A/N: So this "10 Things" challenge has been circulating around the Harry Potter fandom lately, and I thought that with the many characters of Power Rangers, it would work just as well. I've started with Rose, since she's one of my personal favorites. Next will be Mack, and I will take requests. Pairings will be stated clearly within the reading.

Those Little Things

1.) She was jealous of her younger sister. Sure, she was smart, but Lindsay was beautiful. For some reason, her parents seemed to believe looks were everything. They cherished their youngest daughter, and Rose often felt lost in her own family.

2.) Even though Rose was jealous of the affection Lindsay received from their parents, she would have given anything to be close to her baby sister.

3.) She left for college at the age of twelve. She felt small and alone – she had a room to herself – and on the first night she missed Lindsay so badly that she cried herself to sleep.

She never could explain why she missed her sister so much at first. They weren't close. But still, Rose missed Lindsay and often thought there was something missing in her life where her sister should be.

4.) When she first met Mack, she was reluctant to admit that she liked him, even to herself. She wasn't anything special – her parents and sister had confirmed that over the years – and if she admitted her attraction to him, she would surely get her heart broken.

5.) The day Mack came to see her after the team first split up was the first day she felt halfway human for weeks. Being alone in London had been miserable, now that she knew what it was like to have such great friends.

But as soon as Mack had poked his head into her classroom and started running down the steps to her, she felt alive again.

6.) The day Mack told them the truth about what he was, her heart broke.

The day she thought Mack was gone, her heart shattered.

The day Mack proposed was one of the best days of her life and her heart soared.

7.) She didn't favor one of her children over the other two. She made it a point to tell each of them how special they were.

8.) She didn't favor Jamie, but she did feel that she worried over her eldest more than she worried about Serena or Matt. Jamie was the most like her, introverted and a total bookworm. The oldest Hartford had only had two really close friends, Syd Drew and Sky Tate, and when she got into high school, she only dated one boy the whole four years.

What Rose worried about was that Jamie didn't get out into the world enough.

9.) Rose also thought that her daughters were going to make the same mistakes that she and Lindsay made; that they would miss out on having a sister.

When Jamie's high school boyfriend, Robbie, broke up with her shortly before graduation, Jamie didn't turn to Syd, or even to Sky. She turned to her little sister.

That was how Rose found out her girls were going to be just fine.

10.) She never once regretted marrying Mack and having children with him, despite how young they'd been when he first slid the wedding ring onto her finger.

He was her best friend, and she was his, and they loved each other.

What was there to regret?