Annoying a friend by writing drabble of a pairing they don't like is never a good idea. For one, that friend tends to hit you and then you have an argument. The other reason is that you become addicted. Even when your friend agrees with you that said pairing can be cute, you continue to write. Then you need other friends to suggest prompts. This gives you seemingly innocent titles, but you can only think of kinky ways to write about them.

So, seeing as they don't annoy anyone (well, they might annoy you, I don't know…) I thought I might as well publish my drabbles here. This story isn't really a story… it is a series of unconnected Albus Severus/Scorpius drabbles from various prompts. I will put up drabbles whenever I write them, so there will be no rhyme, reason or system to my updating.

If you want to give me a prompt (drabbles will be dedicated to the person who gave me the prompt, so a suggestion of a random word could get you a drabble…) then send me a PM or review. I will try and write them as fast as I can, and I will do them in the order I get them (If I get any at all, obviously…)

Now, onwards! I hope you like these, read and review and tell me what you think.