JJ didn't speak until her breathing ease. "Joey... What are you doing here? Did Garcia let you in?" Joey shook his head. JJ looked around the room. "Did I forget to pay you for something?"

Joey smiled. "Naw, you don't have to pay me for anything."

JJ and the grocery store boy looked at each other. "Can I do something for you? It's just that Aaron's coming home to us today and..."

Joey's face darkened. "No he isn't," he said through gritted teeth. He took a step towards JJ and JJ instinctively took a step back. "He'll be coming home to an empty house, do you understand me? You and me, we won't be here." JJ glanced down at his side and saw silver metal glinting up his sleeve. She took a sharp intake of breath.

"You," she whispered. "You, you, you..." Her head was spinning. "You attacked him. Tried to kill him."

He advanced on her. She moved back against the wall. She could feel his breath. He stroked her hair. "I was trying to save you from him... From what he does to you...the way he treats you."

"He treats me fine."

"NO! He doesn't. He orders you around... makes you do things for him. Uses you." He ran the knife along her neck. "I would never hurt you... I would never treat you bad."

JJ had learnt a lot of things from working with the FBI. She nodded. "No, you wouldn't, would you?" Joey shook his head. They looked as the phone rang. "Let me get that..." Joey said nothing. "If I don't answer, they might think something's wrong, and they'll come over and we won't be able to run away together." She reached up and touched his face. He set the phone to speaker. "Hello."

"JJ, your husband's getting restless. He wants to get home.""No, Dave, not yet."

"You got a good reason, 'cause he won't take no for an answer."

"Jen, please!" Hotch whined in the background. JJ nearly smiled, but kept herself in check.

"Tell him that there is a leak in the kitchen and the place is a little flooded."

There was silence on the other line. "Hang on a second, Jage."

"JJ, please let me get out of here right--"

Joey hung up the phone before he could finish. He glared at JJ. "We need to pack."

Aaron looked at the phone. "She hung up." He looked up at Dave. "Are you sure that's what she said?" "Of course I am, Aaron."

"Take me home."

"Aaron, you don't need to go home to a leak. You nee--"

"Dave. Something's wrong... I can feel it."

JJ's head shot up as the front door opened downstairs. Then her heart stopped. "MOMMY!"


"Kitten!" Garcia called.

She looked at Joey. He pulled her out to the hall. "Get rid of them," he whispered.

"What are you doing here?" JJ called down.

"AJ missed you and Hotch. She wanted to come home."

"Go away!"

There was a moments silence. "What?""Get out, both of you."

"Go wait outside while me and mommy play a game, ok?" she heard Garcia say quietly. "JJ, what is your problem?"

"I'm so sick and tired of this... I don't want routine anymore." She looked at Joey. "I want something special... Someone special... I don't want this anymore."

AJ barely saw her daddy as he picked her up and showered her with kisses, while she wet his shirt with her tears. "Daddy..." she sobbed.

"What is it princess? Is mommy hurt?"

"Mommy don't want me there."

"Is mommy in the house?"

AJ nodded. "Mommy and Garci is talkins."

Aaron held AJ tightly. "Baby."

Dave walked up to them. He handed Hotch his cell. "Prentiss."

Hotch nodded. "Emily? Can you talk to AJ for a while?" He covered the mouthpiece. "Will you talk to Em for a while, while me and Dave go talk to Mommy?"

AJ nodded and Aaron put his daughter in the back seat of Dave's car.

Aaron and Dave walked quietly into the house. Garcia was at the bottom of the stairs. "JJ, why are you saying all this?"

"Because I mean it... I don't want this life anymore... I want my life back..." Aaron told her to keep talking and Dave hurried into the back room. "I want my life back with someone who cares about me."

"Aaron cares about you. He loves you."

"He doesn't treat me right... You can't change my mind."

"JJ?" No answer.

Aaron tried. "JJ?" Something fell over upstairs. Aaron ran up and turned into the hallway. Joey had his arm around JJ's neck, knife pressed to her skin. "And he treats you right?" Aaron asked as he pulled out the gun Dave had lent him in the car.

"He will once we get out of here. You're forcing him to do this."

"JJ, this is between you and me. We can fix this... You just need to take my hand."

"STOP! She doesn't want you anymore."

"But I still want her, son."

"It's not about what YOU want!"

"No... This is about her... I love her."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do..." He looked at JJ. "I love you." He looked back up at Joey. "Want me to prove it?" He threw the gun down on the floor and moved toward them. "Finish what you started."

"NO!" JJ screamed.

"Yes. Kill me. And live happily ever after with my wife. I'd rather die, then see her happy with someone else. Really, you'd be doing me a favour. Kill me."

"Or I'll kill her." Joey spun around. Dave was standing at the other end of the hall, gun drawn, pointed at JJ.

Joey shook his head. "You wouldn't..."

Dave pointed past Joey and shot. "You sure about that?"

"Kill me, Joey. Get it over with. You want me dead, JJ wants me dead. DO IT."

Joey began to panic. He clutched his head. "I don't..."

"I'll shot her."

"Kill me."

Joey's head began to swim. He heard so many voices:

Dave: I'll kill her.

Aaron: Finish what you started

JJ: Don't, Joey, please

Dave: You think I'm bluffing

JJ: Aaron!

Aaron: Take my hand.

Dave: BANG!

He began to feel nothing. Hear nothing. But then the nothingness disappeared. He was in the hall, on the floor in feotal position. JJ was in his arms, crying into his chest.

Dave was making sure they were ok. "They were just blanks. I wasn't really going to hurt you."

JJ broke free from Aaron. "AJ!" She ran downstairs. Aaron followed.

Dave walked over to Joey. Joey looked up. "She's special," he said, hoarsely. His eyes were red.

"She is... and she's his... Get over her."

JJ had only closed her eyes for a second, while the sun was still shining... so where was the sun?

She pulled her head from Aaron's shoulder, where it had been since they got home from the hospital when they went to make sure that the twins were ok. She looked around the room. AJ and Jack were in bed. Ried and Emily were setting Jordan up with a friend. Dave was sitting in front of the fire. Morgan was sitting with his arm around Garcia and Haley was standing. JJ glanced up at Aaron as he rubbed her belly and smiled down at her.

"You sure you don't mind jack staying?" Haley asked. Aaron shook his head. JJ wondered how her husband could be so perfect, so loving, after she said all those things. She frowned when Haley bent down and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight."

JJ slapped Aaron's knee as Haley walked out. "I'll be back." Haley smiled at JJ as she shrugged on her jacket in the hall. "Haley... You gave up the right to love him a long time ago... when you walked out the door with Jack. He's my husband now... And you have to deal with that until I walk away... which I don't plan on doing anytime soon."

Haley nodded and smiled. "But it's hard not to love him."

"Try." JJ walked back into the living room. "Wonderfully syncronised." Garcia, Rossi and Morgan were all standing.

Aaron turned his head around. "I asked them to leave."

Garcia hugged JJ. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"I'm sorry about today. I--"

"--did what you had to for family." She winked. "I would've done the same."

The house was quiet except for AJ, Jack, JJ and Aaron.

"Will's gone," Aaron said as he climbed into bed next to JJ and pushed her shirt up so her belly was exposed.

"Good ridance." Aaron began kissing her belly. JJ giggled.

"Lily, and Matthew."

"You only get naming privileges because you nearly died."

"I heard every word you said, Mrs. Hotchner." He kissed her neck. "JJ?"

"Mmmm?" He was kissing her jaw.

"You know how, when you were pregnant with AJ, we had the whole premature drama... and now this...""Uh-huh...""Maybe I should get the snip."

JJ bolted up and stared at him. Aaron grinned. "Kidding."

JJ pulled him on top of her and kissed him. "Good," she whispered.

"Mmm, I love me some pregnant momma."

JJ giggled. "Was that supposed to be Morgan?""Did it work?""No. Thankfully."

"JJ Hotchner, I'm gonna kiss you till the day I die."