Loss By Rose Daveluy

Flashing lights, ambulance sirens, policemen come and go, firemen passing by

Numb, numb lying there, where?

In and out of dark and light

Back to pain and screaming, someting sharp is stuck there, where?

Lights in ceilings by, moving swiftly, in and out of dark and light

Bright, bright light now, there, just there

Coming back now to dark, dark, dark

Awakening again to numb, numb lying there, where?

Loss he says to me, sorry for your loss and shakes my hand as I stare

To take all three, Daddy, Mammy and sister B, and fourth to go was you from me

Numb, numb looking into empty holes in the earth

where, all will lie til eternity

Come back, come back I scream, but no one answers, this is not a dream

It's not fair you can't take four, just leave me one, I'll ask no more

Loss is not something you can see, it's just there, where?

Inside you and me


Poem written by Rose Daveluy.

Miss Rose Daveluy happens to be my wonderful French teacher. I was not aware that she was quite the poet. This deep poem, was written from her past, her words are as true as life. And I bet you'lI never guess where she got her insirtation to write this from. Well, surprising as it may be, she told us being the students that she teaches had given her insiration. I as well as the others (who were paying attention) were flattered by this.

I asked her, if she would like me to post this up for her, and she agreed, delighted with my suggestion. So, give nice reviews, please.