rent, or buy, a place.

Oh yeah! Maybe I could go to America and live with aunt Reina(rain-a) and uncle Ronald(you know how to pronounce that)!

Hm… They do have a fairly big house, and they live a very long way from here.

And it was decided. I, the crown princess of England, was to move to America in the small city of Forks, Washington.